What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

neo nazi are feeding in the all the cuck threads to enrage lonely neck beards by making them believe that the only reason theyre lonely is because blacks are taking all their women?


It's more like Sup Forumstards are calling everyone cucks, while themselves being groomed by Aryan nation

nice try shlomo

Yeah I think thats about right.


pull your pocket out op

Why are always these kind of thread made here and not on Sup Forums itself where the majority are, OP can't handle the mantle?

its a wild trump!

Idiots who think they are being subversive and controversial are really just regurgitating the same old nazi bullshit that been around for 75 years.

the scum that hang out on /pol have pretensions towards intellectualism but you post something like this and you get "FAKE NEWS" etc level of quality from them.

the goys are onto us, shut it down!

This is most likely the meaning while being nice. IMO Its saying that the Nazi is ejaculating his splooge into the brains of these retards who have been raised to not think for themselves.

yes Mr Goldstein


this is what i mean about pretensions towards intellectualism

Because communism has so work before according to history

i hope you kikes are at least getting paid for this shilling

He's fucking your mind while you watch

>any dictator who is clearly a dictator and abandons communist economic policy is a fine example of communism and when it fails it is because communism fails and not because of a dictator who is clearly a dictator and abandons communist economic policy

>the peoples democratic republic of the congo doesn't count as failed capitalism


Yeah, that's not how music works.


fuck off kike

Kek, people actually believe this?


>some failed some worked
>those who worked become a powerhouse in the world's political and economical sphere

China post-communism

>everything has failed
>but lets try it again to prove them wrong

Some people really are delusional user, don't bother with them just live your life and ignore the nutcases

go back and place shit on the shelf at wallmart

It's pretty convincing at this stage that communism would only work with some sort of hive mind.

Face it, people are naturally inclined to look after themselves first.

There's probably some truth to all of these, tbh.

The truth is that reality isn't limited to one part of the political spectrum.

This one is still reaching a little far:

Baby can't LARP and hold an AK so he comes here and complains about it :'(

Here's a you

>communism would only work with some sort of hive mind
That's the problem, any sort of ideology will always work if and only if the people are willing to band together for that cause. The problem is human nature desires pleasure, freedom and control of their own life (of course the last one is indefinitely debatable). If governments were to be radical and change the political and economical system, you can ensure there will be rebellion and those who do not want to partake shot.

Or the rebellion winning and at least splitting society into different factions, and at most, the government being overthrown.

>“However, society is only composed of weak persons and strong; well, if the pact must perforce displease both weak and strong, there is great cause to suppose it will fail to suit society, and the previously existing state of warfare must appear infinitely preferable, since it permitted everyone the free exercise of his strength and his industry, whereof he would discover himself deprived by a society's unjust pact which takes too much from the one and never accords enough to the other; hence, the truly intelligent person is he who, indifferent to the risk of renewing the state of war that reigned prior to the contract, lashes out in irrevocable violation of that contract, violates it as much and often as he is able, full certain that what he will gain from these ruptures will always be more important than what he will lose if he happens to be a member of the weaker class; for such he was when he respected the treaty; by breaking it he may become one of the stronger; and if the laws return him to the class whence he wished to emerge, the worst that can befall him is the loss of his life, which is a misfortune infinitely less great than that of existing in opprobrium and wretchedness."