If you dress like this you should expect guys to want to rape you.
If you dress like this you should expect guys to want to rape you
*tips fedora*
Still not an invitation to rape
I dont think they should be expecting to get raped if they dress like this.
I also don't think they should be upset about guys wanting to rape them.
If you're showing off your sexual assets you're going to elicit the biological response in our brains.
There's a difference between "wanting to fuck" and "wanting to rape"
Girls wearing booty-hugging short shorts probably expect guys to see their assets and want to sex with them, sure. Now, *rape* is a whole different level here.
If you see someone you think is hot in skimpy attire, I expect you to be turned on and want to fuck them, sure. If your mind jumps to *raping* them, get some help Sup Forumsro
Don't get it. I mean his shirt isn't too revealing and that little belly is in fact cute. Am I not seeing something?
Wanting sex ≠ wanting rape
and then girls complain about u staring at their ass
Hello Mohammed
This man gets it
Have a little self-control maybe?
Take a peek, but damn dude, if you're straight staring and get caught, that's on you
you are right, i like this new trend of people saying right things
i know one thing that girls butt is amazing too look at
Are you a sandnigger? You fucking sound like one
you should expect guys to stare, want to have sex with you and think about how attractive you are but expect civilized people to have some self control. we're not apes
right, human anatomy to want that
Could this be the end of sugar-coating, and politically correctness? The end of the I-don't-want-to-offend?
I want to rape girls if they're hot, regardless of what they wear. In fact, a hot girl who dresses conservatively is the ultimate rape-bait
you can tell she is asking for a cock by the way her tail feathers stick out
He pumped the breaks from rape to "want to have sex with" that's not moving in the same direction as non-political correctness
Guys! Guys! I found him! I found the edgy virgin!
Ya hwat m8?
If she's all covered in a garbage bag, you could never know the hottness -
some people say you can tell how beautiful a woman is just by her eyes -
bullshit, you talking bullshit
rape is illegal tho bro
Its only illegal if she screams
then she tells the cops on u
Time to leave, Achmed
>Am I cool yet, guise? :^)
that's why you kill her afterwards. bunch of fucking amateurs...
this applies to everybody, not only snowflakes if you think about it.
fuck that, staring is alpha
get off my Sup Forums
too old. *tips fedora
Correction OP! The rapists would want to rape them. The feminist society wants to make every single guy a rapist or a molester.
Ah summer, you're not cool because you're intentionally being edgy or 'shockin', you're just annoying.
This is the correct response.
if that's the case then I'm all for feminism
No, staring is beta as fuck. Creeps the girl out 9 times out of 10 and all you get is another sad entry in your spank bank.
An alpha doesn't stare, an alpha goes up to the hot girl and gets *her* to want to stare at *him.*
Staring is for beta fucks who can't get the girl
yes. going on an nsfw forum, in a thread specifically about raping girls and making a comment about rape is super edgy.
if you don't like the topic just leave
WYD? When did Sup Forums get invaded by faggots... Oh wait right.
an alpha doesnt give a fuck if it creeps her out. an alpha knows he could fuck her because he's fucked hotter. doesn't mean he goes after every ass he sees.
fuck off beta
>to rape you.
no, to have sex with you.. willingly.. which is not hard
There is no argument, this is correct
Sexual desire is implicated, some men have the intelligence and restraint; then there's rapists
Sexual desire vs full blown rape depends on the individual, but the person initiating is always the provocative one
If i went downtown in my city, 5'10 abs out, tight dick bulge showing 8.5", I'd expect catcalls, in fact, if i dressed that way, I'd want them, regardless if i said i didn't
..and I'd expect to be raped if someone had the balls to go for it (maybe a better example would be a skinny twink).
Men are hunters (or wannt to be, even if born a gatherer, which makes the complex worse) and the mentally deranged hold no boundries
tl;dr you know what your dressing like, stop being a dumb whore
P.s sjw needs to die, i say we burn down all those brole ass colleges that allow them in with their shitty brains
P.p.s dated a girl from a prestigious uni who wouldn't shut up about the shit, so previous solution is niet. Just wait for the fad to die out with the fading echoes of, "cis white male scum check your priv"
I just stare and rape them with my mind.
I think girls who dress like that shouldn't be angry if guys stare at her. The girl who wore that most likely wanted that attention
found the virgin
My wife goes shopping like this. She has a hard time admitting it's for attention.
