If you could make any rule for cute girls at school in order to satisfy your fetish, what would it be...

if you could make any rule for cute girls at school in order to satisfy your fetish, what would it be, and what's the punishment for not following it?

bonus points for having different punishments for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd offenses

On a uni.
All girls have to wear thongs.
I do the morning inspection.


post moar japs faggot

If one does not wear a thong

Wear see though pants for one week.

Second time:

No pants

bmi of 20 max

fitness classes daily

no body hair

uniform mandatory

stripper heels

punishments =
enhanced Phys Ed
humiliating fat girls clothes
butt plugs of various sizes

bump because this is my fetish


what is?

OH FUCK IT'S THIS EXACT SAME FUCKING THREAD YET AGAIN. Would it fucking kill you to come up with something new?

well running a kinky all girls school....ive just discovered


id rather there were boys at the school too, so they can use the girls

yeah go on, why not



i would make it so that all girls had to dress in a slutty bunny costume, complete with bunny ears and bunny tail buttplug

wonder if any drawfags could get in on this

but i love asian girls, so i think there should be extra requirements for them

such as? also pics dude


their costume has holes cut out for the nipples and a shorter skirt


They have to take off their shoes, so I can cum in them while they're in class

Rape will go unpunished on school property

love this, any punishments?


what do you think would happen?

literally the only one that thinks this needs images.....

If they dont take them off, they can keep them on, but have to strip naked otherwise

aaaaand forget my image fuck

feet related punishments would be better

no shoes, socks, skirts or pants for 2 days? or this

if a girl was tied like that, think there would be guys who play with her feet?

I would be tickling her feet for hours,

maybe a good punishment would be that she gets turned into the class footslave


could do but im a heels and socks fan. she could lick the rest of the classes feet clean after gym?


wish someone else would join in with pics....

footslave as in her feet now belong to the school
maybe the other students can decide upon what shoes/socks she has to wear

lottery or vote

and they decide how often she can change/wash her socks too

i think we are concentrating on your foot fetish way to much

what if she goes crazy?


this thread had so much potential for kinkiness



female teacher uniform

anyone else enjoying these?

OP abandoned his own thread..


fuck it im out

Wow ! Who's she ?

dont know sadly this is just my school uniform folder

other female teacher uniform

Welcome to user Academy.

Congratulations on being accepted to the user Academy. Here at A.A. we want everybody to reach their highest potential.

Please indicate your gender (M/F)
You have selected femanon. Is this correct? (Y/N)
As a Femanon, you have to educational courses to chose from. You can join the S.T.E.M. course, giving you the best chances for a strong career, or you can Submission Conditioning course to prepare you for a life of service. What would you like to study?
>Liberal Arts
From what you have entered it is clear that you are not mentally fit for a career involving responsible decision making. You have been enrolled in Submission Conditioning.

We will now provide you with your Submission Conditioning class schedule and student regulations.

SubCon class schedule...
st period will be Physical Fitness in the SC Gym. You will be learning Yoga and practicing Cardio Fitness. You will follow appropriate class uniform guidelines.
2nd Period will be Social Presentation. Following gym class you will be given a supervised hour to perform proper hygiene and to compose yourself for the rest of the school day. Supervision will be provided by staff and senior class representatives, who will instruct and tutor you in proper body grooming, hair styling, fashion, and makeup application.
rd Period will be for Nutritional Education. Not just a cooking class, you will receive education on how to plan, prepare, and present healthy meals and snacks.
4th period will be Domestic Support Services. For students that perform well in Nutritional Education, 4th period will be spent preparing and serving lunch for the staff and students. For those lacking in nutritional proficiency, 4th period will be spent performing janitorial tasks to help keep our academy clean.


th Period will be Social and Personal Services. You will be instructed in proper forms of address, posture, and social etiquette for formal and informal public appearances, either alone, as a part of group, or as an escort.
6th period will be for focused education depending on aptitudes determined by assessment tests and individual performances. Topics may include but not limited to dancing, singing, gaming appreciation, and domestic management.
th Period will be for remedial education and disciplinary administration. Please see student guide on uniform regulations and corrective measures.

this...this is what we should of done....or do i spend to much time of tg and assume thats how these things go


Your kinks are basic and trash

thanks for sharing, your contribution has been witnessed, processed and filed

user Academy Femanon uniform police

All A.A. students are to present themselves in a clean and professional manner while on campus. This continues to be true for students in the SubCon course. Students will wear the assigned uniforms for their academic course of study and specific classes at the appropriate times as directed.

For SubCon students, the daily, General Purpose uniform will be blouse and skirt. Skirt length will not be longer than 1 inch above the knees, and will not be shorter than 2 inches below the crotch.
Blouse will be of the button down variety, white, and with sleeves and collar. Length of sleeves and collar will be left to the individual student, unless otherwise directed by staff, bot should be appropriate for the current weather conditions. Additionally, stockings my be worn.

Gym uniforms will be worn when maximum flexibility and range of motion is required. Spandex is encouraged, but not mandatory, for gym class. A student me elect to wear a bra. For the upper body, a spandex top, sports bra, conventional bra, simple tee shirt, swimsuit, cut-off shirt, or any combination there of, as approved by staff, or nothing at all, may be worn.
For the lower body, for reasons of hygiene, as a minimum, thong panties must be worn at all times. More occlusive underwear may be worn. Additional clothing such as micro shorts, yoga pants, spandex, or swimsuits may be worn, as approved by staff.

We at A.A. believe in safety first and foremost. Students will not be allowed to wear baggy clothes in shop class, nor will nudity be permitted in food prep areas.

Students assigned to janitorial duties will be issued smocks to cover their uniforms. Smocks will cover the students from shoulder to mid thigh.

Uniform Policy Violation and Corrective Measures.

Violations of the GP uniform policy will be dealt with appropriately.
1st offense will result in a verbal warning.
For 2nd uniform violations including unauthorized articles of clothing or accessories will see those items confiscated. If the student is left undressed by the confiscation, a cleaning smock will be provided.
3rd time offenders of uniform policy will not be issued a smock, and will have to attend classes in whatever clothing left to them.

We are aware that students left partially or completely undressed may be subject to teasing, hazing, or other forms of verbal or physical harassment. This is unfortunate, but it is also an important part of social enforcement of acceptable behaviors. This form of peer correction of uniform violations will be monitored by staff to make sure it does not get out of hand.