Guitar thread, post your axe
Pic related, my 1600$ ibanez RGDz prestige
Guitar thread, post your axe
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Squier Tele. Haters gon' hate.
What year?
Not my guitar but my boss recently got one of these.
>pic related
Nice, it has a very tight tone to it
go to Sup Forums guitars you gucking asshole
That case is probably worth more than that piece of shit guitar
Almost but not quite
>be me
>love guitars
>always wanted to get into classic rock
>finally get guitar as gift
>I still suck after 40 hours of play time
>get my grandfathers bass
>still sucks
Any other double jointed fags manage to get past this bullshit?
Not mine exactly as mines more custom because I worked there, Maton ms2000, absolute killer guitar that does it all
My dads. When he passed away, I made a display case for it. Les Paul.
that's lovely user
2013 Ibanez iceman, amazing tone
i only have a cheap, shitty epiphone lp cause i'm a bass pleb
these are some fine-looking guitars
Just take classes man learning on your own is very hard.
Currently working arppegios inversions on my 70's telecaster. Sweet axe, even though the original pickup larsen very easily at high gain.
Gibson Snow Falcon Flying V
psh it's not even plugged in
Good fucking taste
inexpensive early 90's peavey. ebony fretboard, kehler spyder. factory active pickups. these and most of the late 80's early 90's peavey kick the shit out of anything made today under a grand, with respect to fit, finish, and playability.
guitar in pic is mine, but changed the neck out. original neck was 13" radius, bridge is a 15" as is the nut. fret out. change neck, fixed 100%
Why exactly did you feel the need to post the price? As if that somehow makes you a good musician.
It's a shitty Ibanez. Not a $35,000 1960's Les Paul.
I mean i didnt pay that much haha. I don't even know how to play yet xD. I just got it on craigslist for 600$ and googled the MSRP. Sorry you have poor parents poorfag. Graduation money well spent 10/10.
>>Be you
>>Still suck after 40 hours play time
>Any other double jointed fags manage to get past this bullshit?
1. Learn to navigate the fret board. Every note follows the exact same pattern at different starting positions.
2. learn the circle of fifths. Just trust me, it connects what you've learned in navigation to something musical. Guitar is all about 4ths and 5ths IMO, it's why it's so fast even though it has many notes.
3. learn some chords. I started by randomly picking 4 chords from each note and practicing them over and over. (theirs some chords my hands simply refuse to do, so don't worry about it).
4. Learn the scales. You'll look at this shit and might be a little over whelmed at all the positions. There's method to the madness though, it all fits in together nicely in such a way where you don't need to memorize them all, it turns out they couldn't be anywhere else.
5. Practice difficult tab to improve technique. Don't get me wrong, playing songs you like is important, you want to have fun doing this. But bare in mind if it's too easy then you're not gaining anything.
>he want to learn how to play on a 7 string, with a floyd rose and fine tuning.
You're a fucking idiot. And since you bought such an advance guitar, you're going to get frustrated learning how to play, and give up. Have fun with your garbage Ibanez.
>sorry you have poor parents poorfag, graduation money well spent.
I didn't get graduation money from my dad. I did however get his ESP Eclipse.
Cheers. The notes are difficult, as I don't have a very good memory.
Starter classes as an adult? Sounds weird.