Well b . I'm fucked

Well b . I'm fucked.
> Be me
>Lose job
> GF leaves
> Boss won't give me my last check
>No money
> Small town so no prospects
> Car died three weeks before I got let go
>Been avoiding landlord
>Landlord enters my apartment
> Starts looking around
>Finds me naked hiding in the closet
> She books it
> Now two months behind on rent as of the first
>Eviction incoming
> No family
>No friends
>Power getting turned off the fifth
> About to lose anything I can't carry
>An hero certainly an option
> Maybe crime spree but don't want to don't want to do then prison thing
> Plus no gun
Im at wits end Bros
What do?
Pic related ..it's what I've been living off of for three days

Sometimes i feel bad for my situation, like no owned home... then i read this and i feel like i'm privileged.

Or maybe you are just some lazy careless faggot and you reap what you saw

No it's all true. .. unfortunately.. so yeah this was my door Friday

rob some place, if you get caugh, u go to jail, else keep robbing, ull have food in jail

You know, this is not always your fault, sometimes it's the system, so yes go rob, something big like jewels or lots of cash, if you are being chased first make a plan, hide the cash somewhere then do jail time and when you come out get the cash and vive la vida!

If I did it would be to an hero by cop

And this was one of my last check stubs

You know maybe if I had a gun and a car but as it is now j would have to hoof it.. so not good not to mention there are only like 10 businesses in this town

Honestly fuck the US Gov.
They practically steal from you, poison you with food and opress you like if there was no tomorrow.

I'm really really sorry for ameribros.

Well that we can agree on

Shut the fuck up pussy, I WALK 2 hours every day to unload fire works for 12 hours and then walk home. The only thing stopping you is that you are weak willed

Feel your pain man. In the exact same boat a.t.m. Have even thought of putting up a go-fund-me, to get out of this hole. But I'm just a pleb staying in South Africa

Ho Lee Fook lmao.
Is that actually a brand

Come on.
There's a Mc do or BK in your area? You must avoid being evicted, therefore you need to show goodwill to the landlord therefore you have to grab the first job you can, even the shittiest. Then you'll have time to run after the last check your last boss still owes you etc. FFS don't stay there. Do something. Start. Get up. Go.

Why cant you get your last check?

I was walking an hour to work just a month ago. It's not that I'm lazy it's that there is no jobs for ten miles in any direction. Trust me I've looked. I live in a very small town

there is always the option of sucking dick for cash

i vote crime spree

whats the plan, my man?

Yeah, can your mom put in a good word for me?

No . Here I'll list the businesses withing ten miles
>3 convince. Stores
One grocery store
One dollar general

That's it
He sent the check to my old address and now he won't resend it ..told me to fuck off and ask the person who lives at the old address ..and I did.. but that guy trashed it because he didn't know who I was

I'm sorry dude, wish i could help.

Have yo gotten on EBT, medicare?

Also, any way to explain to your boss how fucked you are and get that check? Why did you get fired.

Mcdonalds not a bad choice if in walking distance for now.

Why are you living in a small town so far from fam and friends that you can't even get a couch to crash on?

Gandparents? Anyone in the whole world you can ask for help?

Not in this town..

Well i can ask her but i think your father would be more suited to help you since he must have sucked a lot of dick to squirt such a faggot out of his balls

Where you at Sup Forumsro?
We'll come help you.
Not your personal army, but your brothers in arms.

well then run away from that hole and find a place where there are things to do. Can't you?

have you ever thought of taking a bus and getting out and moving toward a bigger town, or doing odd jobs and begging for the job from someone.
haha sounds like my town dollar general, and family dollar.

Grab what's important and hitchhike to family. Sell your car for scrap to get food money. Nothing to lose, right?

Thanks bro
I move here with my ex because her sister lived here . The job I got was as an electrician with the only electal company in town
Her sister moved a town over so it was just us here and j was doing well at my job
I got fired because I wouldn't take my bosses shit anymore. He was making us shoe up at 630 to start work but we didn't start getting paid until we got to the job and when one of his friends quit he became insufferable. I mean it got really bad ..all three of us wuit in a week and he blames me
As for family? Dad died at 16 mom went insane and into a home grandparents are all dead . Only one left is my brother and he is a junkie I haven't seen or heard from I over a decade

1) Contact Department of Labor regarding your lost check. Your boss will have to pay a fine, and still give you your check. 2) Contact local law school and get in touch with the free legal clinic. Ask for civil trial advocacy. They will give you free legal representation against your boss and the company which will then pay you more than the last check. (go for settlement, it is easier. court is rarely worth it.) 3) Try being up front with your landlord and stop skulking like a loser. 4) Take control of your life and win faggot.