He's a beta and a virgin signified through one line, "doesn't care if it creeps her out"
Anything a beta would do that creeps out a chick, an alpha could do the same and the chick will adore him, obviously there's rules, like massively autistic things a beta would do, like mentioning a foot fetish on a first date, an alpha would simply not be stupid enough to attempt, he would just implement
I just told a girl on tinder I'm going to throw her in my rape dungeon and that i only want to meet an hour after dusk, when the night is darkest, but i have already established connections in order to joke like this, she'll be over 3hrs from now
Pretty trashy
Why are u posting fat chicks with no ass
some women atually like it when you stare aslong as you play it off correctly. Just say something like "how am i not supposed to stare" aslong as you're not ugly as fuck they will be flattered
I would follow her discretely around the store and take her in the parking lot as she bends over to load the car. Secretly she fantasizes about that, or a tall dark stranger.
do you want see dat ass in thong?
Yeah, same reasons why their underwear/swimsuits are cut that way. They're designed to be seen by guys (they find attractive), and when they want a lot of guys, they dress sexy to get attention. High heels, tight pants and make up are all used to attract men and get attention from both men and women.
Pic related, women love getting attention for their bodies, provided it's not from men they don't find attractive.
She goes to the gym and stops by the grocery store or the way home dressed like that or this or some of her version of yoga pants. Then, she occasionally complains about random guys approaching her. I know it's an attention thing. Guys do the same shit with flashy cars or expensive watches. I just want her to admit she loves the attention.
Go for it, hust saying, it will be a basic amateur pic of a fat beverly hills bleach blonde with too much family money to realize that she has no physocal attributes truly going for her, only amplified basic aspects amplified through money via clothes and makeup
so if you are fit and shirtless at the street,it would be your fault if a gay guy raped you
What would she say if she read my post?
yes, what's your point?
If you want women to be covered up go join ISIS you sharia goat fucker.
I'll be here enjoying freedom and women in skimpy clothing.
You'd have better luck getting a muslim to eat a pork sandwich than to have a western women admit they like male attention when they go out.
Source, have a sister who dresses like that, claims it's for "comfort" but suddenly when we go to a family gathering, she'll dress like shit (because there aren't any dudes to impress)
She's probably call you a creep or something similar, but if you were an attractive enough guy her panties would get a little wet at the same time.
Merica. Fuck yea
you have an ugly family for incest in her eyes then.
Sucks dude.
You do understand OP agrees with you, right you stupid faggot?
My wife is always showing herself off like this when i come home and especially when we have friends over, she has a hard time admitting it's for attention.
just like that, eh?
Sounds a little up-tight. Not down with the rape thing myself, but if she will not even admit it is for attention it's a lie. Women who do not want attention do not wear skin tight red pants. They dress to get men's attention and to show off their rocking bod to other women to compare themselves to.
clothing being a justification for rape is literally the sand nigger excuse. OP is basically saying "if a woman drives a car expect to be stoned to death, allah ackbar"
I lol'd, we do.
Death to all rapists, rapists are untermenschen.
but all women want to be raped
It's cool I wouldn't fuck any of my family either.
Bad news for you, I'm turned on by Fedora wearing neck beards.
Signed, Carl Panzram
Can you throw the stick for doggo?
>Shut up mutt have to put my whore pic on the snap chats
Exactly. Though they shouldn't expect to be actually raped. It's all attention-whoring.
whatta ya know, the first time I see pics of someone I know on here
You're suppose to get caught looking, but not staring
When you address to get the attention of men, you shouldn't be upset that you get the attention of men.
If you wanna rape cause its your kink, sure.
But if you think she or you deserve anything, just because you want it. You're a spoiled beta-ass bitch-cuck. And rape is probably the only way you can get your dick in a vag
There's the difference OP.
Expect guys to want to have sex with you: ok
expect guys to rape you: not ok
Women want sex
men want sex
both men and women flaunt and show off to attract all the goddamn time.
Just because you don't have the stats to attract someone back doesn't mean you can sperg out and demand women wear burkas you fucking Islamist goat fucker
Moar of this!
Girl actually loves to walk around like that, does that make her a slut tho?
yeah bitch probably loves getting dicked down
americans, right?
Yes no idea about tho
Not really, rape isn't something that comes naturally to mentally healthy guys