Should Sup Forums ban Sup Forums? It's extremely toxic and breeds hate and violence. It's 2017...

Should Sup Forums ban Sup Forums? It's extremely toxic and breeds hate and violence. It's 2017, it's shocking so much hate and nazism is still present.

Should Sup Forums/Asian moot ban Sup Forums?

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Sieg heil honey

>hail hitler
>kill all jews, burn all muslims

you're on Sup Forums what did you expect

if it's banned, there goes more than half of Sup Forums's traffic from alabama.

as shitty as it is, it's free speech.
it's not like nazis have anything better to do with their lives, so let's not take their only joy away.

And rural Texas. (most of Texas is turning liberal very quick, like Houston. wouldn't surprise me if texas turned blue in the 2020 elections) .

you want those guys here on Sup Forums ?

It is better that such things are contained in a single board, don't you think? Banning Sup Forums would only spread the toxicity even more on the rest of Sup Forums.

>Sup Forums
>extremely toxic
No shit? There are only 3 types of people here faggots, racists, and trolls. Go back to the mlp board with the other faggots.

>implying we aren't already here.

You don't need to have something banned just because it personally upsets you. It satisfies others and leads to meaningful conversations. Controversial free speech is just as important as any other discourse. If you can't handle it because YOU are too sensitive, or because YOU are intolerant...maybe YOU should remove YOURSELF from the conversation and take a little personal responsibility for your emotions.

Yes it's full of bigots and anyone that says anything bad about Canada should be banned.

Go fuck yourself, faggot.

not only did you fall for bait, you're a huge faggot

If Sup Forums won't ban the faggots and cucks, they won't ban the nazis.

Sup Forums only really exists as a containment board at this point. Theres a reason why we have boards for hentai and whatnot, to try and keep all this shit out of other boards, granted politics can be in anything so you're bound to always have the extremists shitpost outside of their own cesspool

nazi here, i don't damage you're property unlike the communist scum, yet i am evil and the communists (ANTIFA) are good?
yeah, go to work and learn the value of money

you can't ban someone's thoughts. the shit they speak about is dark, and the reason they are on /pol is because alot of what they speak about is illegal in their countries. they cant speak about it with people in real life.
what happens when dark thoughts get banned is that they go underground, and these thoughts thrive underground.
the way you make these dark thoughts go away is by discussing them, not simply banning them, or calling them "racist" "sexist" "homophobic" etc. just to shut down the discussion. it's hard to unlearn something, so simply banning them dismissing them is the easier option, and thus the option most people go for. but the only thing you're doing is segregating them even more, and they get the mentality where it's "us vs them" which is toxic af.

you're mom is bait

Think of it this way, man. It contains the retards most of the time. Keeping Sup Forums intact keeps Sup Forums fairly clean.

How about this:
>Gook bans all the shills
And then well talk about Sup Forums
Oh and nice try with the #normalize bullshit

Libtards go home

Sup Forums is the best board.

people who say libtardsnshould be shot on site

Sup Forums is swarming with summerfags and r/the_donald shits. They'd just go to Sup Forums.

They wouldn't come to Sup Forums. This board is as entry-level as it gets. Even middleschoolers come on here.

* people who say libtard should

Fuck your own face jew

I couldn't agree more, Mr. Weinreb. Thought-crime is keeping the ugly pupa of America from blossoming into a beautiful butterfly of rich diversity and beauty!

Hitler was a great man

To be fair, you are retarded... and also a lib.

are these the same people who troll fox news fb all day....the almighty right wing neck beard

if they are banned they'll just come back here. They aren't going away, and the more you try to censor us...err...I mean, them the more persistent they will get.

/pol is full 30-40 year olds now that think this is a replicating website straight up retarded

i see you are dose vlads cock taste?

kek liberal idot

AH did nothing wrong

I think they should burn it to the ground.


also the spread of autism ....look at your idol the retard and chief

fucking faggots all of you.

go back to pleddit

No cake for you, cucks

they're mostly from here

Sup Forums is a containment board, newfag.
Take out the board they'll just spread: why do you think there is /mlp/?

Go back to facebook

Op, your bait is getting worse and worse.
But since I replied, we're really going to talk about how toxic Sup Forums is while on Sup Forums? Fuck out of here

hitler died like a bitch

I don't use pol and I say yes. It is more cancerous than Sup Forums and that's saying a lot.

They are cool. Why to ban them ?



And as a plus: the govt has an easy eye on them, since they all flock one place on a government controlled website. That goes for Sup Forumss right and left.


Do you do this on purpose?

Fucking normies

this is 4 chan the constitution dose not apply

haha. AH never killed himself it was a fake to organize his escape to argentina. it is why the corpse had been burnt. He lived in Argentina until 101 years old. Only stupid guys uneducated like you can believe it was his real burnt body who have been found by soviet army

sieg heil


>Extremely toxic.
Welcome to /b Barack.

my bathroom
should i destroy it now ?

It's like everyone on Sup Forums forgot that this board has always been racist

Your gas chamber looks small, i recommend expansion.

Reddit fuck off.
Nigger loving jew fucker, I bet you don't even own a copy of Mein Kampf you niggerdly kikish imp.
Go suck the fecal crust from a decayed fox you gonorrhea infested anorexic deer shit.

