Was it really a suicide?

Was it really a suicide?

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No. But you weren't supposed to know. Go answer that knock at your door.

Well yeah, he married the bitch

Yes it was a suicide. I'm a big fan of Nirvana and real fans would know that it was a suicide.

How so?

Was Kobain a Kurd??


Yes, it was.
Source: I'm Kurt Cobain.

It was a publicity stunt. Why do you think Nirvana is still so popular?

Yes. Get over it. Even someone as dumb as his wife would know to wait another album or two so that she could milk more money out of it.

Good move. I think Death Grips dudes should use it too.

Are you fucking retarded?

What good is being popular when you die and the band stops anyway

vblah.tripod . com/allenwrench.html

but he was leaving the band.

Log as you are
As you were

>and I swear that i don't have a gun
>no i don't have a gun
>no i don't have a gun

maybe someone was trying to get him to admit to owning a gun.

he's living on an island with elvis, 2pac, biggie, and eze

are you retarded ?

They said he pulled the trigger with his toe. Years ago they released crime scene photos with both his shoes on. No suicide.

Real fans know that COURTNEY FUCKING LOVE killed him. Fuck that bitch. I have lots of evidence to disprove your nigger ass.

Who gives a fuck?

>Dylan Klebold
>Eric Harris

is the log still warm under water?

Horsemouth Grohl killed him so the Foos could be catapulted into stardom. A sacrifice had to be made to the jew god.

You're so simple, aren't you? Still believe in the suicide version? If it wasn't for his death Nirvana, a very mediocre band, would have been forgotten long ago.

23 years dead. Nobody gives a shit anymore.

Lol no, it was already known before Cobain an heroed, also that s a very risky bet as there is alot of unknown bands that have someone who killed himself, especially if his work was "mediocre"

El Duce was killed because he knew the truth

8 Fragments For Kurt Cobain
Genius is not a generous thing
In return it charges more interest than any amount of royalties can cover
And it resents fame
With bitter vengeance

Pills and powdres only placate it awhile
Then it puts you in a place where the planet's poles reverse
Where the currents of electricity shift

Your Body becomes a magnet and pulls to it despair and rotten teeth,
Cheese whiz and guns

Whose triggers are shaped tenderly into a false lust
In timeless illusion

The guitar claws kept tightening, I guess on your heart stem.
The loops of feedback and distortion, threaded right thru
Lucifer's wisdom teeth, and never stopped their reverbrating
In your mind

And from the stage
All the faces out front seemed so hungry
With an unbearably wholesome misunderstanding

From where they sat, you seemed so far up there
High and live and diving

And instead you were swamp crawling
Down, deeper
Until you tasted the Earth's own blood
And chatted with the Buzzing-eyed insects that heroin breeds

You should have talked more with the monkey
He's always willing to negotiate
I'm still paying him off...
The greater the money and fame
The slower the Pendulum of fortune swings

Your will could have sped it up...
But you left that in a plane
Because it wouldn't pass customs and immigration

Here's synchronicity for you:

Your music's tape was inside my walkman
When my best friend from summer camp
Called with the news about you

I listened them...
It was all there!
Your music kept cutting deeper and deeper valleys of sound
Less and less light
Until you hit solid rock

The drill bit broke
and the valley became
A thin crevice, impassible in time,
As time itself stopped.

And the walls became cages of brilliant notes
Pressing in...
That's how diamonds are made
And that's WHERE it sometimes all collapses
Down in on you

Then I translated your muttered lyrics
And the phrases were curious:
Like "incognito libido"
And "Chalk Skin Bending"

The words kept getting smaller and smaller
Separated from their music
Each letter spilled out into a cartridge
Which fit only in the barrel of a gun

And you shoved the barrel in as far as possible
Because that's where the pain came from
That's where the demons were digging

The world outside was blank
Its every cause was just a continuation
Of another unsolved effect

But Kurt...
Didn't the thought that you would never write another song
Another feverish line or riff
Make you think twice?
That's what I don't understand
Because it's kept me alive, above any wounds

If only you hadn't swallowed yourself into a coma in Roma...
You could have gone to Florence
And looked into the eyes of Bellinni or Rafael's Portraits

Perhaps inside them
You could have found a threshold back to beauty's arms
Where it all began...

No matter that you felt betrayed by her

That is always the cost
As Frank said,
Of a young artist's remorseless passion

Which starts out as a kiss
And follows like a curse

The fuck is this talentless, pretentious shit?

lmao fucking bitch

Yeah it was. Do you guys even listen to his music? It was practically a giant suicide note, he gen openly talks about it in In Utero, which is much angrier and more unhinged than his last album

Can someone experience Kansas n this log posting meme to me


That bitch already had money and was a trust fund kid, she just wanted fame
Look at the interviews after the incident, she made it all about her

Nirvana was popular tho, their songs weren't even played on the radio yet they were popular as shit

>their songs weren't even played on the radio

When were you born? 2005?

>Still talking about Cobain as if he were relevant
Redpill me

post it, please
Not him, but I am really curious. Please go ahead and post/link whatever you can, thanks

According to the "new evidence" proposed in the "Soaked in Bleach" documentary, it was *indirectly* implied that the chances of Kurt firing the gun would have been close to impossible NOT ONLY due to the fact that the heroin he injected would have incapacitated him, but also because (upon further review) of the placement of the gun post-mortem as well as location of the shell on the floor.

However, those who believe Courtney killed him are very misled. It was also proven that Courtney wasn't even in Seattle around the time of Kurt's death. Courtney didn't kill Kurt.

So, since watching the documentary, I've been under the extremely strong impression that Kurt was in fact shot by someone else. But I believe it was more so an "assisted suicide" so to speak.

Is it really too far fetched to believe that Kurt may have payed off (or simply just told) your average joe-shmo junkie to kill him for him?

It's damn near written in stone at this point. So let's do a quick overview:
>Kurt purchases gun in the days before his death
>Day of death arrives, Courtney isn't around
>Evidence clearly shows Kurt couldn't have fired HIS OWN fucking gun

It was an assisted suicide. Believe it.