So my father came to see me in my dorm and threw away my protein powders because "they're bad". I explained to him that he's not paying anything for me and he can't simply walk into my room and throw away stuff costing me money. I like my old man but this shit has to stop, he's done this before with some drugs, which he didn't pay for either. I'm 20 and I'm not costing him money, what should I do?
So my father came to see me in my dorm and threw away my protein powders because "they're bad"...
Stop being a disappoint
Stop inviting him there if he pulls that shit
Cut contact
Show him your gay powder works by beating him up and fucking his ass
go to his house and start throwing away his "bad" stuff. Dump his booze and beer down the drain. If he tries to fuck with you smack him.
The drugs I can understand, I can even understand how in his twisted mind protein is considered bad. That's irrelevant since it's my money. I didn't throw away any cigs or bottles of his when growing up. We all do crap with our lives, and as self-maintaining adults noone should be able to pull that shit.
dont let him inside your living space
Have you tried just eating his face off?
(assuming you're fairly buff if you're using supps anyway) bodyslam him OP, it's the only way
ur old man sounds like a narsasist cut him off
I'm not gonna tackle my old man, what the fuck
i bet he gives you money. I bet he pays for your schooling.
>my money
that was given to you.
Hide your shit?
>my old man is being a parent and looking out for me
he is right quit the powder you fucking mong
Nope, he's not paying a dime, my mother helps me out with bills but they're not talking to each other a long time now.
Hey dad. Protein ain't heroin, I thought we talked about this.
mommy still helps. your not embarrassed to say this?
you are gay aren't you?
your dad is right. youre wasting money on suppliments
you ever notice how those prison niggers look all cut when theyre done with their 5-10?
you think they have a GNC in the Rec Room?
but he's still being a nigger for throwing your shit away
Move out you classcucked dumb ass
How about you man the fuck up and stop being a little beta bitch? How bout dat? Huh, you fucking cuck. I bet if you "old man" walked in and started fucking your bitch (if you can even get one, faggot) you'd let him as well, wouldnt you? Beta fucking cuckington
Dubs of kek speaks the truth
Of course I'm not embarrassed to say it, my mother worked hard to put me in college and I'm doing good with my studies. The same way I wouldn't want my son/daughter to feel embarrassed when I pay for their college.
i didn't say anywhere in my comment that it was. your insistance that it exists between two extremes, very bad and very good, seems to indicate that you haven't actually considered the merits of your father's wishes and are assuming you know more than him. put the control aspect aside and look at it again
also this
> what the fuck
Did you forget where you are?
In the den of 28 year old virgins that haven't moved out their basement yet, asking advice. I know. Hopefully one out of the 10 of you has moved out and can share some insight.
you seem set on rejecting any advice that says you were wrong. do you just want someone to say youre right
Wrong on what? I aknowledge I could be wrong on those stuff being helpful, it doesn't matter though. I did my research and decided to go for it.
Protein powder IS bad.
Go buy a dozen eggs for like 70 cents at the fucking supermarket before your godamn kidneys shut down moron.
>it doesn't matter though
do not be so eager to cast away the ties to your family. even when you are an adult they will be there to help you. it may seem asinine now, but you should be thankful at your father's actions
>He tossed protein je didnt pay for shakes because he thought they were bad
Get him to refund you and tell him to stop listening to psuedoscience, whey is a harmless high protein byproduct of cheese production
>He tossed drugs he didnt pay for
I think a parent is allowed to have a 'no drugs under my roof' policy, hide it better or get your own place
I have my own place. I'm studying 400km away from my parents. I'm trying to make him stop listening to pseudoscience since I was 15 in vain.
op curiously silent about these lol
I agree that I shouldn't cut ties with my old man just because of one flow. That's why I'm asking what to do.
you should not buy more protein powder and continue on as normal
It isn't real food dude, its a waste product from the production of shit like yogurts and cheeses. Before skim milk and protein powder memes were around they fed that garbage to cattle as a cheap source of protein.
Its common sense to eat real food.
Lean pork is usually $2 dollars per lb or lower, chicken is even cheaper, do yourself a favor and buy a pressure cooker.
The $50 bucks you spend on a big tub of garbage could buy you like 6 roasts and feed you for two months.
That's just wrong. Yogurt is a byproduct of milk too. So is cheese. I eat a lot of meat, the powder helps hit the protein goal a bit more easily. Also, 50$ is a huge overestimate, whey is cheaper than food if you only consider the protein in food.
hope your momma likes supporting your ass.
its the direction you are heading
physically stop him
he will never respect you as your own man until you do
Nothing I said is wrong and nothing you said refutes it. $50 isn't an over-estimate and I don't feel like there is any need to cite examples because your stupid ass bought powdered pus and sugar at walmart for $25 bucks.
being 20 you're a child when it really comes down to it. That being said you're still in control of your life. If you don't want your dad to do something stop him, it's really that simple.
I would talk to him and tell him you're an adult and he owes you money. If he continues this bullshit tell him you'll call the cops and cut im out of your life.
Don't be afraid to physically stop him throwing shit away if you've told him to stop already
TL;DR Man the fuck and take control of your life. Don't be a pussy
Take initiative for your property, its his not yours. When he walks up to something to get ride of it just put your hand on his chest and lay it down serious, but calm.