I have a question for femanons

I have a question for femanons.

What are you going to do when the only men proposing marriage to you are pathetic?

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what if the man who proposed was already pathetic?
i'd really have a pickle there.
just maybe a different pickle lol.


70%. Think about that. Really think about it.

when you go to a buffet..do you eat what you want,or eat what you think is best?
assuming that you're paying for yourself here.

I don't entertain the Socratic method.

Doesnt mean shit to me. Marriage is dead. Im never getting married and i give no fucks if the world burns.

then why you even here,love?


>idgf if the world burns
lets dance

was scary for a sec there,tho.
though i was gonna hafta tell someone i fucked his girl.
i regret it now.
but still.

'But men are not entirely to blame for the steep decline in marriage, Crouse pointed out.'

Well, thanks. Now I don't have to feel guilty.

all men are pathetic to begin with

Especially the gay ones like you

>all men
>implying women are better humans

we aren't better by any moral means.
we're just as filthy and perverted as you.
it's just immoral for us to act like men do is all =3

could be your perception or the area you live in

if nothing else works just lower your standards a bit

Be a slut, get knocked up, love on child support and alimony and the government while some boy works

Watch Alex Jones you blue pilled cucks.

I'm 28 years old and I have never received a marriage proposal.

I'm not fat. I work out 20 hours a week and I put a lot of effort into making myself look sexy.

It's really starting to make me angry.

Why? He's a disinfo agent and his wife is a Jew.

How do you workout 20 hours a week? Do you have a job?

thank you,user!
reminded me that i need to make some rice
for the pork i made earlier!

Yes. I work in a bank. I have a degree in finance.
I work out 2 hours in the morning and 2 hour after work 5 days a week.

>look at pic

This place hits too close to home sometimes.

Creating a web takes a lot of effort

same. i'm a student so i have time to work out 20 hours a week. i can fall in love with women, easily, but its like taking care of a retarded child when you're with women, sucks the energy out of me and not even getting anything done.

That girl is 16 yo dipshit

You know the rules right?

Still a nice tit

so, that's why you haven't received a marriage proposal?

You would think that at least a few women would propose marriage to you after all that effort.

this is what i've been told from many women: maybe 1% will be assertive and approach , make moves, propose, whatever. 99 wont. Then, in their 30s, its getting late for them they just settle with some beta orbiter in a desperate move. then in their 40s, everyone tells them to have a kid so they have one by now, its too late, and they become stuck, angry and bitter, until death.

>knows his stuff
i liek

>yo dipshit
>Japan to China: hey, can you call us something else then dipshit?


I think you mean that WAS 16 years old

Where the hell do I live where I am being frequently offered marriage proposals? I think if the only people I can get to tolerate me are also people I find deeply flawed that I should work to improve myself so I can hope to attract better company

Maybe you are just boring

Senpi danks you dearry roung chosen won. Ret us touch dicks and preasurize us ki to it's strongest potencher and brast us heads in gerorious conferict.

>like taking care of a retarded child

Exactly. And I'm 35, two kids and with the same woman the whole time. Never married though.

I will marry you.


nah man, thats gay

I'm confused by this. why would I not eat what I want? why would I eat what is "best" if I didn't like it?

why would you not kill yourself?

I would not kill myself because I like to do things I enjoy. why would I kill myself?

>virgins crying about how much they hate women and how they refuse to get married

Manchildren, you have to receive and offer first before you can refuse something. You haven't even made it to first base yet lmao.

You don't see people who dislike hamburgers CONSTANTLY making threads about how they'll never eat a big mac. What a redundant and retarded thread.

Because he made a retarded analogy without thinking it through.

Because without a woman in your life, you're useless. You literally provide nothing of value to society.

You have no value.

also bc you should

Civilization was built equally on the backs of breeders and readers

How's that koolaid taste?

I do have a woman in my life, user. However, I do not feel that my relationship with her provides any value to society. I do not feel any relationship between two people provides any real value to society. I have a manufacturing job, and maybe that is how I contribute? But I could understand an argument that all I am doing is contributing to mass consumerism.

I think your analogy was bad, and now you are upset.

was trying to say biologically

I have my own job, home and money, I don't need anyone to provide for me, just want someone to be with.

why should I? I like doing the things I enjoy.

>I do have a woman in my life, user.

Your mother doesn't count, virgin.

i am a lesbian

Wrong. You're work provides value. And there are too many niggers on this planet. If you really want to help out the world people should stop having fucking kids. Also, go make me a fucking sandwich and show me your tits you useless cunt

pic or dident happen

that doesn't really answer his question. what will you do when the only people who want to be with you are "pathetic" by your standards?

