This girl thread
>she's fucking perfect prove me wrong
>pro tip
>you can't
This girl thread
good show and she was perfect
Yes correct
Agreed. I would let her infect me so we can live forever as a zombie couple.
Speaking of which, I'm shocked they finally outed the zombie thing for real. Interested to see where this goes now.
>Carl Sagan's face
>hairstyle is a combination of nasty unwashed and whole bottle of hairspray
>nose bridge is grotesque, like skeletal
3/10 crackwhore
>This girl
Literally who?
she's 3d
Her show is stupid though.
Oh my God bumping till the day I die. God made hell for the unspeakable things Id do to this beauty
I liked the show enough, couldn't make it past the end of the first season though.
Also was kind of pissed how she got Lowell killed.
her eyes are too close together
fuck you user
>she's a solid 4/10
She has the jawbone of a man
From one virgin to another, you're all virgins. Difference is, you're perma-virgins. :^)
I liked the show, but that black guy ruined it for me. I couldn't keep watching
I couldn't stop watching it, and it kept turning me on to no end. I knew for a long time I liked pale girls, then it hit me. She looks like a skinnier version of my ex with bleached hair. Drug addict bags, pale skin, round face, even has the same messed up teeth. She was fun, I miss fucking her, too much drugs, crazy and mostly too much asking me to bale her out of her own stupid.
agree 100%
Get in gear.
im not a virgin, i have just reached another plane of existence. at this moment, i am euphoric.
*tips fedora*
mfw your post, i only fuck 10s