Fucking idiot you damage other people and support the murder of milions of non-white people and gays.
People get KILLED everyday by people that are like-minded to you, and yet you try to grasp on the fact that some dumb edgy kiddos are damaging property
>muh white pride
Go jump off a building,idiot

>implying faggots, niggers, spics, and kikes shouldnt be gassed
>implying hitler gassed anyone
boy howdy you sure are retarded, herr reddit.


Sup Forums is the only board left that's funny, except for /x/. you fucking lefties need to gtfo back to 9gag & tumblr. pc humor isn't funny, it's boring & uninspired

>Controversial free speech is just as important as any other discourse
No, actually, neoliberals are worthless, irredeemable, dishonest human beings and need to star in gore webms. Even ancaps are (barely) more legit.

You sound exactly like Sup Forums. You want to ban people from thinking or speaking certain thoughts. Just like Sup Forums. You are no better than they are. Just as shitty.

>implying whites should not be gassed
Hahahahaha you truly are pathetic

If they won't stay in their containment board, what do?

demographically, they are already blue. but don't worry, America is really good at gerrymandering.

do you have the "so much for the tolerant left" pepe? with the guillotine?

is that a statement or is it supposed to be funny? not that it really matters, as it fails at both things

you seem upset. rustled, even. just call him a cuck and go back to Sup Forums

yeah only that nobody is trying to kill anyones family you dumb fucking commie scum

When do people finally understand. Conservatives are not alt-rights!

have.....have you never been to Sup Forums?

i don't care about politics. i want comedy. bashing niggers or cumskin doesn't matter. as long as people are offended, feelings are hurt & they cry

Grow thicker skin?

Lmao perfect photo

Just let them preach their hate freely. When people see what they really are they will turn their backs to them.

This is exactly what happened to Black Lives Matter movement. First it started as a good movement with good intentions. But after one year people started to see through their ugly and racist agenda. When one of their supporters shot 5 cops in Texas, they didn't immediately denounce this. When over 120 people were killed in Paris 2015 terrorist attacks, they were crying that it took the moment from their movement. Then they started to harass Pride events and other shit...

The best thing people can do is let the light shine into hateful people and hateful ideas. People don't like ideas that hurt another people by default. It's build into us.

except the conservatives seem to stfu when alt-rightest do their thing on a national stage. the alt-right is just an arm of the conservative party, one that lets them do the kinds of things they truly want while keeping it at arms length for plausible deniability.

You would probably vote for an alt-right asshole before you vote for a "meh" liberal because of "muh party lines."

Or conservatives have been shut down by the left so that they can't speak up. Have you ever thought about that?

I'm on your side, newfriend. I know that Sup Forums is satire. but when the tards start using it like a real doctrine, and more importantly when the tards leave their quarantine board, action has to be taken.

It's a legitimate question. It's also mocking
Unfortunately, I don't. It's liberals what are inteolerant anyway.

Sup Forums is a board of helicopters.

Your right to swing your logs ends where my nose begins. You are not entitled to butt into any conversation just because you can. That's a neoliberal position.

That may be from your side. From other people's side, they basically stopped caring about black lives and started caring about Taco Bell and Verizon.

Liberals aren't the left, and this is exactly why you political illiterates need a containment board.

I think it's better if everyone vents online than if we take free speech away and people sit there simmering and they end up really going crazy and more people will do dumb shit then.

we need Sup Forums to remind niggers that they are inferior

no, conservatives have a victim complex. everything is a conspiracy against them, the left only exists to destroy America, and anyone who disagrees is a cuck. its a victim complex. just like the Christians, who still think they are being persecuted like Daniel in their storybook.

its fine. I found it. retarded watermark tho

The funniest thing is the poor lose any argument between the right and left. The uber rich set this shit up and laugh since we can't fight over any better issues other than fake news or should we allow guys to chop their junk off.

>oldfriend. im over thirty.
you can contain the faggots of Sup Forums as much as you can contain faggot leftists that keeps leaking from tumblr. besides, when those two groups of undisputed faggots collide, you get comedy gold


When someone is conservative or liberal or libertarian or Sup Forums or Black Lives Matter or Donald Trump or anything else except the thing you subscribe to, they become "political illiterates" and they need to be shut down. You are THE PERFECT example of far-left nutjob.

Hitler, Mao and Stalin would all be very proud of you. Let's shut down all the opposite sides. If they protest maybe we can add some gulag into mix.

Sup Forums is containment board for stupid people

You call liberals leftists when in fact they are center-right, at the leftmost. That is political illiteracy.
Literally neck your infantile Manichean self.

Welcome to Sup Forums home to a majority of Trump hating pedophiles that like to spank to women rekt/gore threads, traps, and kiddie porn when their lucky. Gotta let out all that pent up frustration don't cha faggot.


>I don't know how politics work so I'm just going to find a way to feel superior to everyone

found your photo on facebook

Fedora hats are a sjw thing dip shit.



But Christians are persecuted. Daily. And they have been continuously persecuted past 2000 years. You know that every country on this planet isn't a Western dream that you can practice any religion you want and you build buildings for your religion. There's no majority Christian country on this planet that doesn't allow Muslims or Jews to build their buildings for their religion. But almost all majority Muslim countries don't allow to be build new buildings for Jews and Christians.

And I'm atheist. Your political agenda obviously goes before your facts. Christians have been persecuted for 2000 years. And most often by non-religious people.