This is America's president.
This is America's president
Thanks for the reminder OP, I forgot who our current president was.
pretty awesome
CNN is fake news
>butthurt over memes
>posting on Sup Forums
Thin skinned orange buffoon.
Bush was made fun of daily for being incompetent and Obama was flooded with racism daily.
Trump can't handle being called names. Little bitch.
>Fighting back makes you a bitch
Well, I guess you can't fight back against any replies you get, dipshit.
I didn't think much of it. The piece was run as though he was encouraging violence to CNN which was ironic.
Could be worst, Hillary could have been president.
Thank God it's not a woman.
Thank fucking god...
Yeah? He's fucking cool!
pretty comical. good to see he is down to earth rather than "pokemon go to the polls"
>>Fighting back makes you a bitch
it actually does you fuckwad
Yeah, let's do it your way, hope a friend jumps in and fights for me or retreat to my room and cut myself while posting stupid shit on the internet.
the world is laughing at you, america.
At it will be that way for 7.5 years
Lmao look at this bitch fighting back.
>the world is laughing at you, america.
Every countries leaders generate plenty of lolz.
We're all starting to look like The Joker at the amount of lolling.
Lol what a faggot fighting back. You gonna cut yourself later, too?
Didn't CNN just get exposed for making the Russia shit up? Isn't that more important then talking about Trumps tweets? You have the wrong priorities.
He's president. Needs to act like it. Talking shit on twitter is 12 year old normie faggotry.
Can't lie, I really want to see what's going to happen to the world in a few more years with trump being america's president
>inb4 regrets .
>implying his old obese ass will even live that long
shut the fuck up shill. Your character assassinations dont work, why not talk about real issues like the war in Syria that we are actually against? Fucking braindeads
Different user here. Yous a redneck faggot. Reply you little bitch
It's not an assassination. You can see what he's doing and it's ridiculously immature and not what we need in a president.
>not what we need in a president.
Yes it is. I love the tweets, I want more of them. Frankly, Trump has been a fucking PUSSY. He needs to go on the offense in the information war every single day
sure kid
he has a twitter, call him out.
better yet CNN might be interested in your story.
nice shop kid.
sure kid
Ministry of Truth is hiring.
still mad about that election, eh?
He was really the worst part of that match. I cringe the way he takes the Stunner every single time.
thinks everyone is a redneck
Nice shop.
he covered the Bernie logo.
Least he's telling the truth
What's new?
Nobody should be surprised that half of a half retarded population voted for a retard.
>implying there was a single good candidate in that entire shit show
A lot more than half the population is retarded.
These 3rd world horizontal stripe shirt wearing faggots will never get it. They will never understand how amazingly awesome this country is. Keep laughing faggot. I'll keep living the good life..
I've read a book or two, unlike you faggots. (((Chomsky))) said don't trust the media, but this is just ridiculous....
Actually that is the president of the United States of America. Get your facts right.
"In ten years I'll be dating her"
ITT jelly anons with limited freedoms
Kathy Griffin was fired for making a joke that could be construed as violent. The president's video was intended to provoke the alt-right into inflicting violence on the media.
I think what's good for Griffin should be good for the president. Fire him!
This is Canada's prime minister
its a meme.
let him enjoy his memes.
its harmless.
President Chump.
Are you okay? Do you need help?
>ITT jelly anons with limited freedoms
only 3rd world countries are jealous 'bout muricas freedom.
good morning authoritarians
who's cock are we sucking today?
There isnt a sentence, phrase or idiom I can find that can properly convey how stupid you truly are. The entire gene pool of humanity is poorer for your existence in it. God help you and please dont breed.
could these tits be any faker?
No lol
This went right over everyone's heads user. Sad!
>limited freedoms
>allowed to have sex with hookers, unless americans
>allow to marry whoever i want, unless americans
>allowed to fly without a hand checking out my ass before, unless americans
i hate to break it to you, but half of europe has more rights and freedoms than america. but hey, at least you have a health care system that doesn't cover millions of people and is still the most expensive in the world.
i guess you are doing everything right. like voting trump.
Yes, it was a silly thing for a president to tweet, but we need to get over ourselves and stop demanding our politicians be perfectly polished robots who never stray from the script. I want to be led by a human who makes mistakes sometimes, not a mouthpiece for other people who makes mistakes we'll never, ever hear about because they get covered up.
Trump isn't perfect, and that's exactly the type of president we need. Someone who will actually say what they think (even if you think what he believes is really stupid/ill informed) is infinitely better than someone who has to consult with his donors before deciding what his official opinion is.
I don't care about the election. Trump, Hillary, McCain, Sanders, they're all old as fuck and going to die soon. You're a fucking faggot if you aren't looking for suitable replacements for 2020. None of them are going to make it. Since you're only 15 by the time 2020 comes around you'll be able to vote so start looking now.
that was the other shit candidate you had to choose between?
another proof how healthy your political system is. way to go, american user
just admit it, you want to fuck her. i know i would.
Better to have an lying, corrupt President with no manners at all, than a lying, corrupt President with manners.
The retards elected a retard to lead them. Nothing retarded about that.
i live in a city where i can fuck models for €150 within one hour.
so no, i am not as desperate as you
i'm not sure if you're being sarcastic but yes I find that infinitely preferable. At least people know they are being lied to and can decide if they want to tolerate it or not.
those are called prostitutes not models.
>ignore current argument
>bring up unrelated bullshit to escape current argument
sounds like a trump supporter
>actually having to pay in order to have sex with a pretty woman.
Or your average leftist.
i can go to a club with 50+ 8-10/10s 50 euros per fuck and get a free buffet and sauna facilities included. jelly?
America is literally idiocracy
We literally have a WWE wrestler for a president.
All presidents have been imperfect but Trump is different. The man is categorically unsuited to the job and to the office of the presidency. Stop polishing this turd already.
This guy's cock.
what a horse of loadshit
he's still the one we've got and it does nobody any good to just obstruct him at every turn.
>All presidents have been imperfect but Trump is different
Not really no.
>The man is categorically unsuited to the job and to the office of the presidency
says the unknown user on a chinese image board
because you live in bulgaria? not really
so you think melania is fucking donald because he is so manly? i guess that's why she slaps his hands when he tries to grab her.
and yes, i'm a neckbeard. but at least i make enough money to fuck some of the prettiest girls this world has to offer. i am quite okay with that.
So we agree that there are idiots on both sides of political spectrum. That's progress.
germany actually, faggot
google fkk sharks, it's like 50 minutes by train from my apartment