What's preventing me from taking a credit card, buying a bunch of shit on it...

What's preventing me from taking a credit card, buying a bunch of shit on it, and then pretending somebody stole my card and it was fraud?

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Cameras in stores, tracking online.

Do it ! Nothing bad will happen promise

Your address?

>not buying anything in person
>behind 2 proxys

What if I spend the credit card online, go to a coffee shop and do it. I would buy some crypto.

Proxy + PO box

Nothing is preventing you.
But you'll only be able to do it once.
Then, when you're an adult and it happens to you for real,
your credit will be fucked for life.

card companies do their utmost to make sure someone else is stuck with the bill, much like insurance companies.
if u gonna do it, you better make damn sure it looks like someone else was using your card, and leave no evidence of you using it.
that means don't even sign the back of your card, don't sign with your actual signature, make sure you're not going to show up on any security cams while using it, and if you're using it online, use it with accounts that can't be connected to you, have nothing shipped to your home, and preferably do everything from IP adresses that can't be connected to you.

i see

If you were clever enough foreseeing all their tricks and somewhat hacking your way to success,
than you would be most probably better off, if you just use your talent for working for them and helping to find people who are trying to trick credit card giving companies.

>What's preventing me from taking a credit card, buying a bunch of shit on it, and then pretending somebody stole my card and it was fraud?

Federal wire fraud laws.

Also mail fraud laws.

Perhaps intelligence?

Top kek @ don't sign the back of your card.

I haven't signed any of my cards ever! Do people really do that?

They do once they find themselves with a business that's had to deal with too many chargebacks. It's not valid until it's signed and a business can ask for another if it is not. The business CAN take it and has the right to demand ID, but they don't have to.

I bought sum pants at old navy once, and the bitch at the till didn't accept the card cause it wasn't signed, even though my name was on it and the second car I have her had my name on it. That one was only signed bc the guy I dealt with at the bank was some Indian stickler for rules bs, no white tiller has ever made me sign my cards.

OP is prevented from doing evil because he is a swell, kind man. He will internalize the disappointment defrauded merchants feel and be miserable. OP would never shame his family.

Honestly you'll likely get caught, unless you know somebody out of state/country who is well practiced in identity theft and willing to send you a portion of their score through the mail.

You can try to set it up to make it look like it wasnt you all you want, but unless you travel a fair distance from where you live, order shit to a drop address(abandoned/empty house), collect your shit and go back home and contact your card company for identity theft, you will likely be found out and have to pay for the shit anyway.

Even if you did do that, you are still spending either gas or plane ticket money and are better off not being a scamming dipshit and paying for whatever the hell you're attemping to committ fraud for anyway

Who needs to sign when you have to insert yours pin code.

If this is your first credit card, dont expect a very high credit limit... if your credit is shit you'll only get 300-500$

If the card is swiped at a kiosk and far away from the state you live, it may be blocked without a "travel plan" set up to prevent fraudsters

Multiple internet transactions in a row/small time frame can also set off fraud alerts

>worked for major bank credit card customer service

Also, if the card is keyed in manually, instead of swiped, it can set off fraud alerts as well

it's literally only the USA and other shitworld countries that don't enforce this rule.
the US is the only first world country where fraud is actually pretty easy, and it's because no one gives a shit about "little rules"

You could probably get away with about $1g of loot.

Just make the purchase, wait a week.. call up and dispute the charge / say your card was stolen.
IF you act like a nigger and do this every other month.. then yea you will get a visit by the local cops with a search warrant for the items.

>not 1k
Wannabe thug detected.

That's because following any rules is a direct attack on "muh freedom".

Unless it prohibits gay marriage or abortions.

Why wouldn't you notice your card was stolen for a whole week?

since you're clearly talking about conservatives, also don't forget they want massive government to also ban drugs and prostitution. so do democrats, as i recently got crucified for bringing up when someone asked why libertarians don't vote for them.

>Conservatives want large govt.


Don't be fooled. There is really no way around this in the US, and you will be caught. Federal government takes this stuff very seriously as do the card companies, banks, insurance companies, and stores. They will drop so many nuts on you that you will drown in their balls.

