Hey fellow Sup Forumsrothers. Does someone know from personal experience how much I fuck up my brain with Ritalin...

Hey fellow Sup Forumsrothers. Does someone know from personal experience how much I fuck up my brain with Ritalin? Got to take it 2 times a day (20 mg every 4 hours) but try to only take it at very busy days at work or if i study for something. I think this shit is great! But I don't want to take the last bit of intelligence out of my brain.

>How bad is Ritalin in long time therapies?
>How bad is it for my nose and lungs if i snort it?

Also general psychotropic thread (I know I'm not the only person on this site with a fucked up mind). Sorry for bad english

snorted 10 of these pills in one night, fucked me up so surely pretty bad

50mg of vyvanse daily reporting in.
Ritalin had really messed up side effects on me as a kid, insane paranoia and night terrors and shit, took dexedrine for a while and it was ok, but i love vyvanse. Feels great and the dosage is just right for me to consistantly get shit done.

All that stuff will fuck you up in the long run. Good luck quitting it though...it's basically meth.

10 of the 20 mg ones? I think that would kill me

Never heard of vyvanse. But the paranoia thing is digusting.. If i smoke a joint 6 hours after i took a 20mg pill I hear people talking about me all the time shit sucks hard

Took me about 2 years to kick my adderall addiction and here are the actual things that helped:

Regular activities or exercise
Magnesium supplements before bed
Wellbutrin helped with the depression after coming off the stimulants (I was up to 60mg adderall)
But what really sealed it was Lithium , that stuff saved me

Nah it isn't that hard for me... I dont't need it every day and on weekends I don't take them at all just if I want to stay up late or something

Vyvanse is extended release , it has a lower abuse threshold but it interacts with other stuff a lot and not good if you are bipolar

My doctor said that we will maybe go from Ritalin to Concerta because it is extended release but I'm not sure about it. With the Ritalin i can feel nearly immediately when it works. Is this the same with extended release meds?

I used that lie a lot too.

I have serious anxiety, to the point of thinking in bad things everytime, which causes me to react physically and spoil my performance in college and such things that demand pressure handling. I uswed to have painc attacks, but they stopped.
Before my psychiatrist get fired of the job, I was taking Sertraline 50mg once a day with little to none results. Some suggestions to a new medication?

I took vyvanse 50mg daily for a few years. Had to quit because I had heart problems and I developed a really annoying facial tick that took months to go away. I still have bad circulation problems.

used* panic*
Also, the said doctor said that Ritaline has a vast colateral effects that didn't compensate the good effects whatsoever. Because of this, she opted for Sertraline.

I mean you could me right I don't know how it will be in one year taking that stuff. But for now I know I don't need it in my free time and not always when I'm at work so I don't think I'm addicted or something

Im accualy on ritalin right now trying to be awake after no nights sleep. (40mg) and yes i snort a lot of my pills... Though not to much was taking through the nose. Mainly bc it fucks youre (what do u call it) night daytime upp. But the highest dose i took i think was in the morning 4 oraly(40mg) and then snorted about 5 through out the day. Wich makes up about 350mg overall. And from what ive heard the drug dose is over 100mg if ritalin. Drugdose meaning it feels more like a drug than medicin. Im on like 110mg right about now, wich makes me write all this shit so. But if u ask me dont take(at the same time) over 160mg :)

not the guy you replied but gonna tell you that:
-concerta has ups and downs when releasing during the day
-it hits you less
I started taking long release concerta because the stuff that releases gave me chest pain and headaches
long release is k i guess

Shit thats alot.. How can you even sleep for a minute with that dose? I always take one (20mg) at about 8am and one (20mg) at about 1pm. If I take one after 6pm i can't sleep before 2am. Can't see why people would use it as drug? I mean staying up longer is one thing but with alcohol or other drugs ritalin makes everything 100% stronger.

Had the same problems (chest pain and headaches) with strattera which also had none effect to me. I just don't know if I need something that works the entire day... If i have a hard problem I take a pill fix the problem and be able to come down with no big symptoms.
The only problem i have with ritalin is a faster heartbeat and when I smoke weed I get paranoid but beside of that it makes me a better person.

If u r an annoying faggot autist then this stuff will help make u bearable to the human race. If u snort it u will eventually get brain damage, but in the short term it will just make u hyper annoying and unbearable, while making u feel agitated. If u use it over a long period of time u will get addicted. If u don't need it the stuff is shit. There's more fun stuff to get addicted to.

