Bird in my room

Bird in my room
>trips decide what I do with him

Other urls found in this thread:


Cook it and eat.

cum on it

free it

Cover its head with blanket or something like that so it stops panicking. Then take it out and let it go

In pooper

Will it blend

kill it with fire

let that birdo go

rolling for this



Blame the jews.

feed it beer

keep it as a pet


Deny that the holocaust happened

reroll. fuck by one

drown it in piss

>OP here
bird is free
fuck off animal abusers

Show him your dick, apologise and dine out with him, then recreate the end of casablanca

Get the bird back op

I want video of this

Tear it apart slowly.

burn it

Cook it and eat it

roll for this

Set it free

Let it go



Cum on it let it go


open windows and leave it alone
don't chase it or try to catch it
it'll find its own way out


Care for and give him a new home


and reroll


I usually have to pay for dinner to get a bird in my room

rip and tear until it is done

Part it out and post pictures