You can't order something online. Yes most VPNs will protect you from revealing your IP, using Tails + VM will protect against computer forensics, and temporary emails can help create accounts. BUT you still have to have it shipped somewhere, and no one ships to P.O. Box not to mention the cameras that watch those. You can bring someone in but they will crack and you still will be out their cut.

You can't turn it to crypto currency because at least bitcoin there will be a trace and the use of card will be traceable.

Can't turn it to cash because of cameras, and requiring an account.

Can't buy things because cameras.

I have looked at it in depth, there is no clean way to do this. Not mention when they question you on when, what, where, why, who, and how you have done anything in the last 6 months. Including why you waited to cancel card. You could get away with some small stuff maybe, but as soon as you hit 1k, local and federal will get involved.

The only out I see is sending it via freight forwarder to another country(like China) and then having them send it right back using a different account. Many stores block forwarders and some outright blacklist the card for sending to freight forwarders.

Had similar thoughts and my idea: go to a shithole neighbouring country that doesn't have a law agreement with your country. Then go on a shopping spree and tell your card company, it got pickpocketed.

he meant to specifically point out the contradiction between the usual mantra of conservatism (smallest government necessary) and their bullshit exceptions for "degenerate" behavior, such as drug use, homosexualism, transgenderism, secularism, pop culture and the arts, and the "wild west" that is the internet, just to name a few

Because if you're busted you're gonna be convicted for fraud and theft.

Now, you're doubly fucked for a few grand in items. Hope the nigger cock up the ass is worth it.

>no one ships to a PO Box
well that's total bullshit. I've had my packages stolen by neighbors so many times that's THE EXPRESS PURPOSE for my PO Box.
>bitcoin there will be a trace
there are bitcoin laundering methods, noob
last I heard, baseball caps and bucket hats are still legal
>no clean way to do this
I absolutely agree there, there are too many variables, it seems difficult for anyone who hasn't worked in a fraud department to pull this off while anticipating all possible pitfalls.

Nothing bad will happen...at first. They'll give you the benefit of the doubt and cancel the charges for you like they normally would for a fraud situation. Normally that's where the process ends as far as you're concerned.

It doesn't just end there especially if you're dealing with very large purchases. The merchants who get stuck with the bill will check the cameras and find out who did it and pass that info along to the police and you'll be fucked.

If you keep it small enough that people just won't bother pursuing it then you'll probably be fine, but it's the kind of thing you can only get away with once or twice. If it happens regularly the card company will catch on to it.

>there are bitcoin laundering methods, noob
But that defeats the purpose of frauding your card company. If you launder it after buying, you won't get shit back from your cc

>last I heard, baseball caps and bucket hats are still legal
Cameras are hd. They will ask you some hefty questions, if someone with your partial facial features and your stature.

I wouldn't go to the country, maybe VPN to it. If you go it will leave some paper trail of you going there.

I was a poor fag for close to a decade, and even with new tech I don't see how it can be done. Maybe some of the new crypto-currencies can't trace transactions but I doubt it being that's the whole point. Freight forwarding at least to China requires wechat account, some information, and a bank account in that country. You can't pull it off without contacts in China. I would guess other countries are similar. In China at least foreigners are not allowed an account without work visa and even then lots of paper work.

>If you go it will leave some paper trail of you going there.
That is the purpose. You are only some poor citizen making holidays in a shit country and suddenly: your wallet gets stolen. Then you can go shopping in stores there, since the us has no hold over any cctv recordings.

Okay, a few places will send to a P.O. Box. Most won't and spending thousands in the 2 hours you have before the bank cuts it for investigation, good luck spending enough to make it worth it.

I call total bullshit on laundering methods. Do you think they are stupid? Do you not think that the governments of the world are watching for this. Yeah, they don't care about your fraud, nope they will show up when they execute the RICO bust. Life.

Cameras: You were already destroyed. They will see your height, guess your weight, and make out enough features; then it's just a matter of finding a single finger print or getting fingered by the scared cashier who the police will defiantly coach into pointing you out.

