Ask a p-psychologist anything!
I'm here for you Anonymous, s-so don't s-suffer in s-silence any longer!
Ask a p-psychologist anything!
I'm here for you Anonymous, s-so don't s-suffer in s-silence any longer!
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck this shit
T-that didn't link properly it seems.
shhh it doesn't exist
Ah t-thank you
I constantly go into war mode and feel like I want to get into a fight with anyone who confronts me. What do?
why does it seem life gets more painful as you grow older?
Can y-you tell me more?
Well, think about how your responsibilities change vs your power.
Up to about 5, you have no responsibilities but also no power. Once you enter school, you start to gain increasing responsibilities, but no real increase in power until you get a car or get a job or move out or whatever.
At that point, your amount of power spikes; you become your own person, either by being able to be away from your parents or by not needing to give into them.
This is right around college time, where you may be using student loans or parental money but you have very little responsibility except school. You may also notice people say this is the "best time of their lives".
Then you get a for real job (or you skip college and get one), and the money does give you extra power, but you keep getting more responsibility. Kids, wives, husbands, increased work responsibility, etc etc.
Don't worry though, as you get even older, you start to get more power as you go through the ranks at work, where as your responsibility starts to decrease (especially just before retirement).
Then, if you retire, you have tons of power (old people are very powerful, politically and socially) but no responsibility (you are retired). So it's like being young again
What's your opinion on psychics?
When people make me angry I get big, green, and can't control myself.
I d-don't have one; only facts.
The scientific evidence shows they are frauds.
So that's what they are.
Well Mr Banner, that s-seems like an issue only you can fix at this p-point. I never claimed t-to be a genius.
aww retirement is so long away
Only 2-20 years to 40 d-dear!
Wait, how do you know me? I'm reporting you to the FBI for doxing me!
G-good luck with that.
Ever since my girlfriend broke up with me I've been thinking about her every day, its been 5 months. I still cant sleep well, averaging about 3 hours of sleep for about 3-4 nights, followed by 1 night of 6-8 hours of sleep.
H-have you been to a therapist yet?
That's an opinion. And what scientific facts? There are only theories. Psychics are the psychologists before the age of science because they're natural born healers. I've seen a few now and have seen a psychologist. I can without a doubt say from my experience that the psychics understood how my mind worked and what my issues and challenges are far more in depth than any psychologist I've spoken to. If you don't believe me I dare you to visit one with reputable reviews. Also check out something called real social dynamics on youtube.
>Ask a p-psychologist
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
N-no, it's a fact d-dear; a t-theory is a collection of observations w-with an explanation. This is s-simply an observation. No psychic has ever once passed a double blind test, f-for example.
So, yeah, no.
why are you stuttering? is this some meme thing?
anyway do you ever deal with patients who email you asking for information but then ghost as soon as you ask to meet them or call them to set up an appointment? Would you have any advice beyond "just do it" for a person in that situation? I can't help it - I'll get to the point where I snap and feel like I need to finally get help but when I sleep on it and hear back I just can't bring myself to do it because I'm no longer melting down by then.
Sometimes I wish they'd come and drag me there but I know in the end it's my responsibility to get help and nobody else will do it for me, but it's hard when you think you don't deserve help until you're drunk or in a major (but temporary) depressive state.
are you making stuff up that you think is scientific fact? Your very rigid in your beliefs, because it is a belief you hold not a fact.
I'm a big introvert, things like that simply scare me. This is the first time I'm telling anyone. Even my closest friends dont know. They were worried the first few weeks because I was borderline suicidal, but thats over now.
She was my first girlfriend, met her playing League, she was the first and still only girl I ever talked to. She lived in the country next to mine though, so I spent 2 years learning her language, getting a job just to be able to visit her, got my drivers licence, bought a car,..... all just for her. But its weird because I dont miss her, I just miss having someone to hold at night.
It all started after I was home for a few days from work, so I drove to her for 6 hours, I arrived and she said "hi", I asked her something like: "just hi? no hug or kiss?" and she just shrugged, she started fighting about the most pointless things for weeks and weeks until she texted me that she was done, she couldn't explain why or what I've done wrong.
I overcommited to her and that makes me angry, but at the same time I know that its going to take years and years until I find another girl I can simply talk with.
