Hey Sup Forums, I need some cheering up

Hey Sup Forums, I need some cheering up.
Some dumb bitch brought her dog over my house and it tried to maul my cat

Vets told me she got ruptured intestines and a broken sternum, that pussy means a lot to me

Dont know how much surgery will be or what chances she has of living

pic related

vendetta, kill the dog

Do everything you can to save the cat, try pressing charges against the bitch who brought the dog. If it doesnt work poison her stupid fucking dog. I have a full grown German Shepard and it doesnt hurt the kitten I just got.

Shes got a Rich father and ive discussed it with a few friends, I dont know how far i'd get or if i even have a case

yo that cat is legit, hope it all works out faggot

Nice pussy, OP

Did you allow her to bring her obviously dangerous dog into your home? As in, did she inform you the dog was coming? If not you have a leg.

there is no case. it's open and shut. she brought her fucking dog into your house, it DID maul your cat - it didn't TRY - and she has to foot the vet's bills, which will be somewhere around $20,000.

lawyer up, bro.

Im a britfag, dont know if that changes anything. Just dont want that pussy to die man


wtf m8

Bitch just turned up to my house with a dog, the lead was on so i thought itd be k, but 2 seconds after getting through the door she takes it off

>this dubs chain

Then you're well within your right to report the dangerous animal/irresponsible owner and claim for the vet bills. Godspeed OP + pussy

I think it will make a big difference, obviously vet bills can be a lot but $20,000 sounds insane.

I suggest lawyering the fuck up tho. especially if she has a rich father. Get in low n fast and he won't know what hit him.

Ive got no money to my name, shits been rough

Call a lawyer and talk to them about it. Some of them will work for nothing and then be paid by a percentage of the damages

this. You have a fairly solid case too so they'll be more inclined to help you win, were there other witnesses?

Clearly bait but I'll bite.
>Vets told you the injuries but can't say anything about surgery costs or chances of living.

What kind of dog

Im waiting for a call back since theyre unsure what to do, its a small vet. last time i seen her she was hooked up to an iv drip dribbling like fuck but purring

A whippet

>I'll bite

Too soon user.