Oh shit Nostradafagous is here. Hey Nostradafagous whats the age of all these girls pics? Hey Nostradafagous why are you fixated on her tits? Hey Nostradafagous why did you think this wasn't a response to OP's question?
Hey Nostradafagous at what age does a girls tits have to be before declaring unseeable when you get the hard on?

does your mother count?

Yes the MGTOWs are right, but the trick is not be a complete faggot like fedoras. (ie: keeping it to yourself)

Fuck women if you want, but don't rely on them, on a sidenote this will compound their attraction for you, in essence you will never lack female flesh if you act right.

Have white kids, make a plan, be as ruthless and single-minded as women. Find a girl AFTER you have decided to have children. Find a young girl with a good body that is not insane, focus on children and NEVER tell her about your long game to have children.

Make contingency plans for marital problems. Learn how to emotionally dominate women. Tap her computer, phone, and stay two steps ahead of her eventual tantrums. Let her know that fucking with you will be more trouble than it is worth: she will respect you, and that means wet pussis.

Anyone crying about hitting 30 and being forever alone is a big pussi, once you build the economic capital: they will come. a 5-20 year age gap is nothing, and even a positive if you have aged well.

It's not that women are inherently evil, it's that women have been sold a sexual role that they can never accomplish: babies as the natural result of sexual relations.
A decade or more of "going against the grain" leaves them burnt out and (to be honest) mentally ill.

>look mom, I'm debating!

youre browsing and posting on Sup Forums

so are you, senpai

just fyi
last girlfriend I was with, still has the engagement ring I bought her... unless she sold it off, not too sure. Don't really care, her curret husband is the one she got pregnant with while we were engaged, her previous husband is the guy she told was the father originally. That ex husband paid more than $40,000 in 2 years in child support for a child that wasn't his. No he wont be getting that money back.

I was with her back when I was in the military.. and so was she.. she used the pregnancy to get out of the military. During that time a woman accused a very good friend of mine of raping her, he was with two of our mutual friends all the night in question, she was somewhere accross town doing god knows what with who the fuck knows. Clear cut case of a false accusation. He was of course dishonorably discharged from the military for sexual assault and last I heard was homeless living under the airport drive bridge in a city in florida.

My close friend from the internet got a divorce, he has two kids with that wife. His daughter and his son. his daughter complained to him that his ex wife and their boyfriend were beating them. The courts did not believe his complaint.. see he lives in texas and is an atheist.. the courts will never side with him since the ex wife brought up his lack of faith as a reason to judge him as an immoral character. So he bought his daughter a small tape recorder sh could conceal, and she recorded the next time they were being beaten, This friend then made 3 copies of the tape, sent one to child services, one to the court and kept one, and resubmitted his complaint and attempted once more to get custody. They declined and "took the case" from child services as it was "already an open case in court" or some shit. he then uploaded the tape to youtube to try to get public pressure against said court, court charged him with several crimes including impeding investigation and obstruction of justice.

This is the biggest load of fucking garbage I've ever read lmao - clearly written by a virgin. Real men don't tap phones and play games to try and get pussy, they don't have to. You're clearly a very insecure person that's desperately trying to sell yourself a narrative that you and other virgins on reddit have come up with in order to finally get laid. Unfortunately, you forgot the main issue: you're disgusting people both inside and out and women will pick up on in instantly.

Women can never be friends, I'm sorry, I really wish I was wrong, but concepts like honour are utterly alien to women, nomatter how "based" she is.

Make male friends, invest time and trust, talk about shit with them, that the TV tells you to talk with your partner, (seriously just do the opposite of what the media tells you 99% of the time).

in other words, you have no fucking clue what you are talking about kid, so shut the fuck up

MGTOW is not a movement. It's a lifestyle.
In order to be MGTOW, all you have to do is not enter into a relationship with a woman.
That's it. That's all it is.
Its easy to mistake MGTOW for a movement, because men who begin living this lifestyle find it improves their quality of life so much that they feel compelled to share their way of life with other men. There is no more organization behind this compulsion to share the benefits of our lifestyle than there is in recommending to someone that they go see a good movie.
It's a grassroots, spontaneous male awakening to the parasitical nature of women regardless of political affiliations.

I see no reason to keep this lifestyle to myself.
If you don't like me sharing this lifestyle with others, tough shit. I'm still going to.

