Obama took unemployment rate from 10% to 4.8%

Obama took unemployment rate from 10% to 4.8%.

Trump called those numbers fake.

Trump took it from 4.8% to 4.3%.

Trump now wants credit.

Other urls found in this thread:


Obama got Trumped. Trump is clearly the superior male in every way.

he's a politician, why does the media pretend like Trump is the first person to shift blame for things and take credit for any success even if they had nothing to do with it? Clinton would be doing the exact same thing, but she'd be blaming bush for the bad stuff and saying she's even better than obama.

big babby boy wants everyone to tell him he's doing such a good big boy job

maybe he's just slowly realizing that all of his 'success' as the head of the trump foundation/organization was just because he lived in an echo chamber full of yes men for his entire life.

faek news. also russia conflusion is faek. until somone can proof russia exists on a map their is no contusuin. #MGAA

America has entered a psychosis and has invested in hating Trump as if hes a character in a reality tv show

russia collusion is not fake. It's also not illegal in any way. Why they haven't embraced their actions and defended them as a strategic move is beyond me. When you act like a criminal people are going to think you are one. If they educated the media on why it's not a crime, you'll look intelligent and the people persecuting you will look vindictive

Thing is, this early into his presidency, credit for the unemployment rate continuing to drop goes to policies put in play during the Obama admin.

Let's see if it continues to fall after 16 months.

maybe so, but at least most career politicians will make it seem plausible when they do so; trump is just finding statistics that look like they'll work in his favor, and spends more time trying to convince everyone that it's his doing than he would've trying to solve the actual issue

Because he said he hasn't a politician.


Career politicians had their entire life to polish that image and know what to say and when to say it. Trump is playing the same game but doesn't know the rules yet.

>as if hes a character in a reality tv show
but he is, and this is the greatest PR stunt in history

he wasn't. Now he is.

>he's a politician
Every trump voter: "I voted for him because he's not a politician!"

resentful faggot, i bet your life is shit. you don't do what he's done purely because of the people around you. keep telling yourself that so you feel better about your own miserable existence. how fucking depressed are you?

that IS why they voted for him, but like I said he is one now. They are expecting him to act like a politician (which he has no experience with) while simultaneously crucifying him when he starts acting like one

>Trump is playing the same game but doesn't know the rules yet

paul ryan pls go

he's had plenty of time to learn and/or surround himself with advisors that DO know the game, but instead he's chosen to hire a bunch of investment bankers and tweet insults at the media. plus he spent most of his time on the campaign trail bragging about how much smarter he is than other politicians, so why does he get to have a handicap now?

not exactly, most americans realize that even if impeached he's not the type to leave office nor is the congress willing to throw him out, moreover the heighten sense of interest torwards him is the sudden realization that maybe there was some very corrupt and conspiracy against the american populous by a foreign power and so...we must remain vigilant with our democracy in terms of keeping the flame to his ass in some small hope of him realizing he need to do the right thing for them. (unfortunately the delusional ones still are indoctrinated by his fairy tales and will support anything outlandish he does/says)

The unemployment rate is the amount of people looking for jobs but can't find them.

Obama didn't create jobs, Obama shat money out to all the niggers with no jobs and now they just abuse the system and don't have to look for jobs.

Trump created and saved ACTUAL jobs, jobs he deserves credit for.

Get off of the internet nigger.

it's sad that it's hard to tell if this is a brutally obvious troll or an actual trumpfag.

Keep bashing him for bullshit like that, bluefags.

Just makes more anons praise the golden emperor.

Well, CNN's own Van Jones said Russian interference was fake so is that credible enough for you?

Actually it goes into small business and corporate confidence. New hiring across all industries began immediately after the election. That was measurable. Trump didn't take credit at first and still called it fake numbers he wasn't sure of until the U6 (long term unemployment) numbers began dropping as well and the new jobs reports started coming in.

That being said, those numbers will likely stagnate if taxes and healthcare aren't sorted, which will cause the infrastructure initiative to falter.

>Trump created and saved ACTUAL jobs

such as?

so you want him to be a puppet now?

I'm not saying he's the best president or politician, but he's acting exactly like you'd expect someone who doesn't know what they are doing to act when thrust (by his own free will in this case) into a position of power. It's like when you promote the guy from the mail room to manager of the department. It's a bad idea and he's going to struggle. When you're dealing with someone with a huge ego like Trump's, it's unlikely they will be willing to seek out advice in an honest open minded way.

Going after Trump is so passe, let CNN do it.