>reporting it stolen after running it up

>cameras are hd
L O FUCKING L. that's on a purely case by case basis, but anybody who looks at bank robbery footage and wanted info knows that most often the cameras they're using are comparable to a decent webcam, which doesn't do shit when the subject is 20 feet away.
>someone with your partial facial features and your stature
well if you're of an unusual stature, sure, you're already fucked, but if you're pretty average and wear multiple layers/ baggy clothing, then you're set

nothing. do it OP

Sure, and when customs stops you and checks your bags because the card holder is always the first suspect; then what? I even seen this happen once.

You can try the freight forwarder with this but I think it is quite risky and makes you look even more guilty. Maybe this works due to lack of evidence. Most banks will force a small daily spending limit on cards though in foreign countries. Look suspect as fuck if you request a large spending limit.

someone watches too much CSI.
My wife works for a UK/German based bank that distributes special travel cards that don't include foreign transaction fees while abroad.
Do you know what they don't do? Let people use them in the United States, because it's close to impossible to track down fraudsters over transactions there. Just saying, the US is a haven for fraud.

user, you are thinking wrong: you bring that stuff back or resell it in that country. That is why there are always some unopened cheap ebay products.
Now you only have to bring money over the border and under 10k they are not allowed to do anything/you can hide it.

Sure and I watch too much T.V? Once you break $1k federal is going to join in, and they will drive those lazy fucking local detectives to do their job and make an arrest. Guess who is the first suspect? Guess what jury's like and consider instant guilty... Fingerprints. Actually the US is pretty diligent with this now. It's better to just steal someone's identity.

Hey now, that's not a bad idea. I will have to ponder that. Have you tried this?

What's the point?
The item(s) will be within your credit limit, Why not budget and pay for them over time whilst avoiding the interest traps? It's really not that hard, and if you have almost any sort of income, it would probably be easier.

I am not that much of a travel guy, but a friend did it. I don't know if you know that kind of card, but he had giro- and mastercard to a thailand holiday.
After his giro got stolen, he said fuck it and went money washing with his mastercard. He only had the balls for 1000 Euro, but in the end he got all back.


Hmm, the only flaw is still that daily spending limit. If you play the long game and are on great terms with your bank, it would net you more leeway. You have to remember though, this is likely a once in a lifetime scam. So you need to make it well worth it. 10k to me would be a minimum and now not even worth my time.

If you resell you will lose at best 10%, and there will be some pressure to resell fast. Spending limits in effect, you might get 2k a day, think that is what I get, and you will get at best 1 day. Domestically my card has 10k limit but maybe only 5k daily. So it would have to be a single 10k purchase.

Not a bad score, but you probably only get one for free. Next time it's going to look pretty shady.

Laws don't prevent anything. They only explain what not to do. It's up to law enforcement to prevent or punish crimes.

What is money? What is a 'credit' card? What is 'good' or 'bad'? Why do you believe in such a duality? What if you never knew 'good' from 'bad'? How would you know 'right' from 'wrong' with that kind of mentality?

also note you should resell for cash.. if you report a 10k loss then they see a 9-10k out of character gain, you'll be in trouble (an amount that big might get referred to LE, who can get all your financials)

> store cameras
> shipping addresses
> ethics
> being a credit to your race
> prison
> realizing you're just just making things more expensive for everyone else because they'd have to pay for it
> realizing being materialistic isn't going to improve your life

Pick any

So basically you are justifying crime by saying no one stopped you. It's their fault that you committed a crime and they didn't instantly stop you. Ok bud.

I think if you do it domestically you just buy the shit you want, have it freight forwarded to China and back via a different account to a different address than yours, and it will be in transit for upwards of 1.5 months. Do it so it's return gets delayed due to spring festival and you have about 3 months.
Integrate it slowly in case they come to check for the shit. Store it secretly.

Foreign route you just get stopped by spending limit.

Also let's face it the best route is probably using amazon, fast and easy to spend the money and get good stuff.

Usury, charging interest for loans was once punishable by death. Why do we live on interest rates these days? What's the implications of charging interests and having central banks who dictate society?

