Let's get a feels thread going

let's get a feels thread going

>Everyday I'm disappointed when I wake up, I find that I'm happier when I'm dreaming cause atleast then you could try to make things come true



If you've ever read it :(



Gets me everytime

when i dream i just dream of people being pissed at me and then i wake up as im about to insult them or beat the shit out of them

Holy fuck man...


Shit sucks user....


Emergence by Shindol it's depressing and ducking disgusting wouldn't read in public also




close to the same thing happened to me

some sad shit nigga

What a retarded story. Those fucks were really that much obsessed with stuff they had, they were actually crying about it, like they lost a close relative. That's fucking stupid when you depend on a bike or a toy, compare it with what others have and shit and you get really attached to it. I mean, it's just a fucking bike, no matter how sad is the story behind it. Living things is what matters. People matter. Seriously, pic related was right when said 'things you own start owning you', even though he meant it in a different way.

That was pure I like this despite how sad it's kinda happy too.

You're all a bunch of emo faggots and niggers tongue my anus.

No I'm not gay


You must have had a hard life.

Rip mikey