This is what you need to do

>With your last few dollars, buy a fuck ton of guns, things to make explosives
>Rent some shitty car, the cheaper and shittier, the better.
>Get all your supplies together
>Drive to the nearest big city/ where most people are. (If you can get to NY or some place where lots of people are, the better.
>Enter a bar/ night club/ building with lots of people and 1-3 exits
>Barricade all of the emergency exits from the outside
>Plant explosives inside, set timer/ light fuse
>possible get to rooftop and admire your handy work
>ayy good job
>plant remaining bomb, make sure to have some sort of deadman switch
>hold your fucking self hostage, act mentaly insane
>walk close to them, start running
>kill as many as possible, or bonus points if they are still alive but clinging to life where they are disabled for the rest of their life

>welcome to hell brother

Yeah loudest brand there is for your money, they sell quick as fuck though so don't get your hopes up bout getting any less you order em

It's a twenty mile walk to a bus stop ..and busses take money lol
Again I have no family
I have done this and I'm waiting but it could take months . I will be on. The street by then

Where did you work? There must be a corporate office or HR that you can talk to and get it. And or call the wage and hour divison and tell them you havent been paid for time you worked. Where is your closest workforce center?

>Plus no gun

Most successful bank robberies happen with no gun actually being involved. You just have to feint.

You can't fight the eviction. I lived at an apartment for 6 months before I was forced to move out.

It was a small electrical company .. like five or less people he is owners wife lol closest workforce is 19 miles

Yeah but most bank robbers don't escape on foot in a town of 1200

Pack a bag.
Take the next bus to nearest town.
Find shelter/bed for the night for homeless people.
Work under the table. Like dishpit in a restaurant or something. construction.. anyting. You're in a big city now. Remake yourslef.
It's big it's scary but you need to get your head out of your ass stop being a lazy cunt.

Contact office of unemployment to get checks while you wait for DOL and the legal clinic to put the fear of god in a stupid bully. Sorry, I wasn't going to enter this thread, but withholding checks is a middle school bully move and really pisses me off.Did your boss ever do anything constituting gross negligence? I think you should get a free lawyer and make his life hell. What town are you in?

Sell shit ASAP, find someone who has under the table work, or better yet my classy business idea that made me tons of jewgold off of goys last summer:

>go to grocery store
>buy cheap 24 case of water bottles
>get cooler with ice
>set up shop near a busy intersection on a warm/hot day
>sell bottles for $1 a pop
>yfw you only paid $4.25 for the whole case
>instant $20 profit.

go do volunteer work with a religious or civic organization that will give you a cot and meals or help you get some.
learn how not to retard so hard

You should name your dead-eyed, temporarily embarrassed millionaire spawn "Barry".

Don't landlord have to give you thirty days to vacate even with eviction?

oh and obviously this

>tfw cant type

Faggot. Dude has three slices of bologna. If he had funds for guns and explosives he could probably fix his car or pay rent. A "fuckton" of guns cost more than that unless you want to buy a bunch of hipoints. I wouldn't trust my own suicide to a hipoint. Your suggestion is unoriginal, uncreative, and unhelpful.

OP. Is there a church nearby?

fuck off normie let him go down in history

well what this guy said go to a des office or what ever you have and explain your situation of your about to be homeless

Yeah it's bs
I wish it's like five days at most

Here is what you do.

Slip the teller a note saying "I'm robbing you, give me everything unmarked that you can. I will leave you half at x location. When asked, say the note said I was wearing a bomb vest. If you agree, slide the note back with a yes, otherwise give it back with a no and I will leave"

You'll get someone greedy enough for it to work, guaranteed, and if you wear a cap and glasses and look normal nobody will be able to ID you.

do you have a paypal acc? Post it and beg for cash. Weirder shit happened here than a rich faggot giving you money

This might work.

Oh wow cool movie brah

If it still active I think it's
[email protected] but haven't used it in years

maybe go back to mexico

Holy shit op idk your life seems so shitty im gonna screencap this to tell myself that mine is not that bad srlsy op I feel bad for you I hope it's gonna be better and also cuz we are on b/ im gonna say kys and your a fag

You can always take your ama and go right fucking back to le-ddit where they might buy your bullshit.

Why does it get worse every summer?

fucking check if it is active ffs. Im not gonna send you cash if it is inactive

Im gonna give op 10 bucks. If some people chip in he can at least get something to eat

Good idea
Checking now

This dude can't even check if his paypal is active to receive free handouts, disregard.

pretty sure this is how Satan find a recruit.

holy shit dude, this sounds like it came from someone with experience.

i agree use the fucking internet dude, are there like go fund me pages or some bs like that, fuck Sup Forums might actually do some good this one time

go and steal a car..... sell it , if you get caught. you go to prison get better education in there , get better job in a few years and as a bonus
you make new friends :) you will be in minimum security so its all good, if you dont get caught then its happy days

He has no means of getting a gun. Have you ever tried shooting someone without a gun? It doesn't work very well. That's why sandniggers steal trucks and drive them into crowds.

Does it smell like summer in here?

