Which will you take

Which will you take

you were given a job 3 years job on mars setting up the colony but you cant tell anyone when you comeback

you were giving a 32 ft sailboat and enough money for you to last you 3 years just sailing around the world

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Isn't it like a 45 year round trip? So I'll be back in 93 years with a sailboat and like $40,000?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Mars. I'm part of a future of life on a different planet, as opposed to, woo-hoo I'm sailing around the same planet we've been on for years.

>45 year round trip
>round trip
>93 years


>pick one, top or bottom, not both

And you are calling him stupid, shit.

Is the Mars job guaranteed safe? Cause fuck dying out there for some spoiled future sjw generations.

Mars! Just make it a one way trip. Earth is turning into a shithole!

it's 3-9 months one way you imbecile.

9 is most efficient, 3 is fastest possible.

you will have to time departure in like, 2-3 year intervals tho.. again considering efficiency.

Dude for real

anyone who says mars is a retard who has never done any actual work.

Where are you getting 45 years? It's a year +/- each way.

>Viking 1 (1976) – 335 days
>Viking 2 (1976) – 360 days
>Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (2006) – 210 days
>Phoenix Lander (2008) – 295 days
>Curiosity Lander (2012) – 253 days

are u fucker crazy 3 years in mars is just fucking work why the fuck will you want to do that shit you are setting uup a colony on a dead fucking world which will not be comfortable for 500 years minimum

I'm not saying that. I was quoting the retard that was saying it. Please read ya fuckin queer.

>not willing to work for a chance to stand on a new planet

being born after 1999, the post

We'd rather a dead world. Better than all the shit on earth. Besides, somebody has to do it.

My bad I replied to the wrong user

Likes to relax for free on an ocean that will always be here, and has always been here. After 3 years though, what do yuou have to show for it other than memories? You don't have any money left.


It's all good. Don't be a fuck up next time

As long as they don't start importing muslims lol

Mars will be the new Australia in the beginning

it wont make a difference you stand on a new planet wooptido now what back to hard fucking work u are going to die and all that shit wouldnt matter when you could of been sailing doing all kind of fun shit

Yeah I'm all right with white criminals, they won't rape you to death and get away with it because it's a "sexual emergency".

try 89 fuckface. you'd be colonizing mars dumbass. 16 hours of work with 8 hours of free time. you wouldn't be happy at all. you'd be in pure misery. you'd travel there in a metal bubble, live in a metal bubble, walk around in a kevlar lined bubble, and travel back to earth in a bubble. it'd be like living in an airplane with recycled oxygen for 3 years. that shit vs: 3 years enjoying the sea, air, and whatever port i can dock. fuck mars. i'll sail the seven seas and fuck a new woman in every port. with that being said, good luck with no sex on mars too; can't have children delaying the colony and using up precious resources.

Were all gonna die. I'd rather do it advancing the species than sitting on my ass on a boat.

That'd very cynical and retarded. Name me 4 people who got to live on Mars. Also, it wouldn't always be work, you still have off days and times when you finish your work.

Now think about all the rich ass holes here who can sail the world anytime they want just because.

How wouldn't it be comfortable?

>Be on Mars, sit around in room all day, don't interact with anyone.
>Be on Earth, sit around in room all day, don't interact with anyone.

you fucks are traped in the idea of trying to be better than other
when all that matters is how much u enjoy the little time you have and not be a slave to others by trying to impress them



This is Sup Forums. Who here is really having sex anyway? I know I'm not, bring on the mission to mars, a planet as desolate as my love life.

>Having to work for years on an empty rock without any upside
>Shitloads of money and the very definition of freedom
How is this even a choice mate?

To bad they never invented birth control of vasectomies. Imaging sex with out reproduction!

Your level of stupid should require you to live on a boat. Preferably anchored far offshore.

OP I got a question for you. Would you rather eat dog shit for 3 years, or have unlimited money for 3 years and Barbara Palvin as your sex slave that entire time?

Just like the guy who cured smallpox.

Remember him? Your probably still alive because of him.

Some people do things for the greater good. Just just personal recognition.

That's your kardashian thinking showing!

sailing isnt that expansive u can get a boat for around $25k

you wont even be someone like neil armstrong cuase in a few year everyone will be going to mars and the people who went fisrt public they will be praised but everyone will say they were assholes for goiing when they see mars turn into just another NY

you can go in some desert and get the same feeling as you will get on mars those stupid accomplishments only have meaning we put on them

seeing a different country every week living on living in paradise in the Caribbean how u please why the fuck would u give that shit up for a dead planet

Back before the world went to shit in 2001 I always thought I'd get to go into space growing up. I wanted to be a freighter pilot or something. Fly around between stations trading wares like in Freelancer. Just me in a freighter in space and nobody else around. Sounds /comfy/ af.

Unfortunately the world is fucked now and the kikes screwed us out of an entire generations worth of progress with the (((Global Financial Crisis))) so I guess I miss out on space. I'd jump at the chance if I had it.

>Imaging sex
>Your level of stupid
please tell me. what would an organization prefer; the faint chance of two members fucking and getting pregnant even though contraceptives were used, or having them practice abstinence to prevent any unnecessary or unexpected mishaps in the mission? you fucking think about that one. meanwhile i'm gonna be on my boat hiring $10k/hr hookers to snort cocaine off my dick.

>not fucking hot astronaught girls in zero g for 9 months on the way to Mars.

Why even live?

here goes you're qt3.14 astronaut waifu there guy. be sure and clean the cum out her unshaven pubes. meanwhile i'm doing titty bumps off my $10k/hr hooker's double d tits.


Im taking the rock ty.

Just have to tether her in the airlock for a few seconds. The cum will just FLWPP right off into space. Probably, over the course of millions of years, while being bombarded by cosmic rays, it might even turn into a new form of life.