By your logic China is the epicenter of human advancement just because they are breeding the fastest
Roaches being able to reproduce quickly doesn't mean they have a larger impact on the enviroment than humans


marriage is bullshit anyway. women get custody and a lot of other shit compared to men so why do it? my mom fucked over my dad with child support. now hes living in a fucking car. fuck marriage.

Back in my day we just called it "being a bachelor".. why draw lines in the sand where you don't need to?

that dude looked like he practiced doge ball all his life yet god plagued his ass with a 16th second delay to his response mechanism.

>Wahh, I dated some mentally ill slag, all women are evil!

Top fucking kek, kiddo. By your logic, you're a child-raping pedophile who tortures animals because you're on Sup Forums. Get a clue you insecure retard.

No, and no. I'm being brutually honest.

When it comes to children, my children, I would do anything, I would bind them to me with links of iron.
I am extremely paranoid regarding marriage/families, I grew up through a divorce, I have seen my brother get divorced and literally half of my friends.

don't worry, there's enough curry-/sand-/-niggers to send the world's population above 10 billion

concepts like "honour" are total alien to most men as well.

The problem isn't MGTOW. The problem here is that the opponents of MGTOW (stormfront, jezebel) have shilled so fucking hard against MGTOW here that you all have internalized their strawman misrepresentation of it. You believe that MGTOW = abstaining from sex. That isn't what it means. Here, I'm going to repeat that last part in all caps for emphasis.


Pic related is an accurate depiction of a typical MGTOW

Do you believe that bachelors abstain from sex? Of course not. The only difference between MGTOW and bachelorhood is that society expects a bachelor to eventually "settle down" and start a family after he has finished sowing his oats. MGTOW are just bachelors who have the audacity to say, "my bachelorhood isn't a phase".

MGTOW isn't anything more than this.
>you may now proceed to strawman what we are because you're intellectually incapable of formulating a logical argument against our actual position.
>implying that you aren't trying to silence me because "muh birthrates"

Well, at least American men, who see the sequence of letters "HONOUR", don't recognize it as the word "honor" and try to sound it out as HHHHAWN-OW-ERR

take what you will,from it.
does that help?

>When it comes to children, my children, I would do anything, I would bind them to me with links of iron

Children are people too. Your children are just as likely to be dysfunctional as any other person in your life. Luckily for you, it doesn't sound like you'll be having any.

Of course, we live in the age of the victim, everyone is a victim.

Then when some true injustice comes along, we berate the new victims for being victims, even though they just want a bit of fucking recognition that their position is shit.

>implying that you aren't trying to silence me because "muh birthrates"

That's exactly why I'm trying to silence you.

If you are young without a ton of experience with women, the MGTOW people are telling the truth. I married a drop-dead gorgeous girl, virgin, and we had 9 happy years together. It's heaven on earth when it's good and there is love and sex, etc.etc., but when they turn into Kardashian wannabees, you are fucked.

They start only caring about spending and never want to work. Marriage to modern women means a lifetime of leisure and spending money on consumer shit. They'll do what they have to do to get it.

If the husband makes tons of money, she'll put up with him.

If he makes good money, but not enough for her to live like a princess, she'll be a pain in the ass and eventually look for someone better.

I'm so much happier single. When the women start misbehaving, I break it off after one warning.

MGTOW really is a lifestyle choice, but it was nice to live the traditional thing for a while. Now, I really love my independence and the sexual variety. You have no idea how much you miss your freedom for work and hobbies and interests once you get married.

It's all about her.

should all men MGTOW? or do some of us have to "take one for the team" and actually raise children?

Are you jewish?

if you want to pass down your genes, donate to a sperm bank.

"Honour"? What am I, a fucking English Klingon?

I'm not Jewish. I'm a white male from North Carolina.
>inb4 you call me a good goy

Grrr8 b8 m8.

> remove merchant

> take a 1:2 chance at losing everything

> full M-NEET-GTOW nihilism

Pick one.

Why would I marry in my fucking 20's anyways?

so the point of MGTOW with regards to children isn't that you should abstain from having them, just that you should abstain from being actively involved in raising them?

>mfw the MGTOW movement was created to remove male competition from the dating scene

Yes, fellas. I too am an independent man who don't need no woman. Give up on women, they will just hurt you in the end!

Just because you rost rast time doesn't make you a ruser you must berieve in your serf roung chosen fag ret your power previaer.


I never said you don't have sex.. just that you are too autistic for a relationship. I'm glad you choose this for yourself but shouting it aloud like its something special makes you seem like some attention starved vegan or special gender when what you are doing is pretty normal. Autists have contributed a lot to society