Yeah it's active

Give your GF a call , she might help a bit .

do anything and everything to survive dude except the retarded ideas of killing and robbing a bank ignore those cunts, but seriously dude this is go time

Sell some stuff, rent a car, drive it for uber until you can afford to get your car fixed

man i was going to say if the gf was in to giving me a bj or some panties, nudes i can pay top dollar to help OP out of this i need some leverage

Threads like these make me realize how shitty some people have it compared to others. I've been living on my own for the past 3 years, I went through some times where money was really tight but so far i've made it.

The difference is I always know in the back of my mind if everything fails I can always go back to my parents place and they will welcome me in with open arms until I can get back on my feet and try again.

It must be scary to not have this.

>Vote Trump

drink bleach
rape land lady

Small town? With forests and summer?

Can't you camp outside until you find a new shitty job that gets you on your feet before finding a "real" job?

Or if there's places for homeless people, can't you use them?

I suppose any communication could be handled from library computers too?

>[email protected]
done you are welcome. Sent you 10 dorrars. Maybe some other user wants to chip in so op can get a bus ticket? I see it this way were are here for our Sup Forumsrothers.

He's in a super small town. That's going to seriously limit the money he can make driving for Uber. He'll have to make 50+ per day to cover expenses, not to mention there may not be a rental agency nearby. Go back to the city and get nigger cancer from a hobo.

Had to reset my password ..it's been a while since j used it
I don't think go fund me works unless you can spread it word around
Yeah I'm not a fan of jail
I doubt it .. she left because j didn't have a job.. I kinda fucked up trusting her
You are telling me .. just looking for some creative ideas . I was gonna sell my tools as they are really the only thing of value I have but that also means I won't be able to get another job I. My field.. which kinda suck

Do you live in rural Illinois?

make arangments you retard and go find a job

Couldn't find a job in two months?

>he is owners wife
Fucking americans

also get money from your jew boss take him to court and get even more you fucking fag

wait op your a fucking electrician, why dont we get you to a power plant so then you can get bigger pay or get into a newer company.

>t. ISIS

Move then, faggot.

One option call up swift transpotation and sign up for cdl school rightnow they will house you and feed you during said period of time and you will have a job afterward. ..also doubles as somewhere tonlive and gives you a career to use.

Thanks bro I read appreciate it ..
Imaybe if j can rent a uhaul I could stay I. It for a day or two.. only nine miles to closest uhaul lol
Texas ..so it's worse
And what kind of arrangemens should I make?
It's only been a month the ..July fist marks the beginning g of the second month the. And no this town sucks for jobs. If j had a vehicle it would be better but alas I don't
Because I live j. The middle of nowhere with no car.. trust me j would if. Could . But literally the closes town to me of any size is 19 miles

Here just so everyone know I live in stockdale Texas . Just look up it's placement

Where the fuck do you live that your rent is that high? My three bed two bath house is 800 a month and I got an acre

Where you live?
if amifag, join the army?

report your boss to police for witholding pay. they have to pay you unless you took vacation or earned bonuses that may be removed if you quit/get fired within so long. stay until cops come with eviction notice. make sure landlord cannot bar you out while you pawn w/e of value u can. landlord cannot physicaly remove you, so if she hires muscle to do so, file assault and get a free place to live. also worst comes to worstx comes to worst, comit a minor crime and go to jail.

I wish I was in your situation, I have a big house, a family, a very good job, but sometimes I wish I was just stripped down of everything and hiding in a closet naked, it would actually give me a challenge in my boring world.

You and everyone who pities you is fucking garbage
You walk around all day but there is no mind. You are a zombie.
You have a brains and are capable of anything. As far as you know it, your existence as a human is the Apex of evolution currently. You could do anything you want. Drop everything and run away. Work your ass off for money. Steal or Rob money. Your possibilities are endless but you do nothing but cry online about how you will lose everything. Well maybe you deserve to lose everything if you do nothing to protect it.

If you decide to kill yourself make sure to burn down your old workplace, or even better your bosses house first

Holy shit dude move to a dallas suburb. Rent is cheap in ellis county compared to shit. You have to live with niggers and spics but you only run into them in town if you live in the white neighborhood

It's an old oil town so rent hasnt come down yet and really it's not bad .. have a one bedroom with loft with interwebs and cable for 850 a month but they charge insane fees if late

A dismal task for man, you see:
To live a life of mediocrity.
Some are forced and others stumble.
It keeps us down and out and humble.

But things don't always go that way.
Things can change, or so they say.
And so it could, for you this day.
A man, of course, can earn his stay.

Sell your house quit your job and kick your wifes ass ti the curb user.

>And what kind of arrangemens should I make

it says make arrangements on that paper, tell them you will pay later meanwile get you paycheck from your kike boss or ask him to give you your job back or borrow some money. If can't fix your car and drive the fuck away from that shithole town to a bigger place.

I can't do it voluntarily, it is the same as taking my own life, I can not do it to myself. However I do need to take some risks to improve my situation even more, just trying to figure out exactly what.

No, its 3 day, pay or quit, and then the landlord can file a lawsuit through the court and have you evicted, this whole process can take 6 months or more. Provided the landlord hires an attorney and OP makes all court appearances, and he hires an attorney to contest the eviction.