Probably gonna an hero in a few days, I've got pretty much everything I need

Probably gonna an hero in a few days, I've got pretty much everything I need.

Do you guys agree that the best way to definetely destroy all the data on your computer is to take out the hard drives and gently rub magnets on it ? Also got an SSD hard drive, don't know the best way to brick it too.

Also general feels thread





>gently rub magnets on it
Not sure why gently. If you've yanked the drive, might as well open it and remove the platters and crack 'em.

SSDs? Hm. Don't really know. take out the memory, crush what you can with pliers?

Why tho? You're an heroing, it's not like anything more bad will happen to you.

Grow-Up pussy, life is hard. Make an active effort to make your life and those around you better. Don't be a bitch and kill yourself. If your gonna die, do something great like kill a pedophile that you know has fucked or solicited a child for sex, maybe ambush a bully who's been bullying kids at your local school. Do something great, we all have the opportunity to.

Yeah, you're provbably right
Thought about the microwave, but this sounds good too.

I just don't like the idea of people rummaging through my stuff after I'm gone

>kill a pedophile
Funny enough, I found one on a dating site and had planned a meetup, I talked to the police about it, but those fucktards made him banned from the sites so he knew it was a trick and never came.
Originally planned to give him a new asshole

yea man that's the kind of shit people should be doing. I'm not trying to to be an asshole to you, but sometimes we need some tough love from our Sup Forumsrothers to keep going. I hope you get over this hump man, I've been in that place your in before and it ain't good. I even went as far as going to a church with people i didn't even know. Just gotta keep pushing , there will be a time when you know what you were meant for, either for yourself or those around you. Don't give up man we are all in this together.

I'm in the same boat but you should at least kill a few people first. Where are you from?

I don't know, I just never have fun anymore. I try to do things I liked before, vidya, shitposting going out to see an old friend and smoking pot together, but it just doesn't do the trick anymore.

I've got a lot of free time because I only have a part-time job, but I don't know the fuck I could do with it and have fun.
I've tried to do new things : playing music, reading books, more sport, but hell I'm still bored af

Thanks bro
I was in the army before because I thought I was made for this, but even if I wasn't that bad (finished my initial training being 4th on the rankings), I'm just so lazy that I left for no real reason.
Now I'm wondering if I should join the police.

Thinking about clubbing the head of the son of a bitch who took the girl I loved when I was in the army with a tire lever

Don't worry bro, we still need soldier like you. Please considare destroying sjwz first

Oh and I am from france if that was unclear

>tire lever
gave it away

I just got a bj from my girlfriend a few minutes ago. Feeling pretty good right now.

for a while about 3 years i was homeless and i had personally REKT all my relationships with family members. but in that time i tought my self to macrame and made myself hammocks along with multiple survival tools. the town i lived in had very nice trees which I stashed things in all around(almost like item boxes in Resident Evil). well, there were 18-26 y/o people i knew that didn't like me and even went as far a pulling a gun on me 1 night. after that I was really close to ambushing each of them in isolated areas where i knew they walked by themselves or that i could lure them to. I had fishing line to set up at a bridge to trip up a skater, mouse traps with shotgun shells to take out the guys leg who pointed the gun at me. I had this all planned out. but i met a friend at a local pick up stix whowould just talk to me and hang with me when he was on his break. nice person and thats honestly what i needed. eventually his mom invited me to stay with them and after a year I had started TRYING to fix my relationships with my family. things are better now, but oh man....

Good luck with that dude
But I don't want to have to get through shit like this, I mean, why bother having hard times again and again when you can just paint your ceiling with your brain ?

do a flip

yar-har is fine,too