What's Sup Forums playing lately? Just got this.
What's Sup Forums playing lately? Just got this
I'm re-playing Arkham Knight on Knightmare mode
Ive been playing Zombies Chronicles on BO3 but its not that great tbh. was a little bit of a let down
I wanna get it because of all the fun times I ha growing up while playing all the crash badicoot games, but I only have an xbox and too poor to buy anything else, so I have just been playing Overwatch for some odd reason
I'd rather have Mob Of The Dead than half the maps, it's a shame they didn't put it in
I've never played Call of Duty before, so I bought the remastered Modern Warfare. It's okay. I also got Crash. I'm enjoying it very much.
I'm also playing a bit of Final Fantasy XIV. I haven't even gotten to Heavensward yet, but I'm having a great time.
Some weird kids in one of my classes would never shut up about that game...
starting the C/D route in Nier Automata, personal GOTY.
Subscribed to PSnow, and restared the God of War series in chronological order. I forgot how fucking sick those games were
Been playing Witcher 3, never truly played through a game since Halo combat evolved and I think this might be the one, I always get the gay mindset this is a good game don't play it right now wait for later
>Later never gets here until now anons
I finished this bad boy.
i really need to get a fucking ps4
currently playing Vexx and moving back to crash one when im done.
Got the Bioshock collection and trying to platinum them all. On 2 currently and I really just wanna skip to Infinite.
I only play pic related
Playing Tekken 7 atm.
Waiting for Sonic Mania to come out next month.
How's that going?
Team fortress 2
It's a fun moba for ps4 and pc.
It's still in the beta, so don't expect it to be perfect though.
Why not get the collection?
Lag on psnow drove me crazy
Tits or gtfo
You can play the PS1 games in 1080p or 4K with pcsx-reloaded.
here, now GTFO
That's not OP. It's a facebook filename, newfag.
OP posted it because he wanted to try and bait faggots like you.
Me too
Elite-Dangerous Horizons
This, replaying it for the 3rd time, idk it's just so good
>pic related
Still having fun despite crappy 56k connection
Why havent we asked for tits yet??
Someone did, also get fucking baited by ops pic from fb
Topkek, i remember how there was this rumor saying that if you finish it 10 times, you will be able to upgrade the Rida.
Me and my friend were stupid enough to believe it. After the 7th time i gave up though.
Nice to meet a fellow Paragon player.
Feel free to join our general on /vg/ if you are interested. We could need a few more bumps sometimes...
Read the thread you retard
It's only 30 posts
Lul bro, I believed that too, me and my friend were like 7 and we played it all the time until the ps2 stopped reading the disk and we couldn't play anymore, I bought this one a while ago and I've played it every day since then
Been playing this recently, pretty chill and fun game
That ginso tree stage. That ost. Great game.
Solid game, it felt really slow and boring untill you get some powerups though. I picked it up along with Hyper Light Drifter and Hollow Knight on the steam sale, all solid but i think Hollow knight takes the cake out of the 3.
Cleared it 22 times as a kid. 2 and 3 are fucking masterpieces. Just finished the remake today, it was pretty good but way too short.
Hey, any coop games on Steam that u guys recommend?
I've been getting back on the fighting scene. Playing some doa5 here and some guilty gear there. Huge difference on those two
Recently finished Watch_Dogs 2
Playin through Dark Souls 3 rn
Killing floor 2 with friends is pretty good. Wouldn't recommend playing alone tho gets kinda boring