Kik stridebreaker also post assholes

Kik stridebreaker also post assholes

Other urls found in this thread:

Bumping for more boipucci

the biggest asshole

Also me

too old







Some pics of my asshole:

Pic related, it's me.

Omg that cute pink color fuuuuck.

You like me? ;3

Op here should I use this dildo


yes. yes you should

Also me

Do you let girls lick it?


I would let them but I've got a boyfriend rn ;3

I came here to post this.

You came to a thread of men posing their genitals, and you are acting like the biggest faggot here



Not him but I really fucking do, perfect. Got a KIK or tumblr?

I'd like to but I'm in a relationship and I just like being a tease :P X




Get outta here you flaming faggot, I hope you go kys

Holy shit I don't think you can even put a toothpick in here.

you disgusting AIDS infested homos
