Pic related

>pic related

>so long story short, this faggot works at a bar that I frequent A LOT, and we've had a solid relationship the past 5 years - especially the last two - but now he refuses to serve me. I've tried to figure out and approach him with what I can do to make the situation better, and he refuses and just ignores me. We've got into arguments where he's tried to muscle me (he's much bigger and taller than me) and I just stand there staring up at him and standing my ground until he calls the cops. I'm tired of this dickwad, and feel like if he's going to muscle me out of my watering hole, he deserves to be fucked with. What should I do Sup Forums? I have many friends that go there, including his co-workers and patrons, and I even talk to the owner every once in a while, so I have stock in this place. I want to get even and take justice into my own hands as legally and mind-fucking as possible.

In also willing to give more information about why it happened or facts about the situation for clarification, just ask.

what does he do there?

do that too

Bartender. Only one works at a time, so I can't go around him

Call the cops?.. kind of confused by this one

no, give more info

Maybe you meant burn his house down? Probably lives in an apartment, very illegal, and not that clever. Very high on the Fuck-With scale, so kudos there.

The first time was because he said his coworker over served me. Fun fact: he has been over serving me for years, and even gives me free drinks without the owner's knowledge

I came back 3 hours later, and still wouldn't serve me. I asked for a club soda and he refused. He then started walking around and just ignoring me. When he walked to the back, I got pissed and threw a knife at the liquor bottles to get his attention. Obviously, my attempts failed, but when he walked out and saw the knife on the ground, that's when shit really got rolling. He keeps saying I threw the knife AT him, and I keep telling him to check the cameras because I didn't, but he doesn't give a fuck.

Now, this was just the first night, and it's been a couple of weeks since it happened. I even didn't show up for a week, but I come back a week later, ask for a club soda, and he just ignores me.

well first you probably shouldn't have thrown a knife to get his attention.
find out what car is his and leave shit on the windshield, then start going to another bar

It's the only bar my friends go to. I also threw an inflatable ad promo thingy on top of his car after he refused to serve me, and on a subsequent visit, he said the knife didn't bother him, but it's what I threw at his car? Really? I should've just fucking slashed his tires haha.

Obviously wrong of me to throw the knife. When I wasn't "too intoxicated" the first time, I went out drinking at 2 other bars with no problems, at which point, then I probably was too intoxicated. Definitely stupid of me to throw the knife.

Knowing /b I'd say theres a 90% chance op is omitting facts and is somehow in the wrong. But if this dudes actually as bad as you say he is then fuck him up mate. If hes that much bigger than you then you've just gotta be a little sly and fuck with him on the downlow, maybe feed him some acid when hes working and post results. Do it for /b.

>Feeding acid

Now we're on to something! And yes, I'm definitely in the wrong.

It's the fact that time has passed, and he won't forgive me. He won't even serve me club soda when I'm sober. Nobody else working there has a problem with it, and his argument is invalid cuz I never threw it at him. I admit to throwing it, and that being stupid, but he also can't blame me for being over served because he's been doing that to me for YEARS. It's like we need to compromise, even if it's largely to his side and advantage, but he doesn't give a shit, obviously. That's why I want to rattle him into caring.

from what youre posting, you seem like an alcoholic and genuinely not a pleasant person to be around. if you turn into a petulant child that throws knives, fucks with his car, and asks strangers on the internet to help you act like more of a douche, maybe you should get therapy, or attempt to solve your problems like a fucking adult.

were not your personal army, faggot.

Thanks pal. I am an alcoholic, and while doing so, have earned many friends there, including the staff. So I hear you, but need advice on how to get past this situation so I can resume my social life with my friends there on the weekends. It was definitely childish to throw the knife.

I'd say still fuck with him a little bit, and make sure to have some fun with it that's what really matters. Just make it clear to him that its beneficial for him to compromise, then be a big boy and take him aside for a chat where you offer a clean slate. I mean I'm still a supporter of the acid plan but whatever works for you buddy.

have you considered that he just doesnt fucking like you? you seem to suck. maybe its a sign from the cosmos to do something with your life that isnt get drunk at the same bar every day for years on end. maybe just leave the fucking guy alone.

