
Unemployment is around 25%.

It's kind of hard to do any worse then rock bottom. If obama started at rock bottom there wasn't anywhere for the economy to go but back up.
Not only that but obama didn't do anything to help the economy if anything he stunted Its growth. The economy could be way better then it already is if he didn't push so many socialistic policies.
That and the federal reserve saved the economy.
Not obama.
So thankyou federal reserve and not Obama

If unemployment were 25%, then you would have matched the Great Depression of the 1930's, with queues around blocks for a single job, and people lining up with "will work for food" signs in every city.

that is patently not the case, and the idea it is 25% is utterly divorced from reality.

I don't think Obama started anywhere near "rock bottom" - but your point still stands. In any case, we have yet to see any noteworthy improvement by the Trump administration - that is if you don't include all the bullshit done by the previous administration that he takes credit for.

what's with americans spamming stupid political shit about their shitty fucking government.

nobody cares.

this post is so full of shit i dont even know where to begin.
>>federal reserve saved the economy
are you for real.
everything else can be argued but this statement is like putting a shit coated cherry on top of bowl of turds and calling it a sunday.

Actually. He did. A depression in the economy started around the same time obama did so the economy was at it's lowest point in a long time.
As for not seeing any noteworthy improvements by the Trump administration...
The stock market is doing fantastic and saw a giant jump on november 8th as soon as Trump was elected in faith of his economic policy. This trend has continued since then and the wntire stock market has seen about a 20% gain in the span of 8 months.
That is literally one of the greatest jumps in stock market history.
But oh no not worthy if you are a liberal.

Clearly you arn't tht versed in economics and just hate Trump. Spare me your slander

Explain in detail to me how th federal reserve works. I bet you don't even know what it is.
I have a bachelors in economics and macro tends to be my favorite so by all means lets have a discussion on the topic.

Well I guess when you're a trump supporter, you gotta scrounge for anything you can. The stock market's rise is not a true indicator of anything Trump is actually doing. Maybe it shows people like his policy as you mentioned, but that's not his own doing. Also that's cute that you discredit Obama's job growth by saying it was near rock bottom, yet Trump gets full credit for the stock market which was unlikely to go down regardless.

quints have spoken

Quints are irrefutable.

Welfare Started in 1935
Food stamps started in 1964

These programs alone and not including others could allow it to be 25% Without all of that happening.

This is a great post user because it highlights your ignorance and allows me to really tear you a new asshole.

Where do i begin.
>the stock markes rise is not a true indicator of anything
Except well the health of a nation economicaly right?
If the stock market doing great is not a good test or measure of how well a nation is doing economically then please enlighten me on what is.

>the stock markets rise is not a true indicator of anything Trump is doing
Yes it is. Yes the fuck it is. Trump is removing many unnecessary regulations that make business more costly. This decline in the cost of doing business means greater profits, lower prices and the ability to compete better with foriegn markets. He also wants to bring taxes down on corporations (which should have been done fucking ages ago if america wants to compete in a global economy.) corporate dividens are already double taxed. Double fucking taxed. How can anybody expect us to compete with a nation that makes the same product as we do when we have a far higher tax rate and far stricter regulations that don't actually help anybody?
For example if another country has a 10% tax rate and we have a 20% tax rate on business the we inherently have a 10% higher cost of doing business. Of fucking course business are going to leave the U.S. And set up in a 10% tax nation and then sell products to the U.S. While the nation they set up in makes all the money. Thats just basic fucking business. It's cheaper for the business and cheaper for the customers but america sends out money and losses jobs instead of bringing in money and creating jobs.

Obama litterally didn't do shit for the economy. If you disagree with me provide an example of something he actually did that created economic growth. Go ahead.

>yet trump gets full credit for stock growth which was unlikely to go down regardless. Really? IT WAS GOING DOWN BEFORE HE WAS ELECTED. All your liberal fake polls projected Hillary as the Winner(will continue)

So all your liberal fake polls projected Hillary as the winner and the stock market was taking a giant shit on itself out of fear that she would win. Then Trump came in and sort of unexpectedly won and the stock market went crazy! It has been out pacing obamas growth like no other and the best part about it is is that if you disagree with me we can hit up the mother fucking stock charts.
So go ahead tell me I'm wrong so I can start ass blasting you with stock history charts.
I've got all day bud

>what a fucking waste of quints

Really? So ISIS isn't a thing now?

>job growth
Try using workforce participation numbers and we'll see how the greatest president ever obama does

Dude you are way to smart to be spending your free time on Sup Forums
I havn't seen liberals get rekt like this since november 8th

Agree heavily

still butthurt about that election?

"Americans" Op is probably a leaf.

quints don't lie

Most Sup Forums posters are non-american and/or below voting age

Meh, the DJIA is not "the economy." It's not up because people think that Trump has some sort of sound macroprudential orthodox market outlook, it's up because 1) people think he's going to more or less allow corporations to do whatever they want (probably true) and 2) people think that the government will go into heavy deficit spending.

You mean 10% of his presidency

there are actually people who browse Sup Forums and analyze the millions of posts to be able to quantitatively say that what you said is fucking wrong

>The stock market's rise is not a true indicator of anything Trump is actually doing. Maybe it shows people like his policy as you mentioned, but that's not his own doing.
holy fuck i bet that sounded smarter in your head

Just out of curiosity, are you really unable to think of a better economic indicator than the Dow?

i think that would be moving the goalpost so to speak. are you insinuating that the DOW is not an indicator for economic health?

Try 5%

yeah no
drumpf never said ISIS would be destroyed in 30 days
he said his generals would have a plan to defeat ISIS 30 days after his inauguration
that doesnt mean its a good plan, or that itll actually work at all, it was just the Donald doing what he does best: talking a big game.

Its not just the Dow Jones buddy. Its practically the entire stock market. Wether you like that or not is your problem but it is true.

>its up because people think trump will let firms do what they want.
Because he is removing regulations yes I'm glad you agree with my point

>its up because they believe the government will go into heavy deficit spending.
As opposed to when? When have we not been heavily deficit spending? That variable has remained unchanged for a decade and its not changin now its just staying stagnant. Horrible arguement.

Its not just the dow everything is up my friend.
What i find hilarious is that you are probably the same person who has been shilling these threads for a while now and I saw some other user literally destroy you with a dow jones chart so now you think that this user is him and you are trying to preemptively strike. I can show you 200 charts of business's stock shooting up on election day. Its not just the dow jones kid HAHAHAH

Ment to tag you my friend

its almost like the markets do their own thing and people attribute their behavior to one person because they are literally retarded

ITT: idiots trying to reason with other idiots
This is why the US is failing.

how is one person supposed to keep 300 million people happy? the us has reproduced too many sperglords to sustain any form of government.

canada is bigger geographically and we only have 35 million people; we don't complain nearly as much.