OP here. Never had problems with hyperactivity or shit like that. My problem is zero stress tolerance and can't focus on things for more than 30 minutes. If stress hits me or i can't see how to fix a problem my mind goes blank. Went to my first doctor about a year ago and he gave me Wellbutrin and Seroquel because sometimes when i got in stress situations I heard voices in my head (My head made them up but I could hear them in the room where i was sitting). Seroquel fucked me up pretty hard the only thing I was able to do was sleeping and even sleeping felt like it gave me no power.

Oh and the sadest thing about my seroquel therapie was that i wasn't able to dream after that. I mean every person dreams but i just can't remember and my lucid dreams are all gone.

My psychologist friend says psychiatrists are hacks, and that drugs are a work-around, not a fix. The only valid reason to use them are people that are too fucked up for therapy for just long enough to teach them to cope, and incurable violent fucks to keep them sedated (but those should just be killed of, since the drugs make then into little more than vegetables and a drain of resources better spent elsewhere).

I would add if you went into debt for university do whatever it takes to get your title, lay off the drugs and then get a job.

>every person dreams but i just can't remember and my lucid dreams are all gone.
I used to not be able to remember a single dream, it actually annoyed me. So I researched a bit and found out something simple that worked wonders: Keeping pen and paper by my bedside with the firm intention of writing down my dreams as soon as I woke up. If you keep doing it you will remember more and more. I wish I could take a camera with me, my dreamscapes are A E S T H E T I C

Oh boy they are for sure! Like i told my seroquel therapie was garbage and when I told my doctor that i can literally do nothing but sleep he doubled my dose! It's a big money industry but ritalin is the only thing that helped me so far.

Read alot about it but wasn't sure if it was worth the time. Thanks Sup Forumsro will give it a try!

I take 40mg long acting ritalin daily. Don't get any side effects at all and sleep fine. Been taking them for years. The user that said it's addictive is full of shit. That mostly happens to people who aren't supposed to be taking it. If I didn't have my remainders every morning I'd foeget to take them.

Nothing bad is gonna happen to you op. But uf you do start getting side effects you should consider adjusting your dose.

people who need it need it because of a deficiency of the chemicals it boosts. but if they take more than they're supposed to, it definitely becomes recreational and addictive.
it feels wonderful when IV'd

OP here. So there is a long acting type of ritalin? Does it feel anything different from the normal or does it just last longer? How I said the only thing is a (harder?) heartbeat but thats not the case everytime I take one.

The pic in your op is long acting, hence the LA on the label. It does feel slightly different. The short acting stuff lasts about 4 hours and hits/crashes almost exactly on time. The crash can take it our of you. The LA stuff ramps up gradually over an hour and lasts most of the day with barely noticeable comedown. Don't think you can snort it though as it fucks with the delivery mechanism and can be dangerous, or so I've heard.

I recommend the LA pills. Just make sure to get your dose right otherwise it'll become like a recreational high like the other user said.

Hmm ok interesting.. pic is from google but checked mine right now and it has the LA sign on it. My doctor said that mine (the LA ones) only last about 4 hours thats why he wanted to give me concerta in the future. Heard that snorting it will fuck up your lungs pretty bad but the thing with the delivery mechanism sounds logical

Bump. And a little gift for your time!

I've been on stimulants since kindergarten (2 years out of college now)
That shit fucks up your brain chemistry over long periods of time
0/10 wouldn't recommend


I can't get shit done during the day now without something kick starting my dopamine

Read anytime I want to get something done

Why not just go with ritilan LAs

The fuck is sertaline

Meditate for a few months and then take some psychedelics with close friends/friend in remote safe location. Preferably with a trip-sitter but OK if not just take it early.

This should shunt you into some positive brain state, then use CBT or just keep meditating. There are no biological free rides, eventually that shit will fuck up your liver and you'll be on a dialysis machine like my uncle.

Got the LAs but my doctor said they only last for about 4 hours but another user said that the normal last for 4 hours so i need to talk to my doctor


1. Don't snort it, i did that when i was 10, bad idea.

2. After about 3-5 years i got used to lost of the symptoms. As long as you sort out the correct dosage overtime with your doctor (assuming your taking it legally) long time use isn't bad.

I was on 2x 30 mg a day of them for 8 years

>4 hours
Not LAs bruh
Instant released have 3-4 hours
LAs have a 10-12 hour life span
I'd take 2 30s a day in the morning to get a extended release 60mg