Haven't done it yet, but bought 100 plastic green knives from the dollar store. I planned on getting a drink there a week later, and when I tabbed out, leave him a decent tip and throw a handful of knives on the floor on my way out, but OBVIOUSLY that didn't happen.

because youre a fucking pussy.

So I need to "defriend" my friends? Go on bumble and meet a bunch of lameass young professionals. Most of my friends are good people and social workers above the age of 40.

And yeah i entirely agree, there's a very good chance that OP finds an easy way to get right back to square one with this fella even after sorting things out. I'm just trying to show OP how actual adults handle these kinds of situations (and maybe get a funny dosing thread while I'm at it).

Challenge accepted. I will do this at some point and deliver on Sup Forums.

if they wont hang out with you anywhere but a shitty bar that cant even afford to staff more than one barman, youre not friends, youre mutual alcoholics. grow the fuck up. get a hobby.

You sound like an annoying drunk asshole, and any bartender can refuse to serve you if they want for no reason, but especially if you're drunk already.
Bartender did nothing wrong and probably has to put up with 300 alcoholics just like you every night. The fact that your little drunk ass would actually sit and try to contemplate revenge is just sad and you have no reason to go on living.

because compounding your dumbfuckery and starting even more shit with the guy totally wont backfire. youre not trying to get on good terms with this guy, youre trying to be a high school bully. grow the fuck up.

Been dating this girl lately, maybe spend more time with her lol

Ok sounds like a cunt. Don't be a cunt for an extended period of time and he may serve you again.

try taking shrek out to dinner somewhere that isnt your shitty dive.

I'm guessing my friends are cunts too... Doesnt make much sense though because I've gone to concerts with one of the bartenders, was a roommate and workout buddy of one of them, and I play Domino's and go to the pool with one of them, and am friends with boyfriend's of one of them. I've gone on camping trips and super bowl parties with the patrons.... Maybe I'll buy douchebaggery since most of them are single or divorced. Respectable jobs though. Pretty liberal, and they hate Donald Trump. I personally dont care to get into politics because it typically offends people.

She doesn't go there. My shitty bar is for me and my boys. I only take her to nice places.

"But dive bars are cool" - OP's beard

I'm proud of you son, forget any possible consequences. Make it happen and post it on /b, kek will praise you in the next life my child.

I like the Shrek comment. I do like thicker women because I crush most skinny girls like they're a ragdoll.

You're gonna get your shit pushed in ya stupid fuck. Touch his car (property) and you've entered a new area of law. You sound like a dickhead honestly.

Actually, it's a tap & grill. If I wanted to be a hipster and go to a dive bar, I'd pay to get in a cab and go downtown to hang out with other hipsters at a "dive" bar. I've had a beard for almost 15 years now, so nice try. It's not even a neck beard; it's thicker than thor's cock.

He sounds like hes bipolar or has some sort of personality disorder

I am to people who fuck with me. This is honestly the first time I've ever encountered a problem like this. I am stubborn though.

I do get winter depression, but have been diagnosed with nothing else. I can't speak for the faggot

Hipster in denial. You started your sentence out with "actually." lol faggot

From one former alcoholic to a current alcoholic:

You're fucking up. Part of the reason people don't like you is because of your decision making skills. They are shit. I live in an area with a ton of bars in a small area, but I'm blackballed in two. It took me a while to recognize that I was the problem, that I was at fault, and that I couldn't control how other people reacted to me, especially so when I was drunk, which was every fucking night for years.

Your friends are there. This makes the situation shit. At this point, if you want to hang out, you have to do so sober. It sounds like nobody has a problem with this, that you haven't burned bridges with the owner, so roll with it. The only way to get through to an adult is to act like one yourself.

But it's probably too late. You know why. If you were a sober person, in his position, you might react the same way to you. Any escalation on your point, now, will just get the owner to blackball you so you can't even enter.

