Does Sup Forums rike noodre? (`∞´)

Does Sup Forums rike noodre? (`∞´)

I rike udon with fish kek and tempura shimp


>fried food inside soup based food

Faggot weeb

Very good. How about Veitnamese spicy beef noodre soup?

I rike eat pho king noodre with rabrador reteirver end spciy fud

let me guess, couldn't get your sister's pussy tonight?


yapanes her, velly commen dinger is tempur shimp, is raley coomon to eat flied foo with noodre

>implying theres anything random about it

Get that crap out of here, peasant. 坦々麺 master race coming through.

flench poodr is rike so muche

ahh so, chinke eata fud mus like disareeah ok likr mensutral fluisd

what kind of noodre? is that a glop of browned dog mince?

god damn it user, you're making me wanna order some chinese carryout at 5 in the morning

flench poodr or rabrador i rike so muche

you wok dok bork pinis with noodre

I rove noodre!
I rike arr kinds of chinee foo, shledded beef, plawn clackers and obviousry flied lice.

>udon with fish kek

sel in maket near vegetarisn fud, is real esy to make, broil watr, opn pack, put noodre in hote watr, wait 3 minetes, brek egg into pan, add scallions, fish kek if you have. Eat

noe rabarador reriever?

thats desert baka

mybe crap salad?

sou desu ne

stir fry hokkien noodre

No, I no rikee rabrador, it give me the shit.

It giv me rind.

seafood clispy noodre