You can build up your limits to 100-150k by the age of 25, then max it all out with cash advances and gold/silver. Wait a little bit of time, declare bankruptcy. Your credit is shot for 7 years. Then rebuild at 33 and have excellent credit again by 40. A lot of fraud already happens. 150k is not worth it for me, but 250k is possible,

This, invest in tangible goods, don't just waste it on numbers on a bank screen. Gold and silver are an excellent choice, what if money didn't exist tomorrow? Especially with all these NSA-leaks causing havoc on computer systems worldwide, additionally I'd say it won't be long until AI is fully developed and will see most of humanity as a threat. No conspiracy here.


Let me guess, you haz a job, you haz parents with money, you haz never struggled to make ends meet? Sound about right. We the unwashed masses should work hard and get a job and not do crime. hurdur.

It's pretty easy to say all that bullshit, but at a point you are just looking for the next scam to buy another month. It's nearly impossible to find employment with a resume gap, and let's be real retail, fast food, etc is slave labor and some of us just can't do it.

It took me a long time to make something of myself and I did some terribly unethical things to climb up this ladder. Fuck that white privilege stuff, it's hilarious to see fucking uneducated niggers in law school for free so they can meet some bullshit quota. That is true racism.

What is 'ethical' and 'unethical' The same 'good' and 'bad' duality I've mentioned earlier. Free yourself of this thinking.

Nah that is bullshit, there is good and bad. I know I did bad but the ends sometimes do justify the means.

It's all grey but there are defiantly lines that mark good and bad.

Do good with what you do bad, that's my take on it. I've done some bad things but I always make up for it in the future, no matter how long it takes me.

Stolen =/= lost.
Do you check your credit card usage daily? Maybe a site you used it on had a data leak.

Oh, I totally believe trying to maintain a balance. I think at any time that you enter down a road of crime, you must find a balance less you end up going to a place where there is no coming back.

Maybe that is personified as prison, or maybe it's internal. Myself, I know I have psychotic tendencies and have to really think about how other people might think about my actions.

We're all one mind, if you don't maintain a balance then some will think you're 'bad', and if you do too many 'good' things you'll tend to be around 'bad' people. Ignore it, but live true to yourself, is that not what life is about? Or maybe life is all a karmic lesson.

>won't be long until AI is fully developed and will see most of humanity as a threat.

you're making the mistake of thinking that all the stuff about "AI" now refers to actual AI. it doesn't. it's just machine learning. AGI, artificial general intelligence, is an AI that could actually think at or above human level. we're centuries away from something like that. we haven't even begun to investigate a technology that might even allow such a thing.

Just to let you know, detectives will have access to how often you check your account and how often you use said card.It's hard to have regular usage and balance checks and all of the sudden nothing for the week it was stolen where you just happened to not bother reporting it.

Actually, I've been wondering about this lately. Of all the people you meet online, through MMORPG's, social media etc., how would you even know if half of them are real people? There are millions of super computers in this world, is it not possible that the 'OP''s of some threads here are fake? That get their 'ideas' from analyzing social media data throughout the INTERNET?

I think way too much about stuff, like what we're told is the 'truth' in school, but how would you ever know if what you're being told is the truth?

Questions without any real answers...

>fraud is pretty ez in the us
have you been to the uk friend

As far as I know no AI has achieved passing the Turing test, which means that they have not been able to socialize via text to a level where they were indistinguishable from a human. One did but I am not even counting that farce. However AIs that can come up with short posts based on content are possible.

What you are taught in school is generally a political lie in almost every country, well not a lie but you are being led to one side or another. The actual subject matter is likely as correct as the revision the school can afford.

that's primarily machine learning
there's no chat ai that can pass the turing test in a meaningful way. the best result ever managed to fool only 1/3rd of humans and only in conversations limited to 5 minutes, and id have to look into more but i suspect nobody was asking questions specifically designed to identify a computer

and you know you're told the truth because of the fundamental impossibility of a conspiracy involving millions of people not having any leaks, and as you get more educated you're exposed more and more to primary sources.

>What you are taught in school is generally a political lie in almost every country, well not a lie but you are being led to one side or another. The actual subject matter is likely as correct as the revision the school can afford.

we're in a conversation about the sciences. bitch and moan about political and history lessons all you want, it's got nothing to do with whether the truth is being taught in computer science lessons.

The only one that "passed" the test repeated the same fucking statement every time it didn't understand the question or statement. It did okay else wise but there is no real doubt it was AI.

That's how the banks make their money.

