Hey /b, rate my gf. wwyd to her?

hey /b, rate my gf. wwyd to her?

Reminds me of a girl that got away but later found out that she's insufferable and stupid and now I feel lucky nothing between us ever happened.

need more pics to determine rating

no problem

Jesus Christ. I'd give her a 10/10 no bullshit. If shes really you gf then props to you user. Dump some more pics, share the wealth

Post her nudes if you want my opinion

sure bro

im afraid you should wait until we break up

She looks lovely. Sushi dinner, coffee, maybe a club or a bar.

Agreed on the 10/10. She's exactly my type. It's something about that dark lipstick, pale skin and black dress. Sexy AF.

If that's your GF, well done OP

Anymore full body pics?

OP better dump!


Any underwear pics OP ?

actually i don't know what to do. I'm really happy with her but we both know that we're really different, also i don't know if i really love her.. btw, there's 3 years that we're together. what should i do?

im not going to post her nudes

Fucking send her my way then. If you're posting her in a WWYD thread, you probably have some cuck tendencies.

Yeah fucking different or not id marry the shit out of her

dont be a little bitch. If you're going to post WWYD then give us nudes and you can dream about all of Sup Forums nutting to your girl

Post nudes
Show Us what she's worth




I would touch her with gloves so I don't get cut by that edge.


underwear better than nothing - post that

pls more dude, you cant stop like that

don't say that, user

Fuck yeah.

You just raised the faggot level of Sup Forums. Congrats.

post moar of this tiny waist

Oh wow. Ok we got a qt goth.

That dress would be ripped off, I'd slam her against the wall and bite and suck on her neck as I rip off any undergarments if any and then I will whip out my cock and skull fuck her and cum down her throat.


Would defile. Love goth chicks.

She's dreamy OP

That wallpaper is hideous.

I'd take her out to eat at Red Lobster and then take her home and go play vidya by myself

I'd hold her hand

>I got news for you....
You have very good taste in interior design.

she is not gf of op, and you know it

looks like my FemShep

so why not?

kek, newfag

ugly as fuck bet she looks disgusting without make-up, greasy ass hair and a distant stare that says daddy touched me. 2/10

lol my nigga

fuck outta here trap lover

10/10 but let's at least see her ass

So do we have any nudes of the beauty?

no cuz OP is either a fag or doesnt have them

Would you enjoy watching her orally please me, OP?

had been searching for this pic. the one i can post

gtfo fag

Show her full body, as for now she could as well have no legs or an ugly ass so...

how are you going to post a pic of your gf on Sup Forums. Then be scared about posting nudes

what kind of bullshit blur did you add to this?
this is unfappable.


how's that goddamn blur is prevent you to fap on this

It's blurring part of her outline

I can't even see her upper right serratus. That's my favorite part.

post more!!!



tits or gtfo

just dump what you have before we 404

Issa man

Ugly. Would turn 360 degrees and walk away

Stop posting 1 picture every 20 minutes.

Just fucking dump it already.



here we go

>upper right serratus
Had to google this shit. Keked my ass off. This right here is why I still come to 4c.

>360 degrees
>walk away
pick one

I can't describe what i'm felling right now , I am listening to Arcagelo corelli and Suddenly seing these pictures of your girlfriend i imagened I and her in a caban by the lake in the mountains of south Chile with the snow falling and we fuking each other and makes me cry ,maybe i'ts because i know it probaly never to heappen ,all i can do is ask to treat her with respect

Fine I'll do a 180 and moonwalk away


Archangelo Corelli has UNIQUELY never been out of print from like 1670 until now. The longest continuously published composer ever.


TOP motherfucking kek


She is a fucking goddess. Holyshit I'd love to see her feet.

You will never, ever get laid


And they said you can't learn anything on Sup Forums.

bitches love this shit


No! We want more upper right serratus

Tell your mom to stop telling you lies.

im back bithes. bring her ass

Tim burton/10

you better dump that shit so help me god, ive been patient


Show us her nipples


Fine work OP!

actually don't have any, only like this.

Whats her name for filing purposes

would foot-fuck her ass.

This will not work. Need toes and soles.

OP i thought you were back?

i don't have any pics of her feet guys

take it then

just bost more hot shit of her user. she is incredible.

Dont care about feet just dump everything!