Aint you a nigger

>praise the golden emperor

it's funny how you right-wingers will spew arguments about MUH FREEDUMS BEING TOOK, but then when it comes to trump you seem to be fine with him being an autocrat, and worshipping the ground he walks on.

do you, deep down, just want a big, strong man to take you in his arms and tell you what to do, all day, every day?

That's because all Obongo did was sign some papers. Trump was actively bringing the unemployment rate down through his businesses. That's why the rich need tax cuts.

Use your brain you snowflake cuck.

Yeah, this is what my Facebook feed looks like. Just post after post full of my poorly educated rural America relatives with this kind of dumb shit.

covfefefag detected

>snowflake cuck

Pure cringe.

Troll of the month award goes to this one

>That's why the rich need tax cuts

We live in a post-fact world, you guys. It doesn't matter who actually brought down the unemployment rate, all that matters is what people THINK brought it down. Facts are unnecessary and can be cherry-picked to mold an argument to a certain agenda.

Trump is already a puppet - he has no real ideology and no real principles to pursue; he's essentially an empty vessel that just carries whatever the last person to whisper in his ear conveys. Don't delude yourself into think that Trump's inexperience makes him "free". All it does is make him desperate for someone else to tell him what to do and he's surrounded by people who have no problem taking advantage of that. He's an almost literal puppet

Rate my prediction Sup Forums.

Trump will repeal bank regulations.

Bankers will be bankers and cook the books. Bubbles occur and burst.

Economy crashes again, in a manner everyone and their mother should have seen coming.

Trump then spews out complete bullshit.

>so you want him to be a puppet now?

he literally spends his days watching fox news and then trying to shit out policy that reflects what he saw so that they'll say more nice things about him. he's already a puppet in that sense, not even looking at the possibility of him being manipulated by steve bannon. or russia.

True. People with brains who can evaluate information objectively can control the uneducated rural tards to do their bidding. Trump and company know this, and even though I hate their agenda (or lack of one that is clearly defined), I respect that they are mind controlling these dummies.

i'll put $100 down on that. he's in office for two reasons: to be an obstructionist and try to undo everything obama did because of a personal vendetta, and to advance his own capital standing however he can.

oh, and i forgot about the branding.

They won't even have to cook their books...the regulations are in place to keep these gigantic institutions (that's what they have become) from destroying themselves through too much leverage.

When things are good - they're great. After the music stops the losses are catastrophic and send waves throughout every sector of the economy.

Yeah. We're going to see another stock market crash, and an entirely avoidable one at that.

Bankers can't stop cooking books.

Kinda makes him one all along.

Largely they're boosting stock prices by doing buy-backs and acquiring/merging other businesses. Not by improving earnings, which is the fundamental driver of a "healthy" stock.

Only question now is, which business sector will have the bubble?


>can control the uneducated rural tards to do their bidding. Trump and company know this,
this, i think it's something that the news media has been doing for years now, and the trump team just figured out how to properly tap into it.

Well, by his logic, if Obeezy left it at 10%, then in his mind trump brought it down from 10 to 4.3.

The funny thing about a bubble is you don't know there ever was one until after it pops.

There were warning signs with the housing market. It' just masked by the so-called "conventional wisdom".

lol no he didn't. and who the fuck cares about cnn?

indeed, sir.

>Since 2008 American firms have engaged in one of the largest rounds of mergers in their country’s history, worth $10 trillion.


Don't worry about it you liberal pussy.

trump needs to go back to wharton and retake an intro statistics course... for someone who claims he's so damn smart, he's forgotten the basic principle that correlation is not causation.

yep, that's the scary part - if we're in the midst of the bubble growing, he's just going to talk over and over about how bigly the economy is doing thanks to him. and when it bursts, we'll be too distracted with our fucked up economy to spend too much time placing blame

The derivatives market is almost completely unregulated...and this is where the leverage build up started from. Lot of other things that should have never happened were allowed to also, but we've learned almost completely NOTHING from our mistakes.

But um, Murica! Snowflakes! Get your government hands off of my medicare!

see "projection"

typical cuckservative response.

Obama is an antichrist. Unemployment

>Trump created and saved ACTUAL jobs, jobs he deserves credit for.

by paying Carrier to build their factory in Mexico and then let all the people go that they were supposedly going to save with that money? Yeah. great save

Fuck Alex Jones!

It appears that a lot of announced jobs are actually just re-announced plans that companies had already in place - companies trying to suck up to Trump in case he tweets mean things about them.

now that builds confidence int eh market - so that might be good, but really, being a bully is not the best way to inspire others to effort

>believing in the concept of antichrist

satan is a myth that christian parents tell their kids to get them to behave in church

>Derivatives market
>Almost totally unregulated

Honestly how is spotting a bubble hard? It's whatever sector is the least regulated and has the most cash flowing into it.

