To remain alone in solitude is my advice from the heart.
To tame one's own mind and keep it virtues by renunciation and diligence is my advice from the heart.
To be without hope and fear and to give up chores is my advice from the heart.
To be abandon all things, to have little needs, and to limit your activities to just a few is my advice from the heart.
To be silent and stop talking, and otherwise only speak peacefully, gently, and pleasantly is my advice from the heart.
To give up all the nonsense of religion and to be without bias is my advice from the heart.
To abandon studying science and to limit your knowledge is my advice from the heart.
To take a humble place and watch your own mind is my advice from the heart.
To keep away from intellectualization and to maintain concentration is my advice from the heart.
Charles Sullivan
Aaron Watson
Lovingly pointing out faults to others, with the wish to benefit them and without self-interest gives rise to negative states of mind. We might be honest, but still it causes pain. When we support our own side and refute the other, we may think this is a good way to win debates, but this also causes negative states of mind.
By praising our own side and belittling others, trough giving preference to our religion we believe we are upholding the teachings, but this is only the cause for attachment and hatred. By finding faults in the teachings of others, we may believe we are wise, but this only accumulates negative deeds.
Ian Lopez
Herr derr where there is light it also creates shadow.
Eli Walker
RIP, OP had a heart attack
Daniel Hill
Light does not creates shadows.
Shadows are created by objects blocking the reaches of light.
Jason Russell
Hahaha, what objects?
Are you even human? you feel no emotions?
Or are you gonna drop your 40 min documentary of buddhism knowledge?
Henry Fisher
i dont think you understand what OP is trying to accomplish
Parker Butler
The object of egoism blocks the light of love and thereby casts the shadows of negative emotions.
Once egoism is removed there is not a single thing that the light of love does not reach.
Lucas Campbell
Why is this guy's hair Hiroshima? It's even got the fucking shockwave.
Jaxson Kelly
Who are you quoting, OP?
Robert Ramirez
Longchenpa. Full quote here:
Altough we may have gathered around us a large number of friends, and acquaintances with the method of loving kindness, and compassion. This will be the source of attachments, quarrels, and worries. To remain alone in solitude is my advice from the heart
Altough we may get the opportunity to show our great qualities to others. Soon we become attached and begin to desire large amounts of wealth and food. We may begin to distribute offerings from received donations of rich important people, but even though this is the support of good deeds, it will lead to pride and negative actions. To have our fame and good reputation spread throughout the world will not bring any benefit when you die. To tame one's own mind and keep it virtues by renunciation and diligence is my advice from the heart.
By taking on responsibilities, bearing witness, and enforcing the law we may reconcile people in their disputes and quarrels thinking it benefits them and we are doing good for all, but still aversion, hatred, greed and attachments arise. Even though caretakers, attendants, managers, and cooks constitute the life blood and the pillars of society. Still people fight, strive, and compete among themselves. To be without hope and fear and to give up such chores is my advice from the heart.
To hastily gather and carry whatever we think is necessary to help ourselves in our life like statues, sacred scriptures, images, ritual items, offerings, cooking utensils and the like. Eventually it leads to suffering and dispute. To be abandon all those things, to have little needs, and to limit your activities to just a few is my advice from the heart.
Dominic Ramirez
Lovingly pointing out faults to others, with the wish to benefit them and without self-interest gives rise to negative states of mind. We might be honest, but still it causes pain. When we support our own side and refute the other, we may think this is a good way to win debates, but this also causes negative states of mind. To be silent and stop talking, and otherwise only speak peacefully, gently, and pleasantly is my advice from the heart.
By praising our own side and belittling others, trough giving preference to our religion we believe we are upholding the teachings, but this is only the cause for attachment and hatred. By finding faults in the teachings of others, we may believe we are wise, but this only accumulates negative deeds. To give up all the nonsense of religion and to be without bias is my advice from the heart.
There are many texts on science, crafts, medicine, and religion. All methods for gaining understanding, yet to know many things is to ruin the pure simplicity of your mind. It might be excellent to be learned, but whatever we are attached to locks us up in a self-made prison. To amass a multitude of texts, books, notes, and scriptures will only burden you and slow you down, giving no benefit. You are merely fooling yourself. To abandon studying and to limit your knowledge is my advice from the heart.
Summoning hail and thunderbolts and the like, producing black magic spells and protecting oneself. We might believe these are activities to subdue those we are hardest to tame. But this will only consume their minds with hatred, and revenge, leading to war. To take a humble place and watch your own mind is my advice from the heart.
Colton Barnes
We may have gained insights and understanding into the ultimate nature of mind and dwelling in a state of non-conceptuality. But to discuss it with others, and to write spiritual texts, poems, and songs of realization about them, even though they are signs of clear experience, will give rise to conceptualization and misinterpretation. And will increase wandering thoughts and distractions. To keep away from intellectualization and to maintain concentration is my advice from the heart.
Making distinctions of past, present, and future is like making disctintions of different levels of the empty sky. In the end it is still one whole sky. The mind can only think about the past or future in the present moment. The past and future stand on the ground of the present as it were. And the present moment is the mind. So in the end it still is all one mind, one nature. A simple awareness that is completely open.
Andrew Allen
The everyday practice of life is simply to develop a complete acceptance and openness to all situations and emotions, and to all people, experiencing everything totally without mental reservations and blockages, so that one never withdraws or centralizes into oneself.
This produces a tremendous energy which usually is locked up in the process of mental evasion and a general running away from life experiences.
