I present to you the perfect tits

I present to you the perfect tits.

Agree or disagree?

Other urls found in this thread:


Not even close

Disagree. Fake as fuck.

Real as fuck bro. She's only 19

Those are perfect tits

post face

average as fuck tits

>only 19
You want a Prize or something? Seeing 19 year old tits that are better than hers on the Internet is pretty easy




Tell me you don't want to slide your cock between those

Fake and nipples are shit.

Between what? The chick barely has anything to slide between


For the last time they aren't fake. Which kind of goes to prove my point that they're perfect.

they arent perfect.
not even close.

I like them to have a bit of hang


not perfect but not ugly either. face would make the difference


10/10 boobs if you disagree you're a faggot

Cow udders

Such a fag


where are you? from?

write is it hot in here Christ?

damn close but try this



Yeap they work, so long as they curve underneath and slope above I'm set.

99% perfect

Nice but not nearly perfect. Needs more volume to be perfect.


ding ding...we got a weiner!


Move aside

Sauce? Any videos?



They work for me






Disagree. Those aren't even good tits.


Nice tits, shame about the rest of it

Japs have the best fakes

This is true, legit better at it than western jobs





Perfect symmetry

hard to beat

Quit it, it's painful

She's beautiful, but her tits are only 75% perf.

you can /thread right now




(. Y ยท)


these are perfect imo







only philistines would complain, but perfect? heavens no chappy






That's the cash me ousside girl




Dude, the gaps huge Wtf. They look fake but the bad kinda fake

They look a little small to be her...

damn nice
what a cutie

congrats on quads.


Who likes them?

i do

Wwyd to her?

I would spend an hour worshiping her boobs before trying to suck start her box.

Hailey Leigh. There's plenty of her, unfortunately no hardcore. Just solo

Also, fucking reverse search.

Goddamnit I hate her pig face tho...


>suck start her box

excuse me?

it cant be perfect without the face

Looks like the tits you get from a cheap boob job.
Can't fap to this mess/10

>internet access
>endless free porn
>fapping to pictures
