Hey Sup Forums, this is an odd post but let me explain. I've heard about facial proportions recently...

Hey Sup Forums, this is an odd post but let me explain. I've heard about facial proportions recently, and decided to look it up. I found this pic and figured I'd see my proportions. Apparently your forehead, mid face and Lower face should be equal, so I tried it on my face. Now this is the fucked up part, my forehead is the largest, followed by my lower face, and my mid face Ian the smallest. Am I fucked? Am I deformed? I am a lossless Virgin, could this be why? Will I ever find love?
>I'll post my face if someone gets 57
>Tldr; my facial proportions are all fucked up

check it

You are virgin because you are stupid and mentally unattractive

57, calling it

This doesn't really answer any questions...
>mentally unattractive

nope faggot, now you have to post your face

I agree


dubs of truth


You sound like a cruel joke from the oblivion character creation

It's just optimal structure. As society has already civilized, you'll be fine as long as you don't look inhuman.

Imagine a very large baby with a massive forehead

Flip the bottom and forehead and it's about right, straight up

that's an artists proportion idealization, for checking anatomy and finding relations to proportions of the body. Its just an idealization, not a biological rule that if you dont apply you are a monster. It varies mainly with ethnicity but most of these idealizations are based on western european individuals.

I've seen people with Downs get married to people without Downs. Find some haircut or hat fashion shit to work with your forehead, get fit to lose that baby fat, and you should be fine.

Ok, I am Native American maybe this has something to do with it

I'm in real good shape actually, it's not so much baby fat, just that I literally look like I'm 12

Sounds like you are overthinking this then. Socially, no one gives a damn. Romantically, find a woman who cares about personality more than looks.

That was close

Does double chin count?

I wanna fuck


Yes, if you can't see neck then it counts as face


The Fibonacci spiral is a better study of facial structure. You'll notice it gives a pretty accurate fit. And DaVinci was arguably among the best, he spent his whole life trying to understand beauty and function.

Rolling to see a faggot

vfcv fv


The fibbonaci spiral can be made to fit into anything.



How did you measure your face?

57 fag



stop with the for give me 57

last time

With a fucken measuring tape shit head


Perfect proportions and symmetry are scientifically proven to be the most attractive, but that's like the fucking 10s of 10s. You're probably alright



Roll even though op won't deliver

Thats because its found everywhere in nature. But if you notice the quadrants fit into the direct eyeline and the corner of the mouth, you can determine it is not deformed. Try to fit someone who is seriously fucked up into it. Doesn't work. But if you want to divide your face into thirds and part (top of head in OPs example) doesn't fit, what's it worth as a measuring tool? Thats like saying I have 1.25 gallons of water because I filled this jug, and have some left over. Its a worthless measure.

57 get

Roll for face


Roll again

roldfwfkl;klkm M m lm roll




57 GET




It seems as though no one can get 57

R o l l


57 get


Took a scientific test of beauty like that. It said I was an 8.51/10 genetically.

My nose and eyes are lineup and my eyes and mouth are lined up. Don't know how to feel.

Post ur face and we'll tell u if your ugly



Not same user but lacking in confidence, pathetic behaviour, not knowing how attraction works, autistic as fuck.

Girls need to be physically attractive to men but men need to be "mentally attractive" to girls. (Confident, secure in their actions, not being a doormat, father figure etc.)

The problem which comes from this is that since most autismos think to get a physically attractive girl you to need to be equally good looking. It would seem the most logical but it's not. Another thing which makes so many dudes mistunderstand girls behaviour is that men (especially autistic men) think very logically while women go more on emotions.

This is both great and terrible. Since it means you could potentially shag girls on nothing more than emotions and body language. Problem is that that comes from having great confidence. Which most insecure men feel comes from good looks.

Physical attraction does play one roll for men though. But that is not having good genes. It's just dressing well and grooming, which is not at all hard.

Being a model look vs avearge guy won't change you potential once you get longer than a minute into a conversation with a girl.


You are what ever the fuck you want to be

Ok fair enough, and idk about the last part, I'm pretty sure if you stick a 10/10 on a desert island with a fat ugly dude who has a good personality, and a hot guy who is autistic, she'll probably still fuck the hot guy, because the other is fat and ugly. Get it?



let's roll


Show face


Really depends how autistic the hot guy is and how "mentally attractive" the fat ugly guy is.

Let's take the scenario when the girl hits on the hot guy and realises he's to autistic to even respond approprietly (she waiting for him to go in for a kiss but he doesn't
have a clue what's going on). She will go for the fat ugly guy who knows how to treat a lady.

It's not that simple really. It's very possible for a ugly guy to get a hot girl simply through well placed words, emotions and body language.

Let's see face

rolling for face

I'll believe it when I see it.


Show it already faggit


Calling 57


Recalling 57 lel

Of course you will


we've gotten to the point in civilization where people critique every little bit of things. even anomalies they have no control over like eye color, hair color, height, etc

dude someones out there for you. just apply yourself.


C'mon 57

I will man. Also I'm not showing my face until you fags roll 57

Gimme the damn 57 ffs

Come on


57... lets go


I'm going to bust several nuts to your deformed face

We'll now I don't want to post it...