Take care of yourself, man.


jesus youre a fucking edgelord. seriously just grow the fuck up and move on with your life.

Normally I would stay impartial to something like this but the dude in the photo looks like a colossal faggot, so I'm pretty sure that gives you free reign to fuck his shit up.

read your other comments. You are stupid as fuck. I occasionally bounce/bar tend for the lulz and would have beat the fuck out of you and fucked you in the ass already

You sound like a whiney, immature, manlet who runs his fucking mouth too much.

Thanks user. I actually just drink club sodas there a lot when we play trivia and poker, so I'm not addicted to that point. Appreciate the sincerity and sounds very logical.

Guys stop giving him actual advice, I really want this acid thread.

I don't get it. So you get drunk at other bars then go there to be an asshole? Because club soda doesn't have booze in it.

Yeah, I'm surprised he didn't beat the fuck out of me. I'm pretty big myself but he is still much taller and bigger than me. I just have big chest and arms.

"Chest and Arms" lol
This guy is trolling hard haha
Good one OP

fat and fedoras do not a warrior make.

It'll be a while before I'll see him again. If that's the route, then I will deliver. Most people here are just reminding me that I'm a faggot. The overwhelming response of this thread is OP is a faggot and STFU OP.

OP is a fucking drunk who throws a knife at a bartender who cut him off, then fucks with his car.

If I was the bartender I'd never serve you again. If I was the owner you'd be banned from the premises.

Fuck you OP you're a piece of trash and you're too stupid to even realize it.


Not wearing my fedora in this one, I apologize.

At least you're self aware.Also they're not you're friends, you're just a drunk who spends all his money there and they butter you up so you'll keep coming back, get help friend.

That night, yes I went to other bars. However, this is really the only bar I go to/prefer. I don't drink everyday, but if my friends go out, I drink club soda instead. I don't have to drink 30 beers or even alcohol every time I hang out with friends.

"im not a hipster"
>unkempt gross fucking hipster beard
>faggoty ass ironic hipster cat t shirt
>has his faggoty manlet friends take faggoty hipster pictures of his siccc drum set

I still hang out with the bartenders who don't work there. I do spend all my money there, so oh well to them. The patrons have no motivation though, although some of them don't even drink; they just drink sweet tea.

>"im not a hipster"
>>unkempt gross fucking hipster beard
>>faggoty ass ironic hipster cat t shirt
>>has his faggoty manlet friends take faggoty hipster pictures of his siccc drum set
My band is pretty good if you're into stoner rock/prog rock/metal.

I am self aware, appreciate it. Just thought this would be interesting discussion instead of just browsing for "dank memes" like I have here the past 5 years.

www.iammaddox.com Our shits on Spotify too, iTunes soon.

i legitimately cant tell if youre actually a socially retarded alcoholic edgelord or this is some elaborate troll..

But I do have a sicc drum set. And my beard is really alternative. I really like it when it gets wet with local brews smh

Dubbs of Wisdom.

Socially retarded edgelord. Nice try user

Probs shouldn't be trying to get drinks at the bar then, go to rehab or an AA thing. Whatever Americans (I'm assuming, sorry) do for alcoholism.

what do you mean "nice try"? lol.
you came here oblivious to why someone wont tolerate you being a drunk piece of shit and want to compound it be doubling down on your piece of shittery.
>socially retarded.

>i was a hipster before it was cool to be a hipster
>im a dick to those who disrespect muh'chivalry
>all of your other fucking edgy faggot posts.
>fucking edgelord.

My advice is find a new place to drink where your stupid drunken antics haven't alienated you. Stop making work suck for this guy by showing up. The staff and patrons don't care about you, and your taking pride in the local piss hole makes bartenders cringe.

the overarching response is that you are the problem, bennett, stop trying to get people to bully someone to make your pathwtic ass feel better.

Nice try was a sarcastic, self-deprecating remark.

Op how old are you ?