>Get a shit ton of credit cards
>Max them all out
>Package your debt together
>Sell your packaged debt to poor anons for a reduced price
>Poor anons will hope they can collect enough to make a profit
>Meanwhile you sell your goods at full price and profit

Underrated post

the last time i talked to a "state of the art" chatbot online it was no better than SmarterChild

We aren't talking indoctrination here.
In computer science do you listen to the instructor? Does the instructor ever mention he has another way to do it? Maybe you follow the book, it was written by someone and that person would have their own ideas.

It can be applied to everything, or even the science of everything. Physics does it extensively. Everything is theory, at any given time there are contradictory theories and instructor or book will push one over the other.
The base ground work stuff is the same, but at a time it happened with their work too.

Even the best end up like cleverbot given enough time.

you seem to be confused about the difference between subjective and objective information

the physics teacher in highschool isn't telling a political lie when he teaches newtonian physics when relativity better describes the universe

I didn't say he was the one leading you, but the school in general and the further you go the worse it gets.

I was just also adding in subjective manipulation, albeit likely unintentional. Just as the aged text books in high school lie, but of no fault of there own.

Where the political manipulation comes in is field trips, guest speakers, assemblies. Then you go to college and you will be taking some form of ethics course, there will be guest speakers and lectures, and you will have student bodies.

Keep going and you have to write a thesis, and I can assure you that said thesis will be in tune to what ever political, sociological, etc bullshit beliefs of that committee.

how do you propose to get a PO box? with a fake id? yeah, all right, go do that

Video of you making those purchases, jail time.

Yup, you're definitely unclear on the difference between subjective and objective facts.

Also seem to be unaware that "lying" and "being wrong" are not the same thing.

>for life
that's a lie. seven years bad luck. the trick is to commit to avoiding debt collectors because if you ever discuss the possibility of repaying it they can renew time frame

When you make a claim, they send you an affidavit to sign. Then they investigate. If you lied on affidavit, they fuck your butthole with a big black razor cock while using lime juice as lube.

I have been up 30+ hours, think what you will.
There is a difference between a lie and an incorrect fact, but in a school environment the lines are blurred. An unintentional incorrect statement will be forced, and sometimes even when proven wrong not retracted, and there by it becomes a lie. This is especially true when you get into text books, because there it is an incorrect fact right there in writing by something that is supposed to be authoritative.

I don't even know why you are bringing up subjective and objective facts. If I made a mistake somewhere sure, but this is not an in depth break down and categorization of the different misdirection, manipulation, and lies that education provides to you.

it's true?
Watches at $ 0?

>Proxies have never been known to cooperate with law enforcement.
>Where are you going to send the shit you buy

Are people actually this retarded?

Because you're saying schools teach political lies in science class, which is bullshit. Then you seem to respond by saying scientific knowledge which is superseded by new knowledge makes the old lesson a lie.

don't use my post for your spam fuckface

Perfect example rears it's head.
Is this bot lying, is it's claim objective or subjective, or is it right or wrong.

Don't start trying to categorize statements because this is not philosophy 101.

Only outside the USA. I had some cunt at a hotel in Australia give me shit because mine wasn't signed.

I wasn't aware every minimum wage making piece of trash in that garbage country was also a handwriting analysis expert, who knew!

go everywhere with a hunched back and limp
>protip: use a walking stick

Sure show me where I said that in science class they are teaching political lies. Well, in fact in some science classes they are. Science is political. Just not the more cut and dry subjects of it. Live in Texas and try to get properly educated on evolution.

This is true, superseded knowledge that is taught as if it is accurate is a lie. Thankfully in higher education there is less reliance on text books as the authoritative source of information



go for it and tell us how it went.

I would assume you could get bitcoin buy it with your card and move it to another account not tied to you.
If you wanted to do this change the way you are doing things. Change how your checking your account. To to checking it once a month when you pay your bill. Next go on a day trip somewhere not local grab some stuff keep it under 1k. Wait till you time to pay the bill is here call them up and say what the fuck is this??? Then say I've lost my card and can't find it. But keep it under 1k don't need the FBI getting involved. But if you got a huge limit I'm sure some people online can help do this fraud just not these ads munchers.