New queer here I need to know how to get The green text, how to triforce, how to roll, how to start a spider-man thread, and how to 404 a thread by the way what does rekt, opey, and anno mean and whats a finger box plus I want to start an alt-right army to fight sjws. Please no transvestite photos or big black dongs in this thread.
New queer here I need to know how to get The green text, how to triforce, how to roll, how to start a spider-man thread...
delet system32
how do I do that?
Nigger with dubs has spoken
how did he dubs is that like dubstep because he's black
by getting laid
this Sup Forumsoard is shit, only trap threads, loli threads, rate my dick, forced memes and shitty ylyls + more cancer. leave while you can, newfag.
>get a job
>after two weeks cash pay check
>rent a cab
>go to hardware store
>buy a rope
>get another cab
>go to library
>get on their computer
>go on youtube
>look up how to make a slip
>get another cab
>go home to your mothers basement
>grab a chair
> place it under a support beam
>make rope into a noose
> tie the unknotted end to the support beam
>place head through the knotted loop
>image being an old fag
>start rubbing your dirty cock
>before you ejaculate jump from chair
>problem solv...err I meant yeah you should be able to do all those things pretty sure at least this is Sup Forums
Slip what your dirty cock in a ceiling fan there fag.
>tries to convince OP to kill himself with dumb suggestions
>fails to read his rough draft
just drink bleach OP i think this is what this faggot is trying to say
your bait i really feel sorry for it
queerbait and no the the thread
Why isn't my post popular?
try posting a nude newqueer
fuck off bait fag..fucking bottom feeding cock sucker
If you are new (which you aren't) pick a different thread than this heap of garbage
this is what Sup Forums is reduced to
lick my penis till my head explodes in your face fuck head
dude op stupid thread but I'd like to shake the legendary fag's dick in the pic
Nostradafagous you are, right I am.
why all the hate I thought Sup Forums solved problems and fought for the underdog. why are you guys acting like conformist stooges?
I'm surprised I stayed her long as I did your a fuck up the only thing you succeeded in was escaping a condom.