I found a puppy Sup Forums

I found a puppy Sup Forums
He was lost, dirty, thirsty and hungry

I washed him with some water and soap (not perfect but I couldn't do anything else), gave him water and fed him cheese

Is cheese good for him ? What to feed him ?

Also he's got some dark dots on his skin with some blood (I guess) around, what could it be ? Ticks ?

Trips decides his or her name btw


At least give him some type of meat, cheese might just give him the shits

And Duke is a classic

No. Not cheese. Go buy some puppy food. Don't go overboard until you have him checked out. See if he has external parasites that you can remove. Name him tickle.

Also take him to a vet asap rocky

Isn't he too young for meat ?

I might give him wet bread, they feed puppies with it in the countryside

Also I'm not sure that I can keep it, I might give it to some kind of association

Honestly anything but cheese right now would probably be good. Puppy chow is def the best choice

What about "Gucci Mane"

Better a friend, if not he's just going to wait to be adopted or put down

Are you in France or in some arabic country?
Anyway, call him Doggo

Don't name him until you take him to a vet.
Make sure he doesn't have heartworms. If he does, he's kill.

Like other anons said, get some puppy food and feed him little bits often

I can't take him to the vet right now, I think I'll be able in a few days
He doesn't seem sick and I didn't find any parasites (except for those dark dots but I don't know if it's something normal)

I live in Morocco

>Is cheese good for him?
Cheese isn't good for cats because of the lactose, so I guess it's not good for dogs, either.

I only give my cats lactose free milk.

Also bring him to the vet to get him checked. He probably has lice and you want to get rid of those ASAP for his and your own sake.

If I get trips call him MAX POWER.

Pic is one of my cats. Meow :3

Dogs shouldn't have dairy. It can make them ill. Puppy food and puppy treats only. Get a vet to check him out to. There is a huge list of foods that can kill dogs, things like grapes can be fatal. Google "human foods poisonous to dogs. Don't give him logs either.

name him "حمود" but first take him to the vet.

Or you could just give them water like everyone else

Get him checked before you fuck with his diet, whatever it is if anything.

Name him Duke

Get to vet.
If trips name is lucky.
Cause it is.



I don't think it's lice or anything, it's just a dot and it seems tattooed to the skin

Take it to the fucking vet dude


Get dog biscuits from the shop, dont give too much milk and make sure the foods for puppys, right nurition and that

you've done fine so far but need to get him to a vet ASAP. There could be a lot of unseen problems he might have from being in the wild. There's also a small chance (maybe? I don't know I'm not a vet) that he might have a chip and be someone's pet but that seems unlikely given his age.

You aren't supposed to feed dogs people food very often but it's fine to just give him something if he's really hungry until you can get him to a vet (as long as you do it asap), who will then recommend some actual dog food.

Roll again

call him adolf hitler


Lot of Sons fans I take it?

Roll for Opie

Rolling trips for naming her Gary
Godspeed, pupper

holy shit that guy is adorable.

do what said

if that guy has no chip, you might've just gotten your best friend. dawgs are incredibly awesome.

They get water too. Milk is just an addition to spice things up every now and then.

Name him Tucker
And just taking him to a vet and feeding him puppy chow is a good idea

name her Spaghetti Joe

I really want to take it to the vet but it'll be impossible today and the next two days. I'll try to find a time to take him tho

Is tuna okay ? What about some meat ?
I can only feed him human food until I go buy him something

Roll for Bacon

Oh hahahah holy shit. Bacon is haram :P


Call him Joseph. It's pretty patrician. Also WTF with that Jihad newspaper you got there? Are you a terrorist, OP?

Good shit bruh
Especially if OP is korean

Feed them puppy chow. It will satisfy them. You should name them Cooper, or Aryeh (it means lion in Hebrew)

Name him faggot, make a miniature steak for him. He deserves it

Stupid asses with stupid advices.
No milk, no cheese, nothing you eat like sausages because of pepper and way too much salt and other ingredients which are not good for dog. Especially when young. Especially when ill or from street. Go buy real food for puppies. He is 100% infected with parasites. Go to vet and he gets antibiotics. Because of antibiotics he will have fluid shit. Feed him good cooked rice with puppy food meat. When he gets better, and grows up you can sometime give very little cheese or milk. Enjoy his farts after that.
Beacon sounds nice. But Gay Faggot would be hilarious.

Name him guts, but try to get him to a vet soon. Specifically for parasites. Also I think they make dog food specifically for puppies. Also always check his temperature, I don't know but he might have trouble holding in his own heat. I know a kitten I rescued, I had to hold in a blanket.

go to vet

He's from Morocco. He's muslim.

Dewormer three times be prepared for your little fluffy friend to shit worms everywhere!

Even better, he is haram

You just found someone's lost pet Check lost dog adds If you find no one and you can keep him congratulations you will have a new best friend for life Also a vet check would be good need to check for rabies anywhere in Africa

Good luck

It's a jack russle i think if you were wondering. Just looks like my dog when she was a puppy

Crotch. Your dogs name is Crotch.

Rolling for dogggy name

- Adolf Hitler -

Too much cheese may upset stomach and cause constipation. Not the worst thing you fed him that but just try and get some chow in him.

Stains. The name should be Stains.

Rolling for Opie