But that means you agree that it's unsafe to be around brown folk.
He got you there, OP.
simultaneously, does it help you understand why they would feel unsafe around you?
Not quite. a safe space is to keep yourself away from what you deem dangerous. That thing doesn't actually have to be dangerous. On a college campus words aren't dangerous, but they still have safe spaces.
So what it means is OP agrees that people used to think brown folk were dangerous. Not because there was any real reason for it.
if we're talking college campuses, last i recall most school shootings were done by white people.
marginalized people now need safe spaces from whites because of the constant domestic violence and terrorism by white folk. remember the white boy that shot up a black church? not even a church was a safe space for those people. i haven't seen any black or brown vigilantes going out and shooting up a white-prominent event in the name of race.
Clearly you don't understand safe spaces in college campuses. There are no 'white-only' safe spaces. The safe spaces on campuses are designed to protect students from potentially anguishing situations.
Your argument that "all the shooters are white" may well be true but it doesn't fit in this discussion because those safe spaces don't exist.
If you want to add to the discussion, try be on topic.
nah, it just means you're afraid in your hidey hole, nothing to do with the actual validity of the threat.
>whites only
>no spanish
That's what they get from being raped by muslims.
Pretty much the most valid statement ever. Everyone I know who moved here from a majority white state said they didn't see a problem with blacks until they'd been here awhile.
I know there are no white only safe spaces on college campuses, that's what I'm saying. Current places that are deemed safe spaces for marginalized folk have validity to their purpose. Back then, white-only spaces were purely out of fear of what people didn't understand and racism. I don't recall any history of blacks shooting up white spaces back then or repetitive killing of innocent folk.
i'm not disagreeing, but perhaps the bad blood between white and black people in the south runs all the way back to the when the south fought for their enslavement? i mean, they still teach that shit in school down there as "the act of northern aggression".
show me the receipts for mass rape of white folk by muslims?
It's in the history books.
So you were saying essentially the same as me. They kept whites away from others, not because it was dangerous, but because they were scared for no god damn reason.
could you link me? i'm having a hard time remembering.
What I'm trying to say is that white non-LGBT people sit there and mock the concept of a "safe space", invalidating the very recent history of violence against people of color and LGBT people, yet white people had their own version of a "safe space" too without having a valid fear.
I don't have the links, but you can try google.
I'm seeing one group of gang rapists in Britain that popped up in the past couple years. That's it. There are over 2 million Muslims in the world. confuse
I'm not talking about the last couple years.
I'm talking about the moors, more than thousand years ago.
I love how whites have to be fags to be accepted by neo-libs.
Do you think that's helping your bullshit causes?
cmonBruh hol up
to be fair noone wants to be around mexicans when they eat, fucking disgusting
but wait.. Spaniards are white...
You're not White if you don't understand the proper use of the apostrophe.
Or capitalization.
Without any colored people it is literally a safe space.
I used it correctly.
You act like these are the same people though? They're not and their reasons for wanting separation are completely different. In fact the people calling for separation or segregation nowadays are black people. White people just want black people to get their shit together for the most part
Safe for whom? This girl's parent had the most well-spoken, heartbreaking interviews I've ever seen. But go ahead and be a racist idiot. Reaffirm yourself here on Sup Forums with other racists. I'm sure your mother would be proud.
>they still teach that shit in school down there as "the act of northern aggression".
>being this much of a faggot
No they don't I went to school in fucking Georgia and never once did they say "North Aggression"
SurE, kid.
One's use of capitalization can vary for stylistic purposes; but proper punctuation is a necessity to convey one's intended meaning, and to prove that one is not a nigger.
OP didn't make the sign, you dingleberry.
Ah, yes. One of those "law-abiding citizens" the NRA is always yammering about. Until he wasn't.
Except most folk saying this weren't alive for racial segregation. You'd have to be at least 50 to have experienced that in some way (in the south) and usually I see 30 to 40 somethings saying this phrase.
I never said that he did. I was criticizing the maker of the sign.
Well look at that atleast your ancestors knew the difference
Even back then people were too stupid to know how apostrophes work.
No because we're the only ethnic group in the US that does not commit crime at a disproportionate rate compared to our population share,