So guys I've been thinking

So guys I've been thinking.
What happens when the outside lava on the sun solidifies like it has on earth?
Isn't it going to be dark all day and we will only have a bit of moonlight at night?

is math related to science?

Newton sort of told us about that.

Moonlight is sunlight reflected so we would not have that either.

Then how come it shines at night when the sun is turned around?

Damn I hope this is bait.

The sun magma glows in the dark you fagget. That's Solaristika 101.

Gr8 b8 m8

It's not lava stupid it's plasma.

> Thinking plasma is a real thing


then what is this fagit

Sun is a myth created by pro-western propaganda.

Sun magma was made up to scare regular people to pay CO2 tax.

Wake up sheeple!

If we shoot laser beams at the sun we can keep it warm so it will not cool down.

> "outside lava on the sun"

When the sun starts fusing iron it'll expand to the size of Earth's orbit, but humans will be long extinct before that's a problem.

that'll blow it up you retard

What is a plasma cutter?

If you light a candle and place it in the microwave you can observe plasma for yourself. It's pretty cool

I love how you're like hoping to get in a crop or something here when it's clearly the shittiest bait in the universe

This will create nerve gas.

Plasma is green and you can see it with your eyes behind welders goggles

I refuse to believe anybody is this stupid

I did too, until I saw your post. You are actually as stupid as that guy is pretending to be. Congrats, really.

I don't, ever hear of the Flat Earth Society?

Then tell me why we can't see the moon at daytime.

Just because the lava is cold doesn't mean it's no longer a sun. How the fuck do you think a sun made of ice works, retard?

So much stupidity in one post.

And you obviously don't know how to argue about it