I am part of the "1 percent"

I am part of the "1 percent"

Ask me anything

why are you on this site, at all

Asuka or Rei?

How is life as a jew?

How aware are the 1% of the different collapses about to happen?

Are they mostly not aware and not caring, or deliberately evil?

Check them.

can you paypal me some money i really need it

Why are you?
Lol, I'm not a new active
Completely aware of everything, I'm afraid

How jelly are you that you're not (and never will be) part of the top 0.01%?

Are you faggots conspiring to kill Trump?

*Jewish actually*

Asuka or Rei?


How do I join?

don't answer my question with another question, give me a substantial answer

and also I am here for the memes

Are you a jew?

Also are you free mason/illuminati/NWO?

Post pic of house and or car or you're full of shit

Prove it or fuck off


Trump is a good friend of mine, he will live a long life. If he ever is "killed" he will actually be spending the rest of his days in comfort in an underground government built doomsday bunker. Just like Abraham Lincoln

Do you belong to any promiment bloodline?
Have you attended interesting meets in the royal circles or political circles?
Whats your plan for the coming madness?

godspeed from germany.

can you prove it by sending me money.

im in a bad spot


So the elite don't want him dead or...

Is there a point, like Trump, where you just become untouchable?

How out of touch is the american elite with the hoi polloi? Any anecdotes you can share?

Do you think we can save Europe and the West from the various vices and parasites that now plague it? Things like Islam, feminism, cultural Marxism, etc.

Or is the super rich class just too powerful and the West is doomed to fall just as Rome and the other great cultures of history did.

Kinda curious. You've probably been following Trump's campaign and the somewhat-vague idea he has towards the 1%(or rather, the top Tax bracket). Do you have any concerns at all with his proposed strategies or whims?

the 1% are people with 500k income
this faggot isnt serious
he must be part of the 0.01%

Perhaps a timestamp with your rolex or something

Prove it, faggot.

Checked. Nice.

Oh Nat, just fuck off already.