Go to germany

>go to germany
>do a nazi salute

What is the punishment for that?

they fine you for it
Germany is so ashamed of their history they tell children Hitler was the most evil man who ever loved. A blatant lie

>Hitler was the most evil man who ever loved
The best Freudian slip ever made.

How much is the fine?

He is the most evil man ever lived....

So if someone raises thier hand in class to answer a question, will they be shot for performing a nazi salute? Lmao

I believe he truly cared for his Nation and people, that in war the truth gets lost and the victors decide what happened

Once the muslimes take over it will be an irrelevant law, no need to pay the fine.

not a crime if nobody report you ;-)

Its one thing to admire history and respect it, but it's another thing to like a cruel dictator who is responsible for destroying your country. Germany went though a lot since the end of WW2. I don't think any German citizen would want to be reminded of their past, because it is rather dark.

whether his intentions were good or bad, he left Germany in ruins and I don't see why any German citizen would want to see a nazi salute


And this ladies and gentlemen, is the definition of a cuck.


you can get up to 3 years in jail (§ 86a StGB)

often people only get a fine tho (once read that someone got fined ~ 1400€ for it)

The National Socialist ideal was too good for this world. It threatened the hold that internationalist financial institutions hold and rejected Marxist philosophy

I'm just telling you why you would get fined for doing that. Not an anti-fa in any way. You have to see it from their perspective.

It boggles my mind there are countries out there that can arrest you or fine you for doing such an action, cursing cops, or racially cursing someone like a nigger.

Damn it feels good to be American. Thank fuck for the first ammendment.

We left Germany in ruins by not backing his efforts and instead backing scammers and cave men.

Now, 70 years later, the scammers and cave men are on the verge of winning.

The Allies left Germany in ruins after their genocidal bombing campaigns of civilian population centers

>Hitler was the most evil man who ever loved
what a great quote

Depends on the context of the salute. If you do it to glorify nationalsocialism, it would be considered anticonstitutional which technically could get you either fined or thrown in jail up to three years. In reality German criminal law is pretty liberal, so its pretty much impossible to go to jail for it, i don't know how much you'd get fined for it though, it all depends on the context.

The "German citizen"'s past is a lot more complex and richer than 12 years of nationalsocialist dictatorship some bitter American virgins jerk off to on the internet.

why does that boggle your mind?
i think its pretty ok to fine people for not being able to behave like some decent human being

from my perspektive i wouldnt ever want to be an americunt.
>no free healthcare
>no free education
>having to choose betwen full retard trump and aids cancer ebola hillary
>fat fucks everywhere
>every retard who shouldnt even be allowe to be in the public is allowed to own a gun
no thanks

how is your perspektive? im srsly interested

lol you can't even say "fuck" on TV

Shut the fuck up. Nobody want to hear your "joos were the real enemy" bullshit

From my perspective, I can see that your free education got you nowhere.

Holocaust denial is also a crime, how ridiculous is that? Points to there being credence in the gas chambers myth

>why does that boggle your mind?
>i think its pretty ok to fine people for not being able to behave like some decent human being
>from my perspektive i wouldnt ever want to be an americunt.
>>no free healthcare
>>no free education
There is free education if your parents are "poor". You get financial aid and they pay every penny.
>>having to choose betwen full retard trump and aids cancer ebola hillary
Trump is actually good?
>>fat fucks everywhere
I plying there are no fat fucks in Australia or the UK or whoever the fuck you are
>>every retard who shouldnt even be allowe to be in the public is allowed to own a gun
You can't own a gun in many places like nyc.
>no thanks
>how is your perspektive? im srsly interested

All those jews in hell are getting to Satan.

You can't even say fuck on the internet. I once remember a guy getting arrested for posting some angry fb status lmao

the fathers of the post-war constitution were anxious of a revival of national socialism (because it left the country in rubbles), so they tried to prevent that from happening by criminalizing it. it is literally the only exception of our freedom of speech laws. meanwhile you have areas in your country which are practically war zones (south chicago?), an imbecile as president and people awaiting their death penalty in solitary confinement (boggles my mind). Gott sei dank bin ich Deutscher.

jew detected

thats a lie. but i guess thats called an alternative fact in your country.

*Heiling Sieg*

enjoy becoming a minority in your own country Hans. If you Germans had any balls you'd hang Merkel and her cronies for treason. Fucking cucks

>There is free education if your parents are "poor". You get financial aid and they pay every penny.
as far as i know pretty much all students are in huge depts
>Trump is actually good?
well he might be better than hillary but who the fck isnt. in general he is horrible and completely unqualified imo
>I plying there are no fat fucks in Australia or the UK or whoever the fuck you are
am from austria
and no not even remotely close to the degree in murica.
>You can't own a gun in many places like nyc
i mean i understand that removing guns at this point is no option since those with bad intentions wouldnt give them away. but who in hell thought it would be a good idea to allow every person to stack guns as it pleases them.
man people have times where they do stupid things. that doesnt go well with guns. its a huge problem imo


Lol your universities have safe zones man, stop trying so hard, europe doesnt have so many SJWs

I said nothing about jews.

Automatically a scammer means jew to you?


Poor bait

i disagree

That's so sexy.