Any Sup Forumsros with medical experience? Personal experience will do if not

Any Sup Forumsros with medical experience? Personal experience will do if not...

I noticed a lump, what I'm assuming was a Haemorrhoid and decided to feel around just to check things out. I think I applied too much pressure because, all of a sudden, the thing deflated and now I can't see anything.

This happened last night and I've not felt right since. It isn't pain, it feels more like a tenderness around my A-hole.

Option A: See Doctor.
Option B: Wait and see if the feeling goes.

>tenderness around my A-hole.
Topkek, OP, you a faggot tho

gayyy LOL

so you took it in the butt and now you got the prize, haaaahahahahahaha

Sounds like you had a zit on your butt.

you know that's not the right position to poop,right?

sounds like a hemorrhoid. I used to get them all the time, I wouldn't worry to much unless you start having blood in your movements or they come back and are more frequent, might haven even been a cyst. Watch for puss, if there's puss, it was a cyst.

Tendies around his A hole. Stinky chicken.

Op you got to fag up my boy. Think your ok keep an eye out. Next time don't put such large things in the fart box

>inb4 op is a faggot

Pictures would help

Summerfag express in this thread

go buy some preparation H and apply around asshole.

never realized the summer newfags were this bad, but holy shit they are so recognizable and unfunny

I am a bit of a newfag myself, but jesus these kids make me look like I'm 50

I haven't been on Sup Forums for that long either but these kids seem so insanely out of place from the way they post

seems they're in the mentality of "the edgier I am, the cooler I'll seem". A.K.A. X-box kids. everything's nigger this and faggot that.

yea, for example

butthurt fagget niggers


low quality bait?? next time how about you save the actually picture and not the thumbnail retard

>being this new

here's the (you) you're looking for

that's just sad really.


they fear the oldfags not accepting them and thus they act edgy to try and fit in

Coulda been a zit, coulda been a roid. If its not very painful and its getting better you probably dont need to see a doc, but itnever hurts to be careful especially when dealin with shit concerning ur ass or cock.

this generation truly is terrified to be their own person...sad really

the main reason I browse Sup Forums is because I can just talk like I normally do in real life, I don't have to fill my speech with memes or edginess for comedic value, but then when summerfags arrive it just turns into a competition of who can be the funniest and edgiest, and usually they aren't funny at all

>be their own person
On the internet, on Sup Forums, on Sup Forums? Are you fucking retarded? Fuck you and your fake morals

have you never seen all the threads asking for advice or help about something on Sup Forums? i have never seen someone get memed in them even when they were a minority that you wouldn't expect Sup Forums to sympathise with and help. now that summer is here that has changed though, newfags go around making fun of anyone who asks for help to try to seem edgy and fit in

OP it's a good thing you caught me cause I'm an actual doctor.
What you are describing there sounds like a classic case of oppitus faggitus, which is a terminal condition.
There is only one cure and that is for you to take a magnum dong straight up your tender A-hole. If you take enough cum in the next 24 hours you should be fine.

Jesus, the diameter of anus that shat that.

summerfags can't even put the post number that they are replying to

congrats you're getting older like everyone else, just get some preparation h you fucking retard

>got drunk and put lecithin capsule in butt after supporsity and cleaning n shit, cum, go to sleep.

>next day got fever, but vent on a burger and pizza. some beer.

>next day can't do number 2, even if my bowels are clearly full.

That was yesterday, it's still the same. I might die soon :)

ive heard of these benign lumps that appear under the skin. you're not supposed to, but its possible to smack them and they disperse, problem over. they say you shouldnt cus doctors say it could create an issue but they also said its possible nothing bad will happen if you do it. could have been one of those.