I feel lonely and sad 6 30 am havent slept just thinking and thinking again the same things making me feel depressed asf how fucked am i
*blinks* S-sure, I have advice for that.
Don't make an appointment; just show up.
Most places can accomodate you, if need b-be.
You also need to commit to it; you decide to do it, you write it down, and that serves as the trigger; you see that you wrote it down, you do it.
Finally, d-dearest Anonymous, why in the w-world would "deserve" come into the equation? You are in need, so you go get help. That's the only part that matters, the only part that makes sense.
Everyone deserves a helping hand up Anonymous.
can you stop making threads with different words? put Alice3d in your thread or something each time so I can filter your garbage ass "efame pretend to help people but really fuel your own vanity" threads
thank you
Nope. Definition: A scientific fact is an objective and verifiable observation.
And as I s-said, there has n-not been a single scientific study of any credibility v-verifying psychics.
Sorry dear. They just aren't real.
Very if y-you continue to think those things.
You need to redirect your thoughts elsewhere d-dear.
That's n-not what being an introvert m-means dear. You c-clearly have an anxiety disorder, n-not introvertism.
*blinks* S-sorry, I don't m-make such threads.
Could you p-please explain why you think I d-do?
I don't know, I just can't get my head around the fact that I'd be taking up a doctor's time that could be used helping a better person. I know that a therapist (like yourself) will say that everyone deserves it but I can't just make myself agree with that.
I guess trying to think in retrospect I was raised to believe you have to earn everything or you don't deserve it, and I don't feel like I've earned a good/happy life yet.
because I've read enough of your threads and interacted with you enough to see it with my own eyes.
Don't waste your time getting all super defensive and calling me a n-newfag; there's no need for it. Just stick to a consistent OP so people who want to filter you can do so.
That depends on if you stop shit posting and stop coming to her threads to intentionally spew garbage
"better person". By what metric?
I'm serious, I hear this all the time and it confounds me.
Is a child more worthy than an adult? One who was injured by no fault of their own more worthy than one who did something stupid?
How do you compare the lives of a human being?
Throw out the whole "earned vs not earned" thing; that's absurd. If we went like that, we'd be in a Dicksonian nightmare, where money "earned" by being given a great job by your parents or whatever would somehow beat out an academic who spent their entire lives dedicated to helping the world.
When it comes to health care, everyone deserves a fair shake of the bottle, and that's what we give them (to the best of our ability). Because you can't know who will cure cancer or who will come up with the next big idea.
Everyone deserves a life time, Anonymous. It doesn't work any other way. Unless you can give me an algorithm that you feed in a human beings potential and it spits out a sorted order.
i'd be surprised if they are actually a psychologist but honestly a lot of the advice they've been giving ITT has been good and logical so I don't know what your deal is.
S-so you have no evidence and are j-just making shit up. G-got it; there are people who w-will never be satisfied. I buy people health care, buy them groceries, spend hours or days of time with them, hell, drive them to the ER, but f-for sure I'm merely "pretending" to help.
Well today is your lucky day buddy: you convinced me.
Every header is going to be as unique as I can possibly make it, just for you. Cuz boy, does no one need me more.
the honest answer is my brain is fucked and I only really apply those standards to myself. I know how stupid it is but like I said, I can't seem to just flip a switch and make myself not think that way. I've been trying for years and it just keeps getting worse.
If you watch the video I posted then you will find an objective and verifiable observation. Problem is a lot of scientists have closed minds... Here's the evidence 'no sorry doesn't fit in with what I was taught at uni.' If you watch the video then you'll understand what I'm talking about :)
you can instantly spot a crackpot when they tell you to watch a video on youtube.
If you want scientists to believe you, publish it in a peer reviewed journal. If the science is valid, it will be published and accepted as fact. If you can't get it to that standard it's not science, it's pseudo science.
Anxiety disorder works as well I guess.... I feel alone, and even my 2 only friends dont know about it, whenever I'm in a group, even with just colleagues I simply shut down, I'm joining the conversation in thoughts but after a few minutes I realize I still haven't said anything at all. The only time I have the balls to say what I want is when I'm playing games, unless i know its a girl I'm talking to, which is how I met her.
Great, thanks. I appreciate your handling my request with maturity, sensitivity, and kindness and not just using me to fuel your own ego / vanity even more. Thanks, Alice.
W-who cares how you think?
Seriously, that's what you need to go into therapy to CHANGE. You can't do it on your own; if you could, you would have.
