Why do white guys like Asian girls so much...

Why do white guys like Asian girls so much? Do they really make better girlfriends or is it cause the guys are beta and want a supposedly submissive gf?

Or do they just like women that look like little girls?

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How about they are bored with white trash.

Korean girls are the best

I don't know man, I'd fuck whoever is okay looking at least, and it's much easier to score an okay looking Asian girl than an okay looking white girl, so I end up fucking more Asian chicks

Any color or ethnicity is fine except for black. 50 percent of them have herpes. Herps newsone.com/491102/report-that-half-of-all-black-women-have-herpes-was-inaccurate/

My only like for them is their passion for obedience. Other than that, if they put on enough makeup they can look like 7/10.

it's not all white guys. it's beta cucks/nerds. they see asian women as easier to talk to and basically weaker, so they think they have a chance. also the cucks think that a girl who doesn't speak perfect english won't be able to pick up on his autistic manners of speaking and cucky voice/tone.

I like their facial structure

White pussy is smelly
Black pussy is diseased
Brown pussy is full of sand
Yellow pussy you fuck and then are ready to fuck again 30 minutes later
You tell me

Actually, its because white women can be very annoying to be around, controlling, spoiled, fickle, untrustworthy....the list goes on. Actually, the fact that you made this point goes a long way to explain why. just look at how bitchy you sound. /thread

ITT: beta males claiming white girls make bad girlfriends when they've never experienced a proper relationship

you utter cuck

Asian women look different. It's like asking why someone likes red instead of blue, and then trying to psychoanalyze them for it.

It all comes down to how they were raised and their families.

Most koreans are fucked in the head sideways because the parents are insane. Daughters are worthless, sons are everything, the sons kill themselves and the parents hate the daughters for it. Its true. They are psycho.

easy to generalize, but really its parents. If a girl has good, strict parents that instill in her a desire to have, serve and protect the family, she will make a good wife.

You'll find these more in asian culture these days as the west has gone to utter shit. Every kid gets a trophy, girls slutting it up is ok, slaving at a job provides more value than having and raising kids, its ok for guys to be fags even when they aren't, etc..

korean girls are bad news. looks great but they are fucked in the head. From the parents being bastards to the conflicts of Christianity vs their asian culture - it will go south with lots of unhappiness.

Give it a go though for the sex at least

I prefer asians as they are by far the most submissive.

Its not that im beta, I just want her to do what I want when I want it,

you are beta because you don't know how to get a western woman (your own kind) to do what you want so you have to seek out a different race of women.

fucking gross she doesn't even have a dick

Christ Almighty

Because we're sick of entitled, fat, cigarette-smoking, lottery ticket-buying, crystal-rubbing shit western women

Its the way they look with their slant eyes, short bodies, small boobs. Also they seem to lack awareness like they have slow minds in many aspects and i find that cute.

because western women are trash

Wouldn't know. I only bang white women. My ideology wouldn't allow for anything less.

Although I do agree about some, not all, smell tho

because you don't have the personality, looks, charisma or intelligence to get the good western women

virgin detected

they literally have some of the best tits, and quite tight pussies.

Also betas like anime, so they try to find a girl that reminds them of the stupid cartoons they jack off to.