What's Sup Forums's opinion on vore?

What's Sup Forums's opinion on vore?


Love it, but I prefer this over big monsters and snakes and shit like that.

Anal vore or gtfo




In vore does the person die inside? Get eaten or digested? Or do they come back out eventually?





these comics never make any god damn sense.


I find this unrealistic. First off she swallowed 2 whole people. Then digested them in like 8 hours.

Still hot as fuck. I also like dolcette.

I find the whole idea disturbing. I mean, when it's like.. "No! I don't want to be eaten!" I can -sort- of understand it.. but the whole "Oh sure, I'd like to casually be eaten and killed by something.. It's my kink!"

It's like getting turned on by shooting yourself in the head. "Fuck yeah, I can't wait to only do this once!"

Me, I like to get off to actual sex acts.

Post more comics I haven't cum yet

I don't have any more. But you should check out a comic called volunteer pig. I cum buckets every time I read it.

just like feet fetish or diaper.

i don't get it.

not that i'm disgusted, i just don't understand what is so arousing.

This, but I dont find it disturbing, just kinda stupid.
