pain free suicide method? help me out.
Pain free suicide method? help me out
Just kys, faggot.
Run hose from car exhaust into car. C monoxide poisoning. Just fall asleep.
too much of a beta
i dont own a car, broke af.
Use an exit bag faggot
Either that or don't bother
Anyway stop being an edgy cunt on 4chins you summercunt
just shoot yourself toward the back of the head, you'll be out before your brain ever registers any pain
ok thanks for the suggestions, ill do it eventually when i get the chance and the balls.
Burn coal in a tall vase or so in a small room (tent or so). Should produce enough co to end you.
if you really wanted to die you wouldn't care if it was painful or not. You're dying, what's the difference if it hurts? Obviously if you pick something slowly acting that takes days/months to kill you it would be pretty shitty, but there are a lot of reliable ways that won't kill you instantly but will do it pretty damn fast. Think of the pain as some sort of penance for pain you are inflicting on your friends/family.
take a credit, buy a ticket on a cruise ship an drink till the end
I like the way you think
Overdose. Get drunk, take a bunch of Vicodin, then Xanax, finally a shit ton of Heroin
too unreliable. Even if you do it in private with no chance of being found, people wake up from overdoses all the time.
Honestly the most fun way and would get you on the news is to buy a gun, call 911 and report a hostage situation (or any violent felony, really), wait for them all to show up and point your gun in their general direction.
Shut off computer.
Go outside.
Live your goddamn life.
by the way with this method it helps tremendously if you're black. If you're white, consider getting some shoe polish and rubbing it all over your skin.
I'm not talking about a few pills here and there. Overdosing is very easy you b/tard
you still might chicken out or pass out before you take the full dose. It's not fool-proof
You don't own a car? Seriously, wtf? Everyone has a car.
You've failed at life friend. Maybe you should consider suicide...
I hear they started putting a certain % oxygen in the commercial purchasable helium tanks, to prevent this
Jump from a building...
- first you have to proof to yourself if you are ready in taking the final step
- while falling you will feel alive...maybe for the first time ever
- and the end is as fast as it gets
Utter bullshit, mate.
IM injection of Ketamine in high dose while in a large enough bathtub to sink in. You're welcome.
exit bag with nitrogen
How do you pass out between pill 15 and pill 50 if you take them all in the span of 5 seconds you 11 year old cunt.
Shoot to the head or those pills spies take when caught, i can't remember the name.
I personally will hang myself coz europoor.
Damn if that 12 yo kid did it, i can do it too.
Helium you cunt.
Cyanide capsules I think
oh yes. best death evurrr ;)
Put your head in a bucket full of dry ice. Breathe in 3 times and you're gone :)
No suicide method is truly painless because you must be in so much pain to actually want to commit suicide
Heroin overdose
I'm not in pain, I just wanna do it for fun
There was this one doctor who used to kill people by overdosing them on morphine. He was actually freeing them from life and depression
Get some morphine and stick that shit into yourself