The whole "40 hours a week" thing comes from labor unions. So does "Employers offering insurance to full-time employees". Are you a labor union shill? Or are you too stupid to realize that the economic boom of the 50's that Trump is promising to return us to was created by individuals joining together and agitating for better working conditions?

Especially when they find out if they threaten to lay off workers, they get stuff from Trump.

where are those coal jobs that are supposed to be coming back?

Trump can't save coal. Natural gas will kill it.

Trump can't save manufacturing jobs. Automation is wiping it out.

They never will. In the free market, Natural Gas kicks Coal's ass. Law of unintended consequences. With less regulation on both, Natural Gas will wipe out Coal.

The greatest trick the Devil ever did was convincing the world he didn't exist.


he's trying to use emotional appeal and act like the government is wiping these jobs out, when in reality it's advancing technology that's destroying them. they're not coming back no matter what bullshit gets put into place.

should we put a shitload of regulations in to try to revive the kerosene lamp industry? no, because it was killed by the lightbulb. people gotta admit that their jobs are redundant, retrain themselves, and move on. isn't that a part of capitalism?

This is now a deus vulva thread
post memes

but.but.but.... her emails tho.....

aww, yet another butthurt loser thread.


you like fags kid?

>politics is about winning and losing
this is what's wrong with america today, and why i fucking hate the current two-party system

why don't you list the ones Obama created?
I'll wait.

They're already coming back, and new technology systems coming online are going to find more uses for coal.

>natural gas
Coal has some advantages over natural gas. You should look them up instead of just swallowing cock wholesale and believing bullshit talking points.

Protip: big oil paid Sierra Club to spread lies about coal.

awww, another sore winner reply. how cute! Enjoy that dick in your ass cuckservative

you like faggots kid?

Go back to Tumblr fag. God I hate summer

sure kid.
notice how this poster must constantly berate others to support his fragile self esteem.

>he literally didn't see the CNN video where they admit it was fake

Correct. And Trump is now stuck with promises he can't possibly keep. He's still fixated on an obsolete measure of value, the trade deficit.

Poetic justice.


The lamp industry retooled for electric light and kerosene is jet fuel. And before you start bitching about buggy whips, 50 Shades revived that industry. It goes in cycles. New tech, new uses.

he says confefe, you say confefe.
sign of the weak mind

nah just start making that toxic debt like when willie was president.

>Coal has some advantages over natural gas
>35-40% energy efficiency vs ~90% for natural gas


both industries are going to be wiped out once we can develop our nuclear power and better contain the reactions. I'll give both coal and natural gas about 20 more years before they're gone

exactly what Clinton did.
why so mad when trump does it?

sure kid

"If Trump remains focused on his fiery rhetoric about trade deals such as the North American Free Trade Agreement — which includes both Mexico and Canada — it may do little to address the deep-seated problems that undergird trade relations. And tearing up existing agreements such as NAFTA or resorting to new tariffs could bring more lost jobs and new damage to the U.S. manufacturers that Trump promises to help."

For instance, hundreds of thousands of cars assembled by U.S. automakers in Mexico and then imported into the American market contain parts or major components made in this country. So, quick action to curtail auto imports would have quick negative effects on many U.S. factories and workers.

It would take many years and billions of dollars to build new assembly plants inside the United States. Moreover, highly automated new plants would need only a fraction of the workers employed in the old auto industry.

Worse, the expected jobs might never return to U.S. shores at all. They could likely just shift to other lower-wage countries."

No one admitted it was "fake" - only confirming what has already been said.

-No actual proof of collusion
-Investigations have yet to provide any noteworthy or damning evidence

Also if you're referring to "nothingburger" - The guy that said that had ALREADY days earlier in a self-recorded & posted video that he personally believes that there is not going to be any evidence that will come out. In other words, he literally already said what the Project Veritas cunts tried to 'reveal' in their undercover video. Lmao


still mad Hillary lost.

>muh energy efficiency is the only metric

Fucking Christ. Put a little bit of thought into your pathetic life.

sure kid

so much fail

Dear USA this is not normal.
sincerely, the rest of the world

try bleach. it may work for you.

holy FUCK this is so true. Middle aged white men hate to admit that their industry is obsolete and their skills are obsolete. Its fucking exactly how/why immigrants have become a boogeyman similar to how jews were to blame for everything in nazi germany. These faggots will blame ANYONE but themselves for being outdated.