Clarity of awareness may, in its initial stages, be unpleasant or fear-inspiring; if so, then one should open oneself completely to the pain or the fear and welcome it. In this way the barriers created by one's own habitual emotional reactions and prejudices are broken down.
Everything is perfect just as it is, completely pure and undefiled. All phenomena naturally appear in their uniquely correct modes and situations, forming ever-changing patterns full of meaning and significance, like participants in a great dance. Everything is a symbol, yet there is no difference between the symbol and the truth symbolized. With no effort of practice whatsoever
Jeremiah Adams
There should be no need of striving to reach some exalted goal or higher state; this simply produces something conditional or artificial that will act as an obstruction to the free flow of the mind. One should never think of oneself as "sinful" or worthless, but as naturally pure and perfect, lacking nothing.
All phenomena are completely new and fresh and absolutely unique, entirely free from all concepts of past, present, and future- as if experienced in another dimension of time; this is absolute spontaneity.
One should learn to see everyday life as a palace in which one is at the center, and be free of the bias and prejudice of past conditioning, present desires, and hopes and expectations about the future. The servants in the palace are the day-to-day objects of one's life experiences moving in the great dance of the play of the universe. Therefore, be natural and spontaneous; accept and learn from everything. ee through the illusion of past, present, and future. The past is but a present memory or condition, the future but a present projection, and the present itself vanishes before it can be grasped.
Chase Rivera
You can not stop negative thoughts even if you tried, because they are the natural radiance of the luminous voidness of mind. For that same reason it is not needed to stop negative thoughts (with the idea of thereby achieving a good mood) nor is it needed to produce positive thoughts (as a way of producing a good mood). Since the thought of wishing to get positive thoughts or stop negative thoughts is a thought too (and you can not stop the flow of thoughts with even more thoughts) coming from luminous emptiness of mind. What needs to be done is to see and identify with the playful empty nature of that thought. The very activity of trying to stop a thought is mental activity (and mental activity is nothing other then that: a thought.) Since the activity of trying to stop a thougt is itself conceptual in character, such activity results in a thought, which is what it was trying to stop. For this reason it is impossible to stop thoughts through trying to stop them. (In short: it is not possible to stop a conceptual activity with a conceptual activity)
Christian Gray
The human mind, being ignorant, believes it has many things to be doubtful about, many things to be hopeful about, and many things to fear. But when it comes to being very clear about what these things actually are—we are not very sure.
We know we are hopeful, but are not sure about what. We may say that we hope to become rich, to live long, to practice well, to have children, and so forth. But if you look very carefully, these things are not what we really hope for. These would be good things to have happen. But what are we actually hopeful about? We don’t know.
In the same way, we have tremendous fear. But what are we actually afraid of? Most of us can only come up with a few of things: I’m afraid of spiders, I’m afraid of my child dying, I’m afraid of getting old, something like that. But, again, these things are not what we’re actually afraid of. We are simply afraid. We are not afraid of something, we just have fear. That’s it.
The ignorant mind is called “blind mind.” The blind mind just projects hope and fear with no clear idea, itself, what it is hopeful or fearful about. It is the same with doubts and hesitations. The ignorant mind allows you to believe things you cannot articulate very clearly. Nevertheless the hope and fear are very strong.
Subtle hope and fear is the main weapon of basic ignorance. It is hopeful and fearful but doesn’t know about what, which makes it ignorant: ignorantly hopeful, ignorantly fearful.
Mason Stewart
you fags better be reading this
godspeed OP
Carter Miller
Once you have the View (that every appearance and phenomena from sounds, forms, smells, tastes, sights, emotions, and so on are merely illusions) ,
although the delusory perceptions of samsara may arise in your mind,
you will be like the sky; when a rainbow appears in front of it,
it's not particularly flattered, and when the clouds appear
it's not particularly disappointed either.
There is a deep sense of contentment.
You chuckle from inside as you see the facade of suffering and pleasure;
the View will keep you constantly amused,
with a little inner smile bubbling away all the time
One should realize that everything is primordially pure.
The towns and countryside that the traveller sees through a train window do not slow down the train, nor does the train affect them. Neither disturbs the other. This is how you should see the thoughts that pass through your mind
Simply allow your thoughts and experiences to come and go, without ever grasping at them.
Easton Flores
I am just an ordinary sentient being and there is nothing special about me. wish that all sentient beings could let go of the acts of self-deception
If you lack the wealth of contentment in your mind, You’ll think you need all kinds of useless things, Being free of worries is the true victory for the real warrior who carries no weapons.
When one realizes that our many thoughts of anger and desire, which churn the ocean of suffering., are devoid of any self-nature, everything becomes a land of gold, my child.
Since everything is but an apparition, Perfect in being what it is, Having nothing to do with good or bad, Acceptance or rejection You might as well burst out laughing!
All visualizations are imagination. All imagination is appearance/emptiness. Without being attached to appearance/emptiness as real, rest without fixation, without focus. I have never seen a single thing that's real.
Christopher Perez
thank you for the philosophical but useless advice from the heart.
Wyatt Nguyen
Emotion is the enemy of rational thought, regardless of whether that emotion is positive or negative. Creating a utopian feel good feeling within yourself does not change the world around you, but changes your perception of that world, allowing you to rationalize your actions. This is not a good way to live your life.
Thomas Hall
Its impossible to cover the entire world in leather. Its more practical to put leather on your shoes which achieves the same goal.
Its very difficult to change the world around you. Better it is to change the mind within. Because you will never find peace in the outer world, until you make peace with yourself first.
If you have enemies and try to destroy them (externally) with weapons, you only create more enemies. If instead by destroying the enemy of hatred (internally) you become friends with everyone.