I really wanna try LSD but I'm terrified of losing all sense of reality. Is it worth it...

I really wanna try LSD but I'm terrified of losing all sense of reality. Is it worth it? I've done mushrooms a few times and enjoyed it for the most part with a few ups and downs throughout the trip. I guess I just don't want to mentally scar myself for life. Any tips?

Get an experienced trip sitter for the love of god and make sure there are no knives in the room

why no knives?

>Any tips?
Stopped reading right there

I'd imagine you would

Whats the highest dose of shrooms you've done

This is an extreme case, but my buddy took 10 tabs of acid and when he was peaking he took a knife and stabbed himself, they stopped counting at 55 times, he's insanely lucky to be alive, he had ruptured most of his organs and now suffers from scitzophrenia

4g, could've been a bit more I didn't measure precisely

Jesus I'm glad he's ok, alright I'll keep that in mind

start with a small dose and get a good sitter

Yea i am too

Then you should be fine i find shrooms to be a crazier trip

How was that?

Your friend sounds like a retard with predisposed schizophrenia

I did 4g twice, first time was terrifyingly existential and one of the scariest experiences of my life. The second was way better me and some buddies just walked around our town and hung out and tripped like crazy

I did shrooms twice now fisrt at 1.5 the next at 3.5. Enjoyed both but in the 3.5 one for a moment i was about to lose it man. All aside i found that my acid trips are easier to manage and you should have mo problem with anything below 250ug

Thanks! I'll keep the dosage low

Mushrooms have given me deeper experiences (out of body, higher dimensional perception) than LSD. Less body load than with mushrooms too. It feels like a cannabis high that gets more intense until reality starts to morph and bend after a couple hours, then you start to come back down a couple hours later. Mushrooms were more of a reality breaking experience for me, but I took 5g.

do it

That actually makes me feel a lot better, thanks man.


If you get a chance OP listen to Pink floyds Dark side of the Moon. Thank me later

I was thinking that and a good mix of Tame Impala

10/10 trips man i even feel like getting wavy


Oh my Fuck OP you're a fucking retarded little bitch. Most likely underage b&. Let me explain why. You aren't gonna "lose sense of reality" from LSD unless you do about 500ugs+. My average does is 300-600 and I have not once had a bad trip on those doses. I started out with those doses too. But since you're a little pussy and have low mental health like everyone else who wants to try LSD, or does it but only had a low dose, you'll probably fit in with the plebs and do doses ranging from 50ugs-200ugs. Which are weak as shit. Only time I ever lost sense of reality was on 700ugs+ and it was only half a bad trip.

I'm just inexperienced and looking for some advice, thanks for the info anyway


You'll be alright, try just one tab at first (1 tab is usually 100ug). Make sure you have a really good environment and have nothing to do later, like don't do it in the morning if you have homework or some shit due that night, you'll probably end up worrying about it and the trip could go bad. I don't do it anymore after a 5 tab bad trip, but I was able to not completely freak the fuck out by meditating and constantly reminding myself that everything I was feeling was just because of something I took and wasn't real.

And test your shit before you do it. Plenty of test kits on the internet.

No he was totally normal, he's taken 17 tabs before and was fine. Shit just went down

When you're predisposed it could be 1 or 100 tabs. Obviously the higher the dose the closer you are to pulling the trigger my friend or could of been some RC passed of as acid

I test all my LSD and but only from the best vendors on AlphaBay (used to it was Agora)

>"I can do more drugs then anyone so Im better."

You hear yourself right?

Depending on the dose, you most likely will stay in touch with reality. Most psychedelics only cause ego death and similar phenomenon at high doses (over 500 micrograms for LSD), which is more than the typical starter dose which is around 100-200 micrograms.

However, there is still danger in buying tabs of LSD. These days, people often sell tabs with research chemicals on them claiming they're LSD. Most of these chemicals are safe in the right dosages, but you never know what the actual dose on a tab is. Buy a reagent testing kit so you can see if you have LSD or not. Otherwise you might be taking something like 25i-NBOMe which you can overdose on. That's not to say however, that RC's are bad. Almost no drug (especially psychedelics) is truly bad for you in low doses, and many can produce beautiful trips.

TLDR: you'll be fine as long as you don't take 10 tabs.

Don't try to be a hero and think you're a badass because "only faggots take x amount" or whatever the fuck. It's just a tool to get you where you want to go.

Yes it's really worth it but you got to buy your LSD from the deep web to be sure it isn't Nbome. I recommend going on Hansa market and buying from the best vendor of LSD, he;s name is empathogen

Also basic knowledge:
>have atleast one trip sitter
>don't take more than one tab of 110 ug the first time
>if the tab is bitter spit it because it's not real LSD
>buy a test kit for your LSD
>listen to some sphongle
>the most important thing in an LSD trip is SET and SETTING
>lastly respect the drug and be careful
Good luck user on you quest for spirituality maybe one day you'll try dmt

That shit is trippy even while not tripping

yea but it's amazing when you're tripping and having a good time with some friends

Just don't fight it and you'll have a good time. The only real trip sitter is another person on acid. Listen to dark side of the moon, The Wall, and strange days.
Jim Morrison is a fucking musical roller coaster

This man speaks the truth

Yes truth!