Advice taken. I'm still good to go there about 3-4 nights a week (nights he's not working), but probably won't because I have other hobbies. I'm also good there for lunches or whatnot cuz he's only there at night. I'm debating just not going there at all period. I'm seeing a lot of responses assuming I'm banned, but I'm not. They've told the owner what happened and he doesn't care. The guy pictured regularly gets complaints from his co-workers. He's always late to work and doesn't clean up properly at the end of the night. He also gets away with giving away free drinks, and the rest of them would be burned at the stake/fired for it (it's happened before). Owner is smart to have a bar last that long, but emotionally reacts sometime instead of following his head.

Why dont you ask 192?

You actually know me, or just picking it up from the band page? I only know of maybe 1 other person who actually lurks here, and it's definitely obvious who I am.

If I bullied someone, it would be me, not the army. Moving on is what I've been aiming to do, but it's not working. Technically he's being the bully by blackballing me. I am wrong for my actions.

27. Yes, I've had a beard since I was about 15/16, so I think I fucked up my math up above #inb4

Maybe your mom can sort things out.

Wink wink

hes a bully for exercising his right to refuse service to an alcoholic.. right. have you ever thought maybe one of your friends mightve pulled some shit on you and told the bartender you were in AA?

>find a female friend who's ultra comfortable with you
>doesn't seem so hard, because you honestly sound like a nigga who spends his life 100% in the friendzone
>Ask her to help you get a dude fired, but it's risky af
>get some roofies.
>go to that bar, have her buy drinks.
>slip her the roofy.
>start freaking out
>call cops
>have her give testimony he was the only person to handle drinks
>tests should come back positive for roofies

You're welcome nigga. Not only will he be fired for sure, but it'll ruin his whole fucking life.


I did return there last night and repetitively played Let it Go from Frozen to fuck with him. He kept overriding the jukebox and I walked up to him to ask for my money back (the very first time I played it, he immediately cut it off; I was just being a jackass feeding it every time he walked away) and he refused. I asked for it back over and over and he just started to ignore me. He ended up calling the cops on me, so I obviously left. I felt like Ghandi with my peaceful protest.

I don't think they would've told him that? They've been texting me asking if I'm okay though.


youre pathetic.

Where've you been hiding all morning user? Lol. I got acid and roofies now as suggestions.

The girl I'm seeing now is too vanilla and would never do such a thing. Maybe I should indeed put my best hipster on downtown and pick up an edgy girl at the dive bar.

I do regularly get drug test it, but if I report ASAP to the EAP, I'm cleared.

Good job user!

Thanks, friend.

>long story short
>writes a fucking novel

are you sure, cause from an outside perspective, itd be pretty hilarious to see some beta torment a bartender who didnt do anything to him.

I wouldn't say that as much as I generally don't give a shit about anything. I have a good job, good friends, good family growing up: just pretty apathetic. I do enjoy my band though. I've also been playing as an amateur poker player and have been growing a bankroll, so that's good too.

The other thing is that there are cameras, but he's too stupid to check them, primarily because he didn't check them when he claimed I threw a knife at him. If he would just check, he would see what I did. If there was a spoon there, I would've thrown that instead. Just luck of the draw when not thinking things through #AAfolyfe

Alternatively, the owner would see the act performed when I reported it. If the cops got involved, they would definitely see it.

Initial thread exceeded character count. So went to condensed form and opened the the floor for discussion.

You should consider the viewpoints of others and understand their intent before acting all edgy. What are you, autistic?

>See the act

Nigga what kind of fucking dive has cameras? I don't think your hipster ass knows what a fucking dive is.

Also, you have HER drop it in while she's, ya know, holding the drink

Go throw a knife at a bartender, you emotional-IQ challenged faggot

autist claiming others are autistic. dunning-kreuger in full form.

Ok, makes more sense. Still, it would prove him innocent.

I call it dive, because it's really just a shitty bar. No girls go in there, at least not the attractive ones. Girls tend to judge me on my job and $, so I prefer to meet them casually, and not downtown with all the young professionals acting all bougie.