Wwyd thread
Wwyd thread
Realistically nothing, because I'm a beta cuck that can't even talk to girls, but if I could I would do everything she would let me do
Another cancerous retard thread. No thanks newfag Sup Forums
do you have more of her?
No nudes but I can get more pics
That would be greatly appreciated
Tie her down to a bed, and fuck her till I cum deep in her sweet pussy
i would make them a sandwich
I would make her fuck me with a strapon
fag detected
Well done captain obvious
one fag more detected
wwyd probably are the most pathetic ones
what else you wanna do if you are a summerfag, without any gf. you go to Sup Forums and start wwyd. by pretending that everyone honestly post his own GF or wife or or or
would invade canada, find all the jews, you know the rest