Black women are perfect partners for white males: Fact
Black women are perfect partners for white males: Fact
moar OP
If you don't mind herpes, yeah.
As a white male I can say this Is a lie. Niggers can stay with niggers.
OP actually wants aids.
Not even niggers want niggers. Ratchet lot lizards deserve no one.
Lol you're real funny
oh yeh, dat ass, amirite
here you go, my black acquaintance
Maybe a transracial chick because trans means nothing in the real world
English ? I'm American fucker
How much are they nowadays ? Do you get a discount for buying in quantity ?
Every single one of you dolts would stutter like a little bitch at the chance to fuck Beyonce. You're not racists, you're babies. Grow up and fuck a cool, smart black girl everu once in a while. Cure your small minded bullshit in no time.
>smart black girl
Good luck finding one.
No wonder you have the speech of a savage then
If you're American, why are you speaking nigger?
They're everywhere. You just have to actually put in a little effort and not be a total basement dweller to meet them. You also need to be able to hold up your end of a conversation and see more than the fact that she's black and a girl. Make a human connection, then get you brains fucked out. Not hard to do, but impossible if you're still hung up on petty Sup Forums memes and race bullshit.
Surprisingly true.
Get the fuck out of here, Kanye.
when they lock in a white man they stay.
More white on black porn, you motherfuckers
Found one.
Well there are plenty of them to go around. I've seen surveys where guys were asked which ethnicity they prefer to date, and usually less than 10% would say they like black girls, even in the most racially balanced pools of surveyees.
I'm married to a black chick, and while for me it's all good...
Let me say now that you are going to end up, at some point, dealing with her fucked up ghetto extended family. And as liberal and understanding as I am that shit I have no use for nor want to deal with. Case in point: went to a cookout yesterday. It was a birthday party for her aunt and a 'getting out of jail after 10 years' party for her cousin. They all treated me very well, and I get along with pretty much anyone. But there are some trashy ass ghetto motherfuckers at this party which I (nor my wife for that matter) want anything to do with.
This is not to say I don't have my own inbred redneck cousins, which I have done my best to keep out of not only her life, but mine.
But all in all the sex is good, the relationship rocks and 10/10, would bang/marry a black chick again.
So it's not actually a big problem, just a nuisance whenever there are get-togethers?
Yeah, just know what you are getting into. These are not America's best and brightest. Many of them are hardworking people, have jobs and homes and everything else. But they were also mostly women and their kids. We men were outnumbered probably 3 or 4 to 1, and I was the only white guy.
There were a couple of the trashy loudmouth ghetto girls. Loud, but harmless. But there was a hot ass gothy black chick that if I were a younger man would have been all over.
As a somewhat nerdy white guy, these just weren't my people.
Can I get the saucerino on this?
Black women and Indian men are the most ugly in the world. Fact, as shown by singles websites.
Gtfo, I aint fucking no monkeys.
Coming from a guy who's fucked white, black, and mexican chicks so far, I can confirm there's no difference. Skin feels like skin.
some people, like OP seem to be into bestiality.
Im not, but OP, you be faggot you.
It's a well known fact that black pussy is for white cock.
my dick is too small for one
Change that to "Too small for some"
I'd say too small for a decent amount
How do you know that? Have you asked?
5.5 fag here. Been with plenty, no complaints.
That inch and a half changes everything
Do you want to give any reasons, or just end the argument with "Fact"?
4"? Sorry, man...
It's not as bad with asian girls but damn black girls get me going
I had yellow fever for a while, but hanging around southeast asians broke me of that shit. Vietnamese women are some of the shrillest bitches on the planet.
They're also just as spoiled as white chicks, if not more so, should they be attractive. It's a never-ending feeding game of being a clown and giving attention. Have to tell certain chicks, "I don't have enough to entertain you" because in all honesty, that's all they really want. A personal comedian.
Depends on the chick. Catch them after a kid, in their mid-twenties when their a little bit jaded and show some them extra attention. They will lap that shit up after being shit on too much by the 'playas'.
Unless of course you are talking about 10/10's, which are high maintenance in any realm.
YMMV, of course.