Also be prepared...program yourself to know that everything will be okay once you come down. Every thing wrong in your life is going to try to sneak up and bite you in the ass. Push that shit back and remember every single thing in your life will be exactly the way it is when you come down. There is no need to panic and freak out about it immediately, no matter how much of a loser you are.

Also...McDonalds straws and a lighter. Light the straw at one end and "listen" to the drips. DON'T burn the place down in the process.

PINK FLOYD PINK FLOYD PINK FLOYD...the more experienced you become, the further back in FLoyd's library you can go. Sheep and Dogs off of Animals will bend you mind to the max once you understand what they're about.

Good luck Sup Forumsro!

Don't keep that in mind. I mean fuck if you wanna try LSD don't read bad trip reports. Get a sitter who knows what he has to do and just try to enjoy the experience,

Just do it you pussy.

My words exactly, hate cunts like this

Acid isn't as scary as you've been led to believe. If you've already done shrooms you can, with 100% certainty, handle acid. If you're afraid of taking a full dose then don't. Your experience is going to depend on how you build it up to yourself. If you say oh wow I just took a full tab, idk what to expect, this might blast me. Then you'll probably get blasted and worry a little. So if you have a slight hesitance, which the existence of this post proves you do, start at a half dose or even a quarter dose (25ug, 50ug). you wont be wasting your time, you'll still feel the effects albeit not as intense, and you gain a better understanding and respect for the drug so that you're more prepared for your next dose.

Hi OP. Experienced tripper here. Just make sure you trip with someone in a safe space with a good friend and always remember it's just the drugs. I've taken up to 8 hits at once before. Just remember its only the drugs. Can be the best time you've ever had :)

I've taken ten strips of 125 ug tabs (for those bad at math that's a 1250 ug dose) multiple times and never had a bad trip so unless you're retarded you'll be fine.

skip acid and proceed directly to DMT

LSD is fine but shrooms are better imho

OP you're getting some sage advice. I can offer a few things in addition. You need to have the proper mindset. Be calm, in good spirits, and ready for an adventure. Make sure you've had plenty of sleep and are well rested. Any fatigue mental or otherwise is going to be magnified. My brother and I like to max an hour or so before we drop. It's hard to eat while you're spun up. My roast beef sandwich was looking at me. I want to keep any body sensations pre trip in check. Have a place where you can enjoy the trip uninterrupted. And yes have a trip sitter. My brother had a bad trip and I had to sit beside him while he held my arm over his chest for an hour. I got him through it and once he passed his peak he did start to enjoy the experience.
A couple thoughts on interactions.. I will tell you right now that alcohol is pointless. You can knock those little bastards back and it won't do anything. Dextromethorphan is a friend to lsd and can take the edge of the mania it causes but not recommended for a first timer. I keep it under 300 mg. It makes the experience more profound but lends a bit too much introspection for a group setting. Marijuana on the other hand is fantastic. Burn some 30 minutes after you peak and you should have a second strong but more relaxed peak. My brother and I sat and watched golf on the projector and listened to the surround sound. It was epic.

Yea? well I've taken 20 stips of 250 ug tabs (for those who are fucking retarded autist fucklords thats FIVE WHOLE MILLIGRAMS) MULTIPLE TIMES AND NEVER HAD A BAD TRIP SO UNLESS YOU'RE RETARDED YOU'LL BE FINE HAHA

I took 50 tabs of DOM once

I've not have LSD that much since it's expensive af and I find it quite dangerous too (a girl we used to be friends with almost got crazy because of overdoing drugs, especially acids)...

But in my experience there are two important things you should take in consideration.

Good music and a peaceful place to lie down. These are pretty much the same advices people around here have told you about.

Don't take more than one if it's your first time and don't take it if the taste is specially sour (in my experience, which I remark isn't enough) LSD tastes weird, but not awful.

As your first time you may have a huge experience, just remember that if you feel like losing yourself all you have to do is relax.

And this part is really hard when you are either too euphoric or too sad. The best advice I can give to you is to be calm and put all your effort to feel peace, try to bond with yourself, otorgate yourself peace for all the wrong things you've done.

I think that's one of the most useful ways to take LSD and shit. Anyway, if you notice you're feeling too uncomfortable when having deep thoughts about your own existence just cut it.

Set your mind to no think.

Im doing lsd today, it is amazing

An LSD experience is very similar to a shroom trip. Just do it in a controlled environment, and youll be fine

LSD should have no taste if your LSD has a taste then its not LSD get a testing kit and dont give bad advice. LSD is perfectly safe it would take more than you can get your hands on for it to drive you crazy.

>mentally scar yourself
I died at least 4 times in my most intense trip, 550ug. Mentally of course, not IRL, and im fine. I was beyond scared for some of them because i didnt realize it wasnt actually happening, but once i did it was pretty interesting.