How do I come out as bi to my girlfriend Sup Forums?

How do I come out as bi to my girlfriend Sup Forums?

during a mmf threesome

Do you really have to?

You don't.

Wait till a break up to drop it.

1. Ask her to peg you
2. Soft moan "d-donald..." while taking it
3. Post results

while your sucking my cock

dont, just ease her into playing w your ass until shes eating and fucking that ass like nobodys business while you fantasize about bois

Give her all of your money and tell her that she can have Tyrone first.

>my girlfriend



This. Gay or straight. Prostate stimulation is highly recommended for children of all ages

'Hey Jane, can I talk to you for a second? I think I might be bi.'

not hard unless your relationship is shit

Her name IS Jane! HTF u no tht?!

>you are what?
>how did u learn this?
>are you cheating on me with a guy?
>that's it, we're breaking

Unless she is like conservative, she would be all for it and the increased dynamics of a mmf threesome would only turn her on more. Alot of women masturbate to gay porn so I mean your more than likely making her fantasy a reality.

Just tell her. I told my girl I was bi in the second month and things are still fine to this day.

Because you have not been working on your Occlumency, Harry.

>Alot of women masturbate to gay porn
kek not really

>>Alot of women masturbate to gay porn
>kek not really

Like you know "alot of women".

He's already done coming out as bi by the time he finishes step 1.

You don't even need to, unless you're planning on fucking other dudes

im going purely on the fact that there are no women on the internet

> call girlfriend over for talk
> show her a video of you getting fucked by a random guy on craigslist

Here's some real advice.
Slowly work your way up to telling her you like stuff in your but.
Get some toys and use them, then slowly work her into using them on you.
After awhile of that work your way into telling her you like occasionally like felling like a femboy.
Then start talking about how sometimes you get off to being fucked and that you think you are bi.
If ahe backs out of your relationship at any of these steps she wasnt the one. If she loves you, she'll love you for being bi.
However if you are a top then i got nothing

this is how even straight people get AIDs
faggot OP takes gayboy dick, gives it to faggots gf, then faggots gf leaves him because of what a massive fucking faggot OP always fucking is, finds another boyfriend who isn't a cockloving faggot, at which point a couple straight people just got GAIDs becuase of the faggot OP and his gay boyfriend.

pity is there's nothing wrong with being gay, but OP isn't just gay, he's a fucking faggot

Aaaand shes gone! also HA GAYYY

"Oh, btw, I like being reamed analy by men". Why is this so hard to say? I don't understand.

Except your mom who's looking for a new boyfriend.

I just said it before i even starting the relationship

Surprisingly its true, about 3/5 chicks I hooked up with over the age of 20 have fantasies of guys fucking other guys. Bro just look at all that obnoxious boy band imagery of twinky single teens and hows much girls are exposed to male femininity on a mainstream marketing basis. Girls like hot guys with hot guys in anyway shape or form, they were conditioned since they were teens.

not everyone views sexuality this rigidly, idiot.

pretty much.

I know at least a few that find gay smut hot, but they're mostly fujoshis.
At any rate, just because they find that hot in fiction, doesn't mean they're cool with their boyfriend fucking another man. In fact, it might mean they think it's wrong, and the gay shit turns them on because it's taboo, like incest porn. Lots of people who have an incest fetish don't actually want to fuck their family members.

You don't because it's none of her business. Kids these days.

Is pic related my dude?

In a cosmic sort of way, yes.

by breaking up with her and telling her she deserves a real man, who doesn't fantasize about being pounded in the butt by other guys and is going to be able to stay faithful to her.

This, she's a woman and will probably over react. You can't take that chance for fear of lack of pussy afterward/her getting it on with dudes in front of you in the vain awkward attempt to turn you on. It'll get messy

Why bother? It doesn't affect your relationship with her...

Introduce her to your boyfriend

There's legitimately no reason for you to ever do this unless you want to have a mmf threesome or something. She can go the course of your entire relationship without ever knowing you're also sexually attracted to men.