For the past 5 weeks I haven't been able to keep my penis inside a vagina for longer than 30 seconds without cumming.
>pic related
My girlfriend is really starting to get mad.
Is there a medical condition that causes this problem?
For the past 5 weeks I haven't been able to keep my penis inside a vagina for longer than 30 seconds without cumming.
>pic related
My girlfriend is really starting to get mad.
Is there a medical condition that causes this problem?
Just dont stop when you cum, keep fucking her. I just slow down as I cum and speed back up after a few seconds then I can go hard until I cum again quite a while later
>wank before sex
>use numbing condom (never tried)
>go slower
>let her ride
>shorter foreplay
Wank more often.
Seriously the longer you go between ejaculating the longer you last.
Do you smoke?
Don't use those numbing condoms. I had one break and maaaaan that was weird
1. fuck her after fucking, still if you not in mood anymore
2. fuck more often
3. dont do things you like. f.e. i always play with her ass, like when she is loud, so i wouldn't do this things anymore
4. change position more often, but not every girl like this
5. drink a lot of alkohol, fuck her at night. when i fuck a one night stand they are always happy with me, because they think its normal for me to fuck them for hours, but its always the alkohol
6. it really helps a little bit, if you think on other things. and dont look at her hot body
7. play very long with her before you fuck her!! you only come because of the penetration! do a good job before. she want be angry if you come early, if she had a lot of fun before
>she want be
she wont be
Just get really really good at licking her out.
She will not give a shit about your pre-jacking if you can get her off with your tongue.
For the past 18 years I haven't been able to insert my penis inside
a vagina
I found that exercising more often worked, also have regular sex.
I feel for you, op.
When I was 18 I used to have some serious problems with premature ejaculation. Then fun thing, they started not the first time we had sex, but after we had a terrible breakup-get back together sequence with my gf.
I was pressuring myself over it. She was pressuring me over it. It was terrible, and pressure made it so much worse - I went from not just being able to make her cum to literally blowing within first minute.
Finding another woman helped - probably because it removed most pressure, and everything was ok again.
I understand that not pressuring yourself is easier said then done, but this is the only good advice I can give.
Ask a goddamn doctor about it. One in five men are affected by this and there are proven remedies. Where I come from there were actual public service announcements regarding this for a while.
Aren't anyone in here slightly concerned that we view a natural phenomena as being sick?
One of the most natural things are to be attracted to a grill and delivering your load.
also, it could be mental reasons. I never had issues with sex, but then one day it started. I had no idea why; my health was good, and the problem was very sudden. I went to a doctor and he referred me to a therapist. therapist knew what the issue was almost immediately, and already knew how to walk me through it. problem went away after a few weeks, and I didn't need to take any medication.
premature ejaculation is a diagnosable disorder.
Peeing is natural. Not being able to hold pee in is a disease. You can draw the connection yourself.
> don't look at her hot body
As if anybody here is fucking a girl with a hot body.
Or did you mean you only fuck diseased skanks so her body is literally hot from fever?
Try wanking it for a longer time so u get used to lasting longer before splurging
What actor is this in the webm?
>only having one orgasm
Just keep fucking her. It's really that simple.
yeah its called its-been-more-than-18-hours-since-you-wanked-itis.
Keep a schedule user, a TIGHT schedule. Know when you're going to have sex and know exactly how long into your refractory period strikes that perfect balance between hardness and longevity. Fine tune to perfection. It won't fix your problem completely but it will help
underrated shitpost
When you're about to cum think about something else, like baseball.
She's 14 in Season 1 you faggots