What matters is that you go, Anonymous.
I don't care how you get yourself there, what mental gymnastics you need to jump through. I don't care if the entire time you hate it and yourself.
Get yourself the help you need, Anonymous.
T-this video doesn't constitute objective or verifiable observation d-dear
How does wood become stone
You are v-very welcome, g-glad to help
When it petrifies.
you mean the same maturity that you used when you called her threads garbage and her looking for efame? practice what you preach faggot
you mind calling your cult followers / lapdogs off?
im gonna post this in every thread alice makes as an example of how she helps people and people are very grateful for her help
Zomg what a troll
gotta fight trolls with trolling
Thanks for the advice, but I cant do that.
This is the 3rd thread of yours I've been spending time on, thinking if I finally should spit it out, and I guess sleep deprivation finally made me do it, but I'm not ready to talk to a real person I dont know.
"Oh no!! I started some shit on the internet and it backfired so I regret it now!"
You made your bed, faggot. Sleep in it.
would you suggest a psychologist/therapist or a psychiatrist? I am not 100% set against medication but I would strongly strongly prefer not to have to go down that road. A worry I have is that I'll go to a psychologist and they'll tell me I need to talk to a psychiatrist instead.
It's the same kind of anxiety I guess where people are scared to go to a doctor because they don't want to find out they have something super serious. I'd like to think I just need to teach myself better mental habits and can dig myself out of this situation with their help, rather than needing to be medicated.
Is that something I should definitely tell them early on if/when I do go?
>mfw you're going to use a sarcastic post that's saying the exact opposite of what you're claiming it's saying as "evidence" that these threads are a good thing
really gets the ol' noggin joggin'
>started some shit
>ask person who makes the same thread day in and day out to use a filterable text string
If n-not now, then when? That's t-the problem; if you have to w-wait to get ready, you'll never be ready.
That's how anxiety works Anonymous. I hope you can get the help you need.
I've got to go to work dears. If you need more help or wish to contact me, here is my contact info:
email: [email protected]
Steam: Aneki Margatroid or rukiarcx
Twitter, Twitch, Youtube: CeltyPlays
See y-you all later tonight
Y-you didn't ask dear. You demanded and w-were quite rude about it.
If you had sent me an email politely asking, I'd have d-done it with no issues.
Talk to your GP or PCP, get a referral to a psychologist. A psychiatrist is only there to prescribe you medication, your psychologist will refer you to one if need be; this is standard procedure.
Alright, time to go. Have a good day everyone
Recycle your attitude, then make sure to put yourself in there next. Remember to right-click the bin and empty it so you can be gone forever and you will stop taking up unnecessary space.
thanks for all the advice, i know it's probably frustrating dealing with stubborn idiots like me
Maybe s-settle on a lower standard that w-will work for people who don't know t-the very basics of those words or s-science. What does this even mean? I know what you're talking about but I don't think you understand what you're talking about. A verifiable observation in that video is that the guy blindfolds the girl and asks her what he's doing and she gets it right every time as though she could see with her physical eyes but she's using her third eye. Thing is it's not easy to get verifiable data on psychic phenomena by 'scientific means' because every time there is scientists just rationalize it away like what you're doing now. It doesn't matter because I'm ISIS bitch and I'll laugh in the face of any scientists who tries to rationalize my magic :P truth be told I know you're just making shit up on the spot without having looked into it " And this simply fails the most basic rigor test." haha because i'm a psychic myself and I UNDERSTAND
>you didn't ask
>can you stop making threads with different words? put Alice3d in your thread or something each time so I can filter your garbage ass "efame pretend to help people but really fuel your own vanity" threads
>can you stop making threads with different words?
>didn't ask
wow you are dumb and dont understand science hahahah
yeah that isnt asking see how you insult the fuck out of her for no reason? thats called 'being an asshole'. you dont do that when asking a favor. you do it when demanding something. asshole. cant wait to see all the new headers because of you though for thanks for that
If it can be rationalized away it is NOT SCIENCE. There can be multiple interpretations for a phenomenon, but if the person claiming it is real can't even explain how/why it does and there's no way to reliably test it, it's not science. It's not real. It's all in your head.
that is not a verifiable observable fact dude. every study done on this subject shows that its a con. gg
>asking a question isn't asking if you're also rude about it.
hahaha this fucker came to a thread, asked a psychologist about psychics, and then revealed at the end they were a psychic all along. so you never actually wanted her opinion you just wanted to brag or get validated? get rekt'd son
Who said I couldn't explain why?? I can. You want to know how in relation to that video?
I think I might be turning into a schizoid. What do you suggest I do to reverse or hinder that from happening?
yep exactly you got it. also you didnt ask a question lmao you asked for a favor. one she didn't grant. as is her right. get fucked
explain it in scientific terms not batshit stupid ones
if you could, you would have already. Put it in a way that can be tested and is reproducible. These are very basic rules in how science HAS to work. It's not some conspiracy, if science didn't work this way we'd spend endless amounts of time disproving pseudoscience like what you're spouting.
Again, refer me to a paper that has undergone peer review, not some corny staged youtube video.
>Sup Forums
>be me
>return to America after 6 months
>go back home to da boogie down bronx
>see my first black person
>nostalgia hits me like a ton of bricks
>local mcdonalds closed down, can't taste a burger until later
>see so much garbage everywhere I begin to tear up
I miss home so much, I love NYC
Yeah that's partly right hahaha but I also wanted to see if a psychologist would acknowledge psychic phenomena or be opened minded about it but obviously that aint happening :P
wassup alice wassup man
Head injury fag here, stroke, two years ago. Vision loss, short term memory loss, was ptsd ish for a bit but getting used to it. I should get out and do more but it's bright as shit all the time.
Smoke lots of green, more effective and safer than xanax was, am off the xanies 100 percent for 2 months now. Doing k.
Once a month I use opiates for recreation. My friend gives me shit cause it is dangerous and I am head injury but it s the only thing that really motivates me after a while and yeah it feels good. I use for 2 days then am off for the month.
Am I a heathen drug addict that should stop? I may not have much longer to live anyway and I have to get enjoyment out of something once in a while and this does the trick.
It's that or kms. I cannot live that perpetually unhappy
this is the go-to complaint by crackpots throughout history. "oh you're just too closed-minded!" Science is not like politics or religion where nothing can be proven as being absolutely the correct way to do things/live and therefore multiple interpretations can be correct.
Science needs to be a) peer reviewed b) reproducible and c) not based on a fucking youtube video
i was going to criticize you for posting in a thread that the OP left like 10 minutes ago, but you do have vision loss so I guess it's not your fault.
>cross dressing nutjob giving psychological advice
The irony is too much to bear.
honestly when i looked them up and found out it's a man that is into that shit I started doubting their advice a little more, but I still appreciate them for trying. In the future I'd prefer my advice to come from someone that isn't wearing stockings and probably jerking off while he gives me advice.
Get the fuck out of Alice's thread
Shit haha. Well thanks for the heads up
Why would anyone believe a YouTube video without a study to back it up for a reputable source?
No I wouldn't. Because I'm not a scientist who has done a PHD to write those papers. I'm not spouting psudo science at all. You know what Science is? An attempt to explain what's going on in this world and how it works and guess how much they haven't figured out yet.... I'll leave it to your imagination ;)
Well as we already found out from prev posts science can't prove this stuff so how am I going to explain it in scientific terms? I will tell you though She has trained her third eye (the minds eye) specifically for seeing the visible world. It would require a lot of meditation and practices taught to he by her guru and also requires belief. Now why would it work? Because the universe works through frequency and vibration and she is receiving to her mind the physical picture of what she's focusing on. Quite simple to explain really :P
Email Alice at [email protected]
Alice is not a man
Alice is a woman she doesn't cross dress
You're doing god's work Alice, I really appreciate you even if I don't check out these threads often.
Yes now again in scientific terms that aren't meaningless babbling
i already know the answer just because "she" is fawned over by b-tards but: does "she" have a dick or doesn't "she"?
but why? she's not even here right now
She does not have a dick. Also if you think Alice is fawned over you haven't seen her threads lmao
Because you promised you'd stay out. Now stay out.
the latter part is true, this is my first encounter. Why do people claim they are one then? The picture of their legs I found definitely look mannish.
Maybe I need to rephrase the question. Were they BORN with a dick?
Email or contact Alice another way. She isn't here right now
i know exactly how you feel user and I wish you the best of luck in life
Go to her YouTube: celtyplays
She's clearly a girl
N-No Alice?