Just binged on 10 oz of DXM, and as the trip was coming to an end, I bought some dope...

Just binged on 10 oz of DXM, and as the trip was coming to an end, I bought some dope. DXM & Meth - Honestly one of the best psychedelic experiences I have ever had. This is awesome.

Other weird drug combos / Stories?

NEVER combine psychedelics with speed

Lmao, what could go wrong?

junky, go do something with your life.
You wouldn't have needed that if you had friends.

fuck you too buddy

XTC, LSD & Shrooms. All max once in three months.
Keep it to that, you'll have something to look forward for and function in daily life.
I quit weed also, makes you lazy.


Meth is degenerate, but DXM is pretty good. I hate my life, so I use dissociatives to escape

>Doing drugs on a Monday

So awesome that you're on Sup Forums to discuss how awesome it wasn't. Kill yourself.

One time I jerked off while making up gay shit on Sup Forums. Psychedelic bro.

It's good you made the decision to kill yourself with those substances so we won't be bothered by your threads anymore

Weird, I smoke weed daily. Generally before I run 10 miles 4 times a week and during the day while I'm making 70k from home. I wonder what I'm doing to counteract the laziness that weed makes you? Oh, maybe it's not the weed. Yeah no. It's just you. You're just lazy.

I'm 19 bro, not exactly committed to very much this summer

the trip can go too fast if you do

>Browsing B on Monday morning...
Your point, you judgemental faggot?

DXM is definitely a psych in those kinds of doses lol

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.

>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Yeah it's mind blowing someone makes more than you and smokes weed, isn't it? I even drink beer, too! Pathetic cuck.

Sorry dude. I cannot take any insults to heart when they're on an anonymous message board. Post your public IP and we'll talk.


Weed make's your muscle's and mind more relaxed.
Its a downer.
But it doesn't mean it take's away your energy.
I did kickbox fine on weed.
But my friends did too.
But they quit kickbox becouse they rather smoked weed then kickboxing or both.
It was indeed there mentality that they were lazy.
Not the weed.
But if you smoke a lot 2,5 grams/ 8 joints a day. it make's you lazy.
But small amounts don't.
edgy 12 yo newfag.
Your opinion on friends and drugs make's no sence whats so ever.
Maybe you didn't do drugs, or maybe your just a other lonely soul.

Mushrooms and nitrous oxide.

Etizolam should be here in a few hours. Anyone here know what I should expect? Anyone try other RC's?

OP Here. Ordered some Clonazolam and 3-FPM last week as well, I have high hopes

I really like cocaine. I'm quitting a very heavy alcohol and cigarette habit simply so I can afford to do more cocaine. In a way, cocaine is helping me get my life back on track. The only problem is now cocaine is all I think about.

I've heard etiz is a shorter acting clonanzolam, which is kind of why I ordered it..hope I'm not let down then again my Sprague dawly rats haven't had benzos in a while so who knows

Really wish I had the money and connection for coke


No Mo Endo, Gin & Juice...

Jesus Christ you get a dollar for every unnecessary apostrophe you use?

Fucking newfag's

Meth and mushrooms!

>cocaine is helping me get my life back on track. The only problem is now cocaine is all I think about.
Lol, idiot.

You're gonna be on cops one day. I believe in you, keep up the good work.

So much this

10 oz = 283495 mg.

Someone is lying.

LSD, bud, Coke and DMT. That order. Alien stuff. Life changing.

Why? It's manageable

Would be easy to talk and act normal

Thank you im rly trying

My dick is diamonds

>dude joe rogan lmao

You might get a bit mumbley and abstract

Quit doing that shit you fucking junky... Stick to lysergamides, tryptamines, weed, and occasional mdma

Hey you should stop! putting dictonary's in your ass.
It doesn't matter if its not correct.
It matters that you can read and understand what i'm typing.
Autist grammar nazi's can go suck their own cuck cocks.
And btw being a newfag has nothing to do with grammar........
Or do you call everyone a newfag ?

Depends on how much I guess

God I miss doing drugs.

OP Says: Go buy a bottle of Delsym and some dope. Stat!

Speed (amphetamin) line + weed or hashish (I prefer good hash) gives me the best high, also horny af. Last time I tried this combo I ended up in a grotty chinese brothel licking a whore¡s anus for two hours. I didn't even cum but experience was 9/10. It was two weeks ago kek

Are you me?

There's nothing to miss; At least you aren't a fucking degenerate like most of these tweakers on this post

That is fucking disgusting.

dude, kill yourself....


>your oppinion
what are you doing in here, sonny?

Exhausted and up 3 days doing biker crank, I took a 1/2 stamp of acid and was tripping brains.


This guy gets it

But, who are you?

I'm a programmer & chemist, I need to have the broadest mindspace possible.
On weed, I just don't have that global vision to focus on complex material like that.
I always forget links in the chain to the outcome, and then I have to start all over again.
So of course, I become lazy like that.

Yeah I know, I'm in a much better mental shape right now. More focused and more coherent. However my only problem with drugs is that I tend to abuse substances: they are not a big problem if you do them occasionally. I just came to the conclusion that my personality doesn't allow me to do that. So yeah. But reading this thread makes me so nostalgic of those nights I wasted being out of my mind in my room or with my friends, not caring about anything, procrastinating everything: every problem would be solved the day after. At least I have some really funny memories

I just got my prescription for Adderall XR last week. easy prescription to get if you used to use it as a kid. Feels pretty good, almost like a Weed high and for some reason 100% cuts off my appetite. anyone else use it? they gave me 200 pills per bottle

That's why I tell you to do something with your life.
I'm 19 also, I turn 20 in a month.
I feel a timer ticking, 1/4 of my life is over and there's just 20 years left to make something of myself.
Better think out plans, and get busy now so I'll have all the time in the world to chill and feel good when I make something of that life.
Also, you're still in development, you're ruining your potential capacity.

Dxm technically is a dissociative and not a psychedelic.

hey bro thats whatys up tho


Fucking fantastic. I was a halucinating noodle

I'll second this from personal experience.
Plus, the DXM comedown sucks...

How do people like being in a DXM state?
You literally go full retard in mental capacity.
I feel alwful when part of my mental capacity is taken away. The same goes especially for ketamine, and also anything else than xtc, shrooms & lsd. The last 3 I accept.

fuuuuuuuck you think i could try to get a rit prescrip? I used to get concerta, which is literally the same drug but in a differently designed pill. On god tho, fuck diet pills; concerta is amazing for keeping hunger away.

Yes best feeling I had wss in the 90's mixing Lsd and amphetamine....

what's better, valium or xanax?

if you had something as a kid they take that highly into consideration. not being nosey but what do you do for a living? I'm asking to give you advise on what to tell them if you do go in

for example I made my appointment to the Doctor and requested an ADHD screening. I walked in and told her that I just recently got a desk job after doing manual labor for so many years and im just not starting to see that my ADHD is affecting my work performance. "Im incredibly good as starting a task and wrapping my head around if for the first couple of days but then I just find it incredibly difficult to finish projects". At that point the prescription card was open to what ever I wanted, she gave me the choice

It's kinda like letting go for me I suppose. Between that and the crazy body high you get, I never had a bad time with it. My recommendation is going on a swing set with some chill relaxing music. Shit's awesome. Haven't done it in years though

>what could go wrong?

For example, your mind just up and break.
I've seen this happen too much too often, seriously don't play risk with your sanity.

pot gets me motivated because other shit is boring while sober

I've done shrooms plenty of times and it was the greatest experience of my life, I felt uplifted and it changed the way I looked and felt about things.... until I had 2 bad trips in a row and it fucked with my psyche. I felt afraid and vulnerable for about 3 months after the last trip and I look at them differently now.

Use to take them recreationaly but eventually it catches up to you. You become dependent on it and paranoid constantly

Anyone use to do mxe? use to microdose it and have comfy nights while on it. microdoses felt like a combo between alcohol and some mystery sedative.

trips demand it

the funny thing is I have legitimate ADHD so taking a low dose of 20mg a day keeps me motivated, on task and in control of my mind from going 120mph... that shit gets annoying after a while. just one benefit is that 20 mg is just enough to give you a mild euphoria which is nice. I feel like once you start abusing it and taking 70+ mg per day (it comes in a 60mg pill) thats when you know you're fucked and addicted

the euphoria for me was way to strong for me,felt like a less empathetic MDMA. Same amount of euphoria though it was crazy.

I sniff ketamine, I have a tolerance so now it takes me an 8th (3.5 gram) to actually have a decent session, I can do this up-to 4 times a week, each 8th cost £ 80 (£320 a week) , I have a good job and fit into society quite well, my habit is out in the open, but I realize I should stop while I'm on top

I've never personally tried MDMA but am curious. have you had much experience? I've been thinking on doing one of those trips to Peru for a week and do Ayahuasca with the shamans in the middle of the wilderness, to my understanding is its close to MDMA but more natural and eye opening

have you ever thought about experimenting and finding a cheaper alternative?

Did some acid a few weeks ago and mdma on top. Then ruined it with some ketamine. Got home from that party around 9am and it was really sonny outside so decided to smoke a joint.and took some halcion. Ended up passing the fuck out and severely sun burning 70% of my body

I have thought about it but what is there I'm in the UK, I always wondered what pcp would be like but that's only US as far as I am aware, I would not entertain any type of legal highs also,

Ayahuasca and MDMA are totally different. MDMA is a club drug, makes you feel really euphoric and really outgoing. Basically a slightly psychedelic and a lot more empathetic amphetamine. Ayahuasca can be pretty unpleasant , people take if for the after glow and to beat drug addiction and stuff as well as for the experience. It's one of those psychedelics were its not really abusable

They have a bunch of research chemicals that are related to ketamine. You missed the Boat when MXE was legal, Basically was ketamine but you only needed 20mg to get high on and 100mg to get sent to outer space and whole on. Shit was cheap to , 25-30 dollars a gram.


Another 10 years is going to go by and you're going to realize how dumb you were for being this anxious at that point.

Another 5 years is going to go by and you're going to wonder why you rushed into everything.

Another 5 years is going to go by and you're going to realize you married the wrong woman 25 years ago because you felt your clock ticking.

Math is off but quads speak truth.

chkd and tru dat. live and dont regret. im 30 and i dont have shit figured out and no - im not living in a basement.

OK cool never heard of MXE, thanks for your feedback Imma look out for it.

Do something with your life brah, I have it all figured out brah IM 19 BTW. LMAO who the fuck does this guy think he is? doesn't even have his pubes of life yet.

Weed effects everyone differently.. to you and my friend it gives you energy and clarity. To me and others, its a psychoactive substance that gives me full blown schizophrenia and I mentally become terrified childhood version of myself.. It's a common reaction to people who are truly ADD. Our brains never shut the fuck up and so anxiety always ensues..

That's cute. Everyone your age feels that way.

I felt that way. I thought I had the world by the balls. I knew what I wanted to do, I loved my work, my pay and where my life was going.

Now I'm pushing 35 and the idea of wrangling the young cooks I have in my restaurant haunts me every morning when I wake up.

I am 33, was referring to the 19 year old future cuck

plz do tell how you are making 70k from home

Nigger if you can't make a gram last at least a few days you're not anywhere near on top

You're a full blown junkie and you're gone, far gone

he was mocking the 19 yo, dumwits.