Ask a clinically depressed black American anything
Ask a clinically depressed black American anything
How do you do?
how big is your cock?
made me lol
How many times have you been pulled over for being too black?
How long did you try working before hopping on the welfare train?
When was the last time (if ever) you paid for health insurance?
are you the guy posting the 'white boi cant compete' bull shit?
there are better ways to make your self feel better, like sun light.
i've always wondered how the black community approaches mental illness, perhaps you could share some introspection?
I'm at stoned at home, wasting time until I have to work
Roughly 3 inches flaccid, 7 erect on a really good day
>once, once summer after sophomore year
>i work now, grew up on welfare train, not fun
>when I worked for my last company
That's Sup Forums you stupid fuck they've been doing it forever
would you lick linetraps asshole even in high school when she was a he?
really? why?
I visit my phychologist and goddamn I've see there whites, asians, spics, indians and any other random race but not a single black.
And I have the question how the fuck you are all so happy? Its the bbc, the music you listen, your funky way of life? How blacks repel depression?
You're very rare case op
I fucking hate see those threads; like, do people actually believe black people just shitpost like that?
Fun fact; suicide is relatively low in the black community.
I've discussed meds with my extended, intially to my chagrin, but it turns out everyone's had some sort of experience with perspection meds, whether it be licit or not, lol
to accelerate discontent
Is you depressed cause you is black? Hope it's correct in your language
No time for chit-chat but I hope you feel better in the future. Good luck to ya.
Or rather they just don't have health insurance to cover an expensive head shrinker.
they seem to have a hate for us right now, so yea. maybe a self hating white guy?
what discontent kinda a new fag. ive never seen this mentioned in one of the posts
so, do you feel like most black people just end up dealing with it or ignoring it, i mean just like the plethora of socioeconomic issues faced by black individuals?
Depends on how he looked, really. Bailey can get the business like the owner died, in the present case
Honestly, I think depression is as prevalent in the black community as is any other. All the poverty, single parent households, drugs etc. does a number on youth more than we'd really care to know; that's my particular case, anyway
You mean opressed?
Why don't you try going outside?
it's a psy-op, psychological operation. Sup Forums is filled with racists and fake racists, among others, so what does a racist want? to make other people come to his side and hate the black man. So what does he do? he goes around pretending to be a black man waving his dick in front of whitey faces arrogantly, so therefore he pisses off white people and slowly pushes them over to the racist side. Sowing discontent.
Kinda like what the Hillary side of things did when they would deface Democratic buildings and Jewish places in order to play the victim card so that people would, by sympathy, be pushed over to their side. Only, of course, they were caught because they're not good at it. Sup Forums is probably better at it, lol.
that was enlightening ty
That is a weird way to spell nigger.
fucking racist faggot
why depressed tyrone? don't you have a great big huge dick that you can use to go out and fuck hundreds of white women with every day? or did Sup Forums lie to me?
also, ooga booga where da watermelons at.
I getcha, friendo. Being black itself isn't depressing, I think life's a lottery of sorts and you have a good chance of being black AND poor
I think it's just because Sup Forums is easy to fuck with. I have a friend irl who's a bit of a normie/pushover type and it's fun to rank on him for that reason alone.
I wouldn't say they ignore mental health like they do socioeconomic issues, I'd say that with the struggles a low-class family is prone to suffering, depression symptoms are like water off a duck's back. I just recently started attending therapy sessions and taking meds and that caused my mom to heavily consider her own mental health and she's been through some shit; she is also 47.
no problem newfag just remember we hate scum like you as much as the pol/aks
remember never relax around polaks
Lol no
Because skateboarding in 91F and humidity is not fun at all
Sup Forums is lying to you and you can purchase one at any produce outlet
hm, interesting...the resilient nature of the black community despite everything. i applaud you as individual being able to help your mom too as old people can be very stubborn. do you think the black community will ever have anyone as influential and powerful as barrack obama is? or have we made great enough strides in society that its not necessary despite the loud retarded bigots attempting to put everything in reverse? (obviously ignoring previous historical figures)