What should I do

What should I do
I'm 20 no job high school drop out

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get a job?

are you me ?


What type?

Get a job at UPS loading/unloading trucks.

After a year you get some of the best health insurance in the world, and because it's a union job you will eventually move on to being a driver which is at least a 50k/year job.

If you're out of shape, this will be you back where you need to be. Just come in with a good work ethic.

Try it.

Thank you

go into construction, be a labourer. always jobs available and you don't need experience



Become an electrician. It saved me. After four years, you take a test, get your Journeyman's license. You'll be set. Most bigger companies have great pay and insurance. It's a skill you have for life, you learn to operate heavy machinery like backhoes. Go into commercial or industrial. If you want to travel, you can travel for work. Leave your stuff in storage or at a friend or family member's place, save up and you'll be loaded by the time you decide to settle down. It can lead to so much for you.

Build yourself a little hot dog or ice cream cart
Very cheap if you build it yourself
Find spot where lots of fat people hang out
Super relaxed job


is it a hard trade to learn if you know nothing about it at all

Makes cents


It can be at first. Depending on which state you're in, you can just buy a license from your state's licensing department for around $15. Then apply for larger companies. My company is always hiring greenies, and we have training and tool programs for guys with no training or tools. Furthermore, many companies are associated with schooling programs and unions like the IEC OR IBEW, and they'll put you through school and on track to get your Journeyman's license. The country is hurting for tradesmen, and it's proud and fulfilling work that'll help toughen you up. At least, it has done all these things for me.


Used to be in the same position as you OP.

Getting a job really is the first step.
Do something small and easy to start, but something you'll occasionally like doing.

Not a lot of people actually "like" their first couple of jobs but it's necessary to gain ground on the roads to eventual success.

I want to work and get GED but it's the start. List from you 1.job 2.GED 3.one of the job here.
Then wait till it gives benefits. Thx

If you're into software dev find an apprenticeship. Pays awfully for the first year, I was on £115 a week which was awesome at 18 and living at home. After a year it went up to ~250. Company ended up bust and got a job doing banking payment software for £26k at 20,