What style is this?

what style is this?
cyberpunk? steampunk? retrowave?
absolutely newbie here xD

Cyber Punk

go to /w/ or /wg/ and make a thread for "more like this". You'll get your answers there.



this is steampunk, you can tell because of retro-styled 8bit animation

Steam implyies that, the use of STEAM to feed every machine or mechanism

That is just plain cyberpunk

it's steampunk you newfag

you are wrong. steampunk is about retro-styled graphics.

You're a fucking retard.
THIS is steampunk

That's Cyberpunk dumbass, steampunk is about exagerate the fucking use of Steam machines and boilers to power everything, Like Wild Wild West

Isn't cyberpunk a literature thing? Like you know fiction with a lot of conspiracy theories?

Steam punk is 1800s looking stuff with a few more high tech things sprinkled in. Uses a lot of brass and wood as materials.

Cyber punk is futuristic and usually dystopian.

When did they start allowing 12year olds onto Sup Forums?

Cyberpunk is a style/genre within litterature, games, movies, art ... even music. See bladerunner, ghost in the shell, beneath a steel sky...

Hotline Miami is kind of steampunk too

I don't hate newfags, because I kinda am one, but you have to adapt and never never never ever never ever ever say "xD".

Bladerunner is steampunk

And you're an idiot.
Bladerunner i steampunk in the same way that The Shining is a romantic comedy.

Nah steamer punk is more like clockwork Orange.


Do you even think about what you type before you type it? You make me wanna kill myself. I weep for the species.

No it isn't you total fucktard


hang yourself newfag
