What would being beheaded actually feel like?

What would being beheaded actually feel like?
How much pain would there be before you couldn't feel anymore?
How far into your spine would someone be able to hack before your 'lights' went out.

I saw some dudes get beheaded in an ISIS vid, and they were kicking their feet well into the part where they cut through the spines. Is that a nervous system reaction? or were they feeling every second of it? What about the feeling of having your neck opened up to the much cooler air surrounding it?

gif related kind of, but I'm talking more about the slower beheadings, the ISIS-style ones.

Any anons here been beheaded? what was it like?

Also for a fast beheeding, how long would your head roll around while you were 'aware'?

I am curious for reasons.

They say that during the french revolution some decapitated heads would blink and try to speak.

When you think of it, there's no such thing as instant death unless you're red misted in an explosion or something dramatic.

Your brain doesn't die instantly. Either it's starved of oxygen or starved of blood, and either way it's probably up to a minute before you lose conciousness.

After your spine is severed there probably wouldn't be much pain left, and your blood draining out would leave you light headed fairly quickly and blacking out seconds later, but you'd certainly feel a lot.

Even being shot in the heart isn't instant death.

What did that Mexican guy feel who had his face peeled, his hands cut off, a knife down his throat and a box cutter on his neck? Would the shock have stopped him feeling any pain?

Doctor here. When the head is severed from the body, the body may twitch and kick but that is all reflex, no conscious movement since the brain cannot control the body anymore. It will take around 5 - 10 seconds to lose consciousness (black out if you will), but you can likely pass out from your head (weighing in at about 5kg) hitting the ground from a height of 70 centimeters when sitting on your knees, suffering concussion.

This is true. But that only happened one time with a duo of scientists. One was sentenced to death by guillotine, and promised the other he would blink two times if he was still conscious. So he did. No speech however, because no airflow past the vocal cords is possible without the lungs.

Doctor here

I'm guessing the head is conscious for for a moment when it hits the ground, then everything goes black due to rapid blood pressure loss. I doubt they feel anything more than a good punch to the back of the neck

Y'all fine young homosexuals need to quit posting on Sup Forums and listen to Stuff You Should Know. They did a full episode on beheadings, covering every aspect of it. Thoroughly fascinating.

Yes you're still alive through it long enough to experience it and occasionally people are alert & facially responsive for quite an unpleasant duration of time as the brain fades out, while getting to experience the pleasurable pain stimulus of having your spinal cord completely severed and broken.

guillotine ftw

Only humane execution method is a morphine overdose. Bliss out to dreamland, never come back.

>Any anons here been beheaded?

pretty gud

Think of the people who report the pain of having a phantom limb, now multiply that a bunch and imagine having a phantom body.

I was beheaded while in the Phillip. Its not as bad as they make out on the plus side no air fare for return trip cos my sister carried me in her bag. Re attachment surgery was tricky cos I dont have a body so they attached my head to a 90s Era printer

science says it is possible that the brain remain lucid like seconds after all it is like someone above says a big trauma and the brain shut down pretty quickly to prevent pain like in any trauma. That is my reasoning

Dot Matrix, is that you?

If there is still blood circulation in your head, you will probably feel something - no one can tell you more..

people dont get the phantom limb effect until long after they recover.

the trauma would erase all feeling. i had the tip of my finger cut off and it was just a harsh, fucked up numbness for a few mins before the pain set in properly.

If it was quick, the brain would be dead before the pain kicked in.

If it was quickish... say 30 seconds, probably shock would numb things down before brain death.

If it's longer, like hacking away with a machete over several minutes, there would be pain.

I'm about to beheaded by isis in 2 mins....tell ya what I'll do...I'm gonna leave this star here and I'll type what I can after the star.....how bout that for a little experiment. So long Sup Forumsros.....


What about
>What about the feeling of having your neck opened up to the much cooler air surrounding it?
Like that russian soldier who they beheaded, but they made it slow on purpose. He was on the floor wretching out of the hole in his neck for a good minute before they finished him off. What do you think he felt? Also what went through his mind as he was in that situation?

Don't have a link to vid, but maybe some user has.

>Stuff You Should Know
can't find it. link?

Link pls? A youtube search doesn't give me anything and I don't feel like sifting through their videos until I find it.

Kek. Noice

Only humane execution method is boiling in wine.


I would imagine excruciating pain, at least for a while. He was drugged so that he would remain conscious, but I don't know if the drug would have prevented his body from going into shock or prevented adrenaline from numbing the pain.

Is there a full video? Or more info about the drugs and the cords attached to him? Someone said something about pumping blood back into him to keep him alive?

I don't know, I've only seen a couple pictures and didn't pursue any more information.