any user in the cali bay area down to house a pre op m2f rent free in exchange for cleaning cooking. and anything "Xtra" while they get back on her feet?
im asking 4 a friend
Any user in the cali bay area down to house a pre op m2f rent free in exchange for cleaning cooking...
sad, sad world we live in.
I see this being the reality of alot of girls.
I'm glad you lack the self respect to deny sex to your landlords. Fucking everybody who has power over you will do you well, financially.
I just can't go that far because I have too much self respect.
...thank you?....
post pics; in the san mateo area
>bay area
...hell of a long shot, but have you ever been to Santa Cruz?
I have very few things and take up hardly any space btw ;)
ass is fat but gonna need to see if your face is worth keeping around
why do ya ask??
lol~of course, srry my internet is sorta shit
gonna need more pics. lets see that cock
She cute do it user fuck her n post tons of pics
I knew someone from the bay area a while back. Met up in SC.
One of my biggest regrets was not actually doing anything while I was there. Otherwise, it was fucking perfect.
Granted, on the other coin, they're probably the only person to be honest with me and tell me we should stop talking instead of just fucking ghosting me, so they're probably still one of the best people I've known ever.
aw jeez you guys~
You're pretty cute, to be honest. Only thing I could recommend would be looking into laser on your lower face. How's your voice?
Still, would bang/10.
Got a Kik?
can't really house you but if you're looking to bang then I'm for it. never actually fucked a trap/m2f before so
dang thats ruff guy. But hey at least you can find the positive from it , props man!
Your not in sc anymore I take it?
awh~ thankies
Ive been working on my voice since highschool so its pretty ok but everything could always be improved upon ya know~
not anymore no :P email or bail
lol you lookin to walk on the wild side? lol
Im flattered but my "Landlord" probs wont want me with getting with other boys sweetheart sorry
Oh, no. I traveled TO SC for a day just to meet them.
Hardest I've been in my life. They were fucking gorgeous. Remembering the feel of their lips... Fuck. It was amazing.
I was from SoCal at the time. Just took a train up and a greyhound back.
where are you located now?
you still around mister?
or am I just a ghost in my own thread T.T
Marin county, just a lil bit out of SF, but i have car and can travel~
Got one like this but with soles showing?
how old are you actually?
whoa howd I get all upside down
21, lol why?
this is me when I was 14-15 though~
>inb4 its cp
its not
opps wrong pic
>awh~ thankies
>Ive been working on my voice since highschool so its pretty ok but everything could always be improved upon ya know~
Well, I'd be down to shoot the shit or voice comms for some game if you'd like, sometime.
And for what it's worth, 15-16 year old me would've DEFINITELY considered traveling to Santa Cruz for you.
just curious
got a better pic of your face? look completely different now imo
lol awh your sorta sweet mister~
def once im at my new spot and if I get some free time
where ya at now hm?
pic of little me?
not all dressed up that im willing to share
>look completely different now
7 years and some puberty do that to ya
and I was heavy into makeup then, not so much now
I'm in WA, currently. Still get down to SoCal once a year for family.
[email protected] if you'd like to keep in contact. Ideally, have some proof it's you. Just because, y'know, anyone could e-mail me and this IS Sup Forums. I've seen dumber shit happen for lulz.
I am actually willing to relocate anywhere just the bay is still preferred ya know
well if you ever want to contact me and have someone to hang around in the bay, heres me: zerolifez@hotmail
you can also find me on wechat: bingjongill
Damn even you 15-16 is sexy
Also, counter question: What the hell are you doing awake at 5 AM?
thanks you guys are really super sweet
Id love to talk to all of you more but its l8 4 me and im getting super sleepy
ill drop my email here and respond in the morning
goodnight boys~
[email protected]
(dont make fun of it its all I could think of on short notice)
im going to bed silly X3
> Hai Sup Forums, who wants way more insane looniness in their life?!
Seriously, anybody who would do this is a tard - prepping m2f is just asking for a crazy